O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and the oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith”
(1 Timothy 6:20–21, KJV).
So Called

Science “So Called”

by Dr. John C. Whitcomb on October 1, 2008

Answers Magazine

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). There’s one place we must start our quest for knowledge—God’s Word. Otherwise, we can easily be seduced by false ideas masquerading as truth.

The Apostle Paul had very high respect for his disciple Timothy and described him with affirming words to the church at Philippi.

Timothy, however, like all of us, was in constant danger of being drawn into, or at least deeply influenced by, some false ideas masquerading as truth. So Paul ended his first letter to Timothy with these words of warning: “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust [see 6:14], avoiding profane and vain babblings, and the oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith” (1 Timothy 6:20–21, KJV).

Now what did Paul mean by “science”? The Greek word gnosis means “knowledge” in a general sense, not in the technical sense we use the word “science” today. Greek expert W. E. Vine explains that “science in the modern sense of the word, viz, the investigation, discovery and classification of secondary laws, is unknown in Scripture.”1

But this verse’s application to historical sciences, such as the study of the origin of the universe (cosmogony) and the study of fossils (paleontology), is clear. Most contemporary scientists who discuss these foundational issues are immersed in “science [knowledge] falsely so called” because they exclude divine revelation about Creation, the Curse, and the Flood. They extrapolate presently observed processes into the distant past.

Refusing to believe that the Bible helps explain the stars and fossils we see today, they hold to uniformitarianism (the belief that present slow processes are sufficient to explain what happened in the past). By rejecting the one-time, unique events of Creation and the Flood, “they are willingly ignorant” of how the universe, the earth, plants, animals, and people came into existence, and how this world has been judged by our holy Creator (see 2 Peter 3:1–7).

The ultimate question we must answer is the same one Pontius Pilate asked Jesus: “What is truth?” (John 18:38). In reality, Pilate was not at all interested in Christ’s claim or His definition of truth.

Pilate’s attitude toward the truth continues to prevail. Paul’s warning about “science” 2,000 years ago is just as true today as it was then, and it applies to all misuses of truth. The modern belief in evolution is just the most flagrant example of mankind’s willful suppression of the truth (Romans 1:18). It is illogical for an atheist to deny that God created the world. If everything came from nothing by a mysterious combination of time and chance, then where did thinking and information come from? How can we exchange ideas and expect others to understand us and take us seriously?

Yet Richard Dawkins, one of the most well-known advocates of evolution and an eminent scientist at Oxford University, pontificates that Bible believers are the ones who are ignorant of the truth: “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).”2

The inherent contradictions in Dawkins’s claim were apparent to John C. Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. He responded to Dawkins’s argument, and his words are worth rereading:

I confess to finding it curious that those who claim that there is no such thing as truth expect me to believe that what they are saying is true! Perhaps I misunderstand them, but they seem to exempt themselves from their general rubric that there is no such thing as truth when they are either speaking to me or writing their books. They turn out to believe in truth after all. In any case, scientists have a clear stake in truth. Why, otherwise, would they bother to do science?”3

Knowledge that is based on ultimate truth, then, can only be provided by God the Creator, who knows everything and is the source of truth. Christ, the God-Man, said, “I am . . . the truth” (John 14:6). Note that He not only speaks truth; He is the truth! Thus, any claim to knowledge that contradicts what Christ said and what God’s Word says is false. Each one of us must therefore strive to be “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV).

Molecules-to-man evolution is “science [knowledge] falsely so called” because it contradicts biblical revelation about origins. As Romans 1:18–20 tells us: “The invisible things of [God] from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, . . . so that they are without excuse” (KJV).

The Apostle Paul offers some timeless advice to Christians living in a world saturated with false ideas that contradict the Bible: Let us be no longer “children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine [such as evolutionism], by the sleight of men,” but rededicate our hearts and minds to speak “the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:14–15, KJV).


Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, III, 326.

Put Your Money on Evolution,” The New York Times Review of Books, April 9, 1989, pp. 34–35. Quoted in John Lennox, God’s Undertaker (Oxford, England: Lion Hudson, 2007), p. 93.

Ibid., p. 13.


Natural News

When technology becomes religion and science becomes God

Saturday, October 17, 2015 by: Natural News Editors

(NaturalNews) Are we in love with how smart we are? In America today, there are technology companies that have a much larger "cult following" than any religious organization. And there are millions upon millions of Americans that freely confess that they "believe in science". So what does this say about us? Does it say that we have discarded ancient "superstitions" and instead have embraced logic and reason?

Sadly, in most cases the truth is that we have simply traded one form of religion for another. Scientists and technology gurus have become our new high priests, and most of us blindly follow whatever they tell us. But in the end, just like with so many religious organizations, it is all about the money. Those with the money determine what the science is going to say, who the high priests are going to be, and what messages are conveyed to the public. For example, once upon a time the big tobacco companies had armies of doctors and scientists that swore up and down that smoking cigarettes was not harmful. In fact, many doctors and dentists in America once personally endorsed specific brands of cigarettes. Of course millions of Americans were getting sick and dying, but this was dismissed as "anecdotal evidence". And over in Germany, "science" was once used to prove that the Germans were the master race.

We look back in horror now, but at the time the best "science" in the world was used as justification to promote some horrible untruths. And of course the same thing is happening today. We are told over and over that "the science is settled" regarding genetically-modified food, climate change and vaccine safety, and yet those of us that think for ourselves know that isn't the case at all. But if you do not believe in the "official story", you don't get to be part of the "scientific establishment". By definition, the only people that get to be "scientific experts" are the ones that embrace the "doctrine" of those that control the big corporations, that fund the research studies at the major universities and that own the big media outlets. Everyone else is not permitted to be part of the discussion. (Story by Michael Snyder, republished from EndOftheAmericanDream.com.)

As I have written about previously,[1] I spent eight years studying at public universities in the United States. And over time, I got to see where most "scientific truths" come from these days.

Most of the time, the theories that people believe are so "scientific" were simply pulled out of thin air. In other words, they were just the product of someone's overactive imagination. In recent decades, there have been countless examples of "existing science" being overturned and rewritten when more information and evidence become available. This is because the "existing science" did not have any foundation to begin with.

And yet we continue to make the same mistake today. Instead of calling them "theories", which is what they should do, scientists all over the world are so eager to make bold pronouncements about the wonderful new "discoveries" that they have made. These bold pronouncements are then repeated over and over and over again until they become "facts". But of course they are not facts at all.

For instance, at one time it was a "scientific fact" that it was perfectly safe to smoke cigarettes. The following comes from a recent article by Tony Cartalucci...[2]

It wasn't long ago when big-tobacco had armies of "scientists" citing the latest "studies" confirming the health benefits and safety of smoking. Of course these were paid liars, not scientists, even if many of them had PhDs. And it was lies they were telling, even if mixed with shades of science.

In case you are too young to remember those days, Cartalucci included the following compilation of old tobacco ads in his article...[2]

Even worse is how the Nazi used science.

To them, the "facts" of Darwinism proved that they were the master race...[2]

Hiding behind science is nothing new. Darwinists hid behind it to prop up their racism, which in fact inspired the Nazis to hide behind it to scientifically prove they were the "master race." The Nazis, in fact, loved science, and used it with horrible precision.

At any point in history, has "science" ever had all the answers?

Of course not.

And without a doubt, someday people will look back and mock all of us for how stupid we were.

But we never stop to consider that. Instead, we are all just so proud of ourselves and our accomplishments.

In fact, as I mentioned above, there are a lot of people out there that virtually worship technology these days. Just consider the following excerpt from a Los Angeles Times article entitled "How Steve Jobs and Apple turned technology into a religion"...[3]

Decades after Apple's founding, we've grown used to referring to lovers of the company's products as a "cult." The devotion of customers to Apple products has long been the envy of competitors for its fanatical fervor.

It turns out that the religious intensity with which people follow the company is not entirely by accident. In a new book, "Appletopia,"[4] author Brett Robinson examines the way that Steve Jobs drew on religious metaphors and iconography to elevate his products specifically, and technology more generally, into a kind of religion.

"The creative rhetoric around Apple's technology has favored religious metaphors," Robinson said in an interview. "Some of it is conscious on Apple's part. Some of it is unconscious."

But certainly this is less strange than what a lot of religious people do, right?

After all, there are millions upon millions of people out there that do some really strange things in the name of religion. For example, on the other side of the globe 400 men cut off their own testicles[5] in an attempt to get closer to God.

Many would say that our worship of science and technology is evidence that we have evolved beyond our ancestors. In fact, there are some "scientific minds" that are now proclaiming that science will one day eliminate belief in God altogether. For example, the following comes from an article entitled "Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?"[6]...

Over the past few centuries, science can be said to have gradually chipped away at the traditional grounds for believing in God. Much of what once seemed mysterious -- the existence of humanity, the life-bearing perfection of Earth, the workings of the universe -- can now be explained by biology, astronomy, physics and other domains of science.

Although cosmic mysteries remain, Sean Carroll, a theoretical cosmologist at the California Institute of Technology, says there's good reason to think science will ultimately arrive at a complete understanding of the universe that leaves no grounds for God whatsoever.

Carroll argues that God's sphere of influence has shrunk drastically in modern times, as physics and cosmology have expanded in their ability to explain the origin and evolution of the universe.[7] "As we learn more about the universe, there's less and less need to look outside it for help," he told Life's Little Mysteries.

Personally, I find this laughable.

Darwinists have been trying to move God out of the picture for decades, but they are fighting a losing battle. Over time, more and more evidence has come out that has shot the theory of evolution full of holes. For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled "44 Reasons Why Evolution Is Just A Fairy Tale For Adults".[8]

And as far as whether or not God exists, this is something that I have been investigating for many, many years. My legal training has taught me to think critically and to allow the evidence to speak for itself. Over time, I came to learn that there is a vast mountain of evidence that leads to one inescapable conclusion. In the end, the overwhelming conclusion that I reached was that God is very, very real.

So what do you think?

Does our society worship technology?

Has "science" become a god in America?


[1] http://endoftheamericandream.com

[2] http://localorg.blogspot.com

[3] http://articles.latimes.com

[4] http://www.amazon.com

[5] http://www.mirror.co.uk

[6] http://www.livescience.com

[7] http://www.space.com

[8] http://thetruthwins.com



Scientists claim they can change your belief on immigrants and God – with MAGNETS

ATTITUDES towards God and immigrants can be changed by beaming magnetic waves into the brain, scientists have claimed.


PUBLISHED: 10:47, Thu, Oct 15, 2015 | UPDATED: 11:09, Thu, Oct 15, 2015

Attitudes towards God and immigrants can be changed by beaming magnetic waves into the brain GETTY

A bizarre experiment claims to be able to make Christians no longer believe in God and make Britons open their arms to migrants in experiments some may find a threat to their values.

Scientists looked at how the brain resolves abstract ideological problems.

Using a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), researchers safely shut down certain groups of neurones in the brains of volunteers.

TMS, which is used to treat depression, involves placing a large electromagnetic coil against the scalp which creates electric currents that stimulate nerve cells in the region of the brain involved in mood control.

Researchers found the technique radically altered religious perceptions and prejudice.

Belief in God was reduced almost by a third, while participants became 28.5 per cent less bothered by immigration numbers.

Dr Keise Izuma, from the University of York, said: "People often turn to ideology when they are confronted by problems.

"We wanted to find out whether a brain region that is linked with solving concrete problems, like deciding how to move one's body to overcome an obstacle, is also involved in solving abstract problems addressed by ideology."

The scientists targeted the posterior medial frontal cortex, a brain region a few inches up from the forehead that is associated with detecting and responding to problems.

Researchers found the technique radically altered religious perceptions and prejudice GETTY

Volunteers were asked to rate their belief in God, heaven, the devil, and hell after undergoing pre-screening to ensure that they held religious convictions.

Dr Izuma said: "We decided to remind people of death because previous research has shown that people turn to religion for comfort in the face of death.

"As expected, we found that when we experimentally turned down the posterior medial frontal cortex, people were less inclined to reach for comforting religious ideas despite having been reminded of death."

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The American participants were also shown two essays written by newly arrived immigrants - one highly complimentary of the US and the other extremely critical.

Dr Izuma said: "When we disrupted the brain region that usually helps detect and respond to threats, we saw a less negative, less ideologically motivated reaction to the critical author and his opinions."

The research, published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, suggests our brains use the same basic mental pathways to solve practical problems such as following directions or ideological issues such as immigration and religion.

Lead author Dr Colin Holbrook, form the the University of California at Los Angeles, said: "These findings are very striking, and consistent with the idea that brain mechanisms that evolved for relatively basic threat-response functions are re-purposed to also produce ideological reactions."

(Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. Revelation 7:3 and 9:4)



God have mercy on currency’: Zambia holds national prayer day to hold Kwacha from record drop

Published time: 18 Oct, 2015 21:16

Thousands of Zambians rally to pray against the depreciation of the country’s currency and economic crisis at the Show grounds in the capital city Lusaka on October 18, 2015 © Salim Dawood

Sunday saw a nationwide day of prayer in Zambia as president Edgar Lungu called for a divine intervention to save the African country’s currency, Kwacha, from a record drop.

All football matches in the country were called off, with bars and restaurants forbidden from accepting clients for most of the day on Sunday.

The president’s call for a national day of prayer and fasting gained a wide support from Zambia’s churches, which conducted prayers all across the country for the mostly Christian population of 15 million people.

The authorities turned to God after the country’s economy experienced a host of problems, which caused the national currency, the Kwacha, to plummet against the dollar by a record 45 percent in 2015.

Zambia’s main source of income, copper exports, suffered this year due to a global drop in commodity prices. While the lack of rain affected the output of hydropower plants, causing electricity cuts for up to 14 hours a day across the country.

“Anxiety and distress prevail throughout the land,” president Lungu said as he announced the day of prayer and fasting in September.

"I personally believe that since we humbled ourselves and cried out to God, the Lord has heard our cry," Lungu said in an address on Sunday. "I appeal to all of you to do your best and leave the rest to God."

Lungu was expected to participate in five-hour open-air prayer session together with top religious and political officials in the capital of Lusaka on Sunday.

"God is a god of miracles and if we ask him, he will bless us and the kwacha shall be restored to its former strength and the prices of goods shall again go down," Bishop Simon Chihana, president of the International Fellowship of Christian Churches in Zambia, told AFP.

"Let's pray to God to have mercy on us. God has done that before and he can do it again," Chihana said.

Earlier this week, Zambia's labor minister, Fackson Shamenda, explained to local newspaper The Post that the government is asking for God’s intervention because: "in our own wisdom, we have failed to do things.”

However, not everyone in the country agrees that praying is the right solution for economic problems.

A major Zambian tribal leader, Chief Ntambu, has called Lungu and his government “idiots” and wondered “Is it God who caused those sufferings for you to go back to him and say, 'No you have done this and that and we want you to reverse your decision?”

Managing director at Sub-Saharan Consulting Group Zambia, Trevor Simumba, also urged the authorities to face reality instead of relying on higher power.

“No matter how many prayers you make it doesn’t change the fact that you have a fiscal deficit and you’re not doing anything to reduce that fiscal deficit. We know God can do miracles, but He cannot change things that are facts on the ground,” Simumba told Bloomberg.



US State Department unclear on Israeli intentions for Temple Mount

Kerry tells PM to hold status quo 'in word and in deed.'

The Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem . (photo credit:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

WASHINGTON -- US officials on Tuesday declined to take sides in a debate over Israel's true policy and intentions regarding the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif), a point of tension exacerbating conflict on the ground between Israelis and Palestinians.

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly blamed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for inciting Palestinians to violence, while Abbas claims that Netanyahu seeks to change status quo arrangements on the holy site, where non-Muslims are not allowed to formally pray.

Netanyahu has repeatedly called that accusation a "gross" and "dangerous lie." But pressed on the matter, State Department officials echoed Abbas' concerns, suggesting they believe Israel's policy leaves open the possibility of change at the site.

Detailing a Saturday call by US Secretary of State John Kerry, deputy State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the secretary told Netanyahu to uphold the site's historic status quo "in word and in deed." And asked what Israel should be doing to reduce tensions, Toner replied: "For one thing, upholding the status quo on Haram al-Sharif–Temple Mount."

He declined to attribute blame for the crisis to one side or another, and said that Kerry's call against incitement was intended for both leaders.

"Both sides need to decrease tensions," Toner said.

The violence has taken various forms. Palestinian perpetrators have conducted stabbings, shootings and vehicular attacks against Israeli children, adult civilians and police forces, while Palestinian deaths have reportedly been at the hands of the IDF, with one incident last week characterized as a reprisal attack by an Israeli Jew against Israeli Arabs.

Israel's security cabinet met on Tuesday afternoon to consider a host of preemptive and punitive actions, hoping to implement effective security measures without making matters worse. Netanyahu has proposed restricting Palestinian access to specific neighborhoods that have, in the last two weeks, been at particularly high risk of attack.

Questioned on the proposal, Toner said: "We'd hope that any such measures would be temporary."

Meanwhile, Britain's minister for the Middle East, Tobias Ellwood, issued a statement saying that Britain remained "extremely concerned by the violence that we have seen across Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories so far this month."

Twin attacks in Jerusalem on Tuesday morning took the lives of three Israelis, and wounded over 20 others.

The statement condemned Tuesday's attacks that led to the death of three Israelis, as well as other attacks that "have left multiple innocent civilians wounded."

Since October 1, seven Israelis have been killed and dozens more have been injured in 26 separate attacks across Israel and the Palestinian territories. According to Palestinian reports, 27 Palestinians– including nine alleged attackers– have also died.

Herb Keinon contributed to this report.




3rd holiest site in Judaism set ablaze, severe damage reported

Published: October 16, 2015


Joseph’s Tomb set ablaze Oct. 16 by Palestinians (Israeli military photo)

TEL AVIV – Hundreds of Palestinian youth set fire on Friday to the Joseph’s Tomb complex, causing severe damage to the revered burial place.

Joseph’s Tomb, considered Judaism’s third holiest site, is the presumed burial place of the son of biblical Jacob, who was sold by his brothers into slavery and later became viceroy of Egypt.

Hundreds of young Palestinians surrounded the site and threw Molotov cocktails and other flammable objects at the tomb complex.

The attack comes amid a so-called wave of Palestinian terror fueled in large part by false rumors of a “Jewish threat” to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, considered Islam’s third holiest mosque. The mosque is located on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s most revered site.

According to local reports, Palestinian security forces intervened after the Palestinians started to break into the Joseph’s Tomb complex and began throwing firebombs inside the site.

Palestinian police took control by firing into the air to disperse the protesters. There were no reports of any arrests.

The Israel Defense Forces said it will make the necessary repairs to allow worshipers to visit the holy site.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, IDF spokesman to the foreign media, told WND in a statement: “The burning and desecration of Joseph’s tomb last night is a blatant violation and contradiction of the basic value of freedom of worship.”

Lerner said the IDF “will take all measures to bring the perpetrators of this despicable act to justice, restore the site to its previous condition and ensure that the freedom of worship returns to Joseph’s Tomb.”

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who himself has been making statements supporting fictitious claims of a Jewish threat to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, denounced the Joseph’s Tomb arson as “irresponsible.”

Knesset Member Avigdor Lieberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, compared the Palestinians’ torching of Joseph’s Tomb to acts of desecration and vandalism by ISIS.

“Setting fire to the tomb proves that the Palestinian Authority’s behavior is no different than ISIS: Young Palestinians took machetes and knives to kill Jews, and now they’re burning holy places and historical heritage sites, just as members of ISIS do,” he said.

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel said the Joseph’s Tomb arson “is the result of Palestinian incitement.”

“While the Palestinians are lying through their teeth about the status quo on Temple Mount as a means to change it, they themselves are burning and desecrating the holy places of Israel,” he said.

“That is unforgivable.”

Joseph’s Tomb is located outside of Nablus, the biblical city of Shechem.

It is not the first time the Palestinians have attacked the tomb.

Under the 1993 Oslo Accords, which granted nearby strategic territory to the Palestinians, Joseph’s Tomb was supposed to be accessible to Jews and Christians. But following repeated attacks against Jewish worshipers at the holy site by gunmen associated with militias of then-Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak in October 2000 ordered an Israeli unilateral retreat from the area.

Within less than an hour of the Israeli retreat, Palestinian rioters overtook Joseph’s Tomb and began to ransack the site. Palestinian mobs tore apart books, destroying prayer stands and grinding out stone carvings in the Tomb’s interior. A Muslim flag was hoisted over the tomb.

Israel first gained control of Nablus and the neighboring site of Joseph’s Tomb in the 1967 Six-Day War. The Oslo Accords agreed to by Arafat and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin called for the area surrounding the tomb to be placed under Palestinian jurisdiction but open to continued Jewish visits to the site and the construction of an Israeli military outpost at the tomb to ensure secure Jewish access.

Following the transfer of control of Nablus and the general area encompassing the tomb to the Palestinians in the early 1990s, there were a series of outbreaks of violence in which Arab rioters and gunmen from Arafat’s Fatah militias shot at Jewish worshipers and the tomb’s military outpost.

Six Israeli soldiers were killed, and many others, including yeshiva students, were wounded in September 1996 when Palestinian rioters and Fatah gunmen attempted to overtake the tomb. Eventually, Israeli soldiers regained control of the site.

The Palestinians continued to attack Joseph’s Tomb with regular shootings and the lobbing of firebombs and Molotov cocktails. Security for Jews at the site increasingly became more difficult to maintain. Rumors circulated in 2000 that Barak would evacuate the Israeli military outpost and give the tomb to Arafat as a “peacemaking gesture.”

In early 2000, the Israeli army began denying Jewish visits to the tomb on certain days due to prospects of Arab violence. Following U.S.-mediated peace talks at Camp David in September 2000, Arafat returned to the West Bank and initiated his intifada. During one bloody week in October 2000, Fatah gunmen attacked the tomb repeatedly, killing two and injuring dozens, prompting Barak to order a complete evacuation in Oct. 6, 2000.

In recent years, the IDF began providing protection for monthly Jewish visits to the site.



Hamas Asks Russia to Help Stop Israeli 'Aggression'

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal (L) and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov shake hands as they meet in Moscow, Feb. 27, 2007. Photo: Reuters

Published 17 October 2015

The Hamas movement's leader, Khaled Mesha, spoke with the Russia’s deputy foreign minister, who promised to do his best for the Palestinians.

The Palestinian Islamic Movement Hamas on Saturday called for Russian intervention to stop Israeli “aggression” against Palestinians, a request that comes after weeks of violence in the West Bank during which Israeli security forces have killed dozens of Palestinians and injured hundreds more.

According to a statement on the group's website, Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal spoke with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov Saturday evening.

Meshal told Bogdanov that the continuing Israeli occupation and atrocities committed by the Israeli army and Jewish settlers against the Palestinian people were behind the “explosion” of anger and the “uprising” by the Palestinians.

The leader of Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group currently running affairs in the Gaza Strip, asked Russia to use its global influence as a world power in order to demand Israel stop the aggression against “our people and our holy sites.”

According to the statement, Bogdanov expressed discontent over what is happneing and promised that Moscow would do its best.

That statement comes amid increasingly warm ties between Israel and Russia. The two countries recently conducted a joint training session in order to avoid potential conflicts over Russia’s intervention in Syria, which Israel supports.

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar said in a sermon at the al-Katiba Mosque in Gaza on Saturday that "the intifada has begun and we don’t know when it will end."

“The intifada has brought the Palestinian issue back to the center of attention," he asserted.

Earlier on Saturday, three more shootings took place in the West Bank city of Hebron, where about 500 Jewish settlers live in a heavily guarded enclave in the city center. They are surrounded by nearly 200,000 Palestinians.

In the first Hebron incident, a Palestinian tried to stab a settler before his intended victim, who was unharmed, shot him dead, according to the Israeli army. Witnesses, however, disputed that account.

A video, released by Youth Against Settlements coalition, showed a young man wearing a Jewish kippa, or cap, brandishing a pistol as shots rang out before Israeli soldiers moved in to pull him away from a body lying on the ground. The Electronic Intifada reported that at the 12 second-mark of the video, a soldier gives an object to another soldier, who appears to place it near the body.


Hitler & The Mufti - The Official Transcript (November 28, 1941)

Gilad Atzmon

October 22, 2015

The following is the official record of the conversation between Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini in Berlin. You may note that while the Leader of National Socialist Germany seems to be committed to the battle against world Jewry, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is only concerned with Arab and Palestinian's interests as one would expect him to be. In the entire text there is not a single reference to 'Jew burning' as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu suggested yesterday.

The Grand Mufti began by thanking the Fuhrer for the great honor he had bestowed by receiving him. He wished to seize the opportunity to convey to the Fuhrer of the Greater German Reich, admired by the entireArab world, his thanks for the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially the Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear espressos in his public speeches. The Arab countries were firmly convinced that Germany would win the war and that the Arab cause would then prosper: The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely the English, the Jews, and the Communists. They were therefore prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in the war, not only negatively by the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of an Arab Legion. The Arabs could he more useful to Germany as allies than might he apparent at first glance, both for geographical reasons and because of the suffering inflicted upon them by the English and the Jews. Furthermore, they had had close relations with all Moslem nations, of which they could make use in behalf of the common cause. The Arab Legion would he quite easy to raise. An appeal by the Mufti to the Arab countries and the prisoners of Arab, Algerian,Tunisian, and Moroccan nationality in Germany would produce a great number of volunteers eager to fight. Of Germany's victory the Arab world was firmly convinced, not only because the Reich possessed a large army, brave soldiers, and military leaders of genius, but also because the Almighty could never award the victory to an unjust cause.

In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and unity of Palestine, Syria and Iraq. They had the fullest confidence in the Fuhrer and looked to his hand for the balm on their wounds which had been inflicted upon them by the enemies of Germany.

The Mufti then mentioned the letter he had received from Germany, which stated that Germany was holding no Arab territories and understood and recognized the aspirations to independence and freedom of the Arabs, just as she supported the elimination of the Jewish national home.

A public declaration in this sense would be very useful for its propagandistic effect on the Arab peoples at this moment. It would rouse the Arabs from their momentary lethargy and give them new courage. It would also ease the Mufti's work of secretly organizing the Arabs against the moment when they could strike. At the same time, he could give the assurance that the Arabs would in strict discipline patiently wait for the right moment and only strike upon an order from Berlin.

With regard to the events in Iraq, the Mufti observed that the Arabs in that country certainly had by no means been incited by Germany to attack England, but solely had acted in reaction to a direct English assault upon their honor.

The Turks, he believed, would welcome the establishment of' an Arab government in the neighboring territories because they would prefer weaker Arab to strong European governments in the neighboring countries, and, being themselves a nation of 7 million, they had moreover nothing to fear from the 1.700,000 Arabs inhabiting Syria. Transjordan, Iraq. and Palestine.

France likewise would have no objections to the unification plan because she had conceded independence to Syria as early as 1936 and had given her approval to the unification of Iraq and Syria under King Faisal as early as 1933.

In these circumstances he was renewing his request that the Fuhrer make a public declaration so that the Arabs would not lose hope, which is so powerful a force in the life of nations. With such hope in their hearts the Arabs, as lie had said, were willing to wait. They were not pressing for immediate realization of their aspirations: they could easily wait half a year or a whole year. But if they were not inspired with such a hope by a declaration of this sort, it could be expected that the English would be the gainers from it.

The Fuhrer replied that Germany's fundamental attitude on these questions, as the Mufti himself had already stated. was clear. Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine. which was nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests. Germany was also aware that the assertion that the Jews were carrying out the function of economic pioneers in Palestine was a lie. The work there was done only by the Arabs, not by the Jews. Germany was resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well.

Germany was at the present time engaged in a life and death struggle with two citadels of Jewish power: Great Britain and Soviet Russia. Theoretically there was a difference between England's capitalism and Soviet Russia's communism: actually, however, the Jews in both countries were pursuing a common goal. This was the decisive struggle: on the political plane, it presented itself in the main as a conflict between Germany and England, but ideologically it was a battle between National Socialism and the Jews. It went without saying that Germany would furnish positive and practical aid to the Arabs involved in the same struggle, because platonic promises were useless in a war for survival or destruction in which the Jews were able to mobilize all of England's power for their ends.

The aid to the Arabs would have to be material aid. Of how little help sympathies alone were in such a battle had been demonstrated plainly by the operation in Iraq, where circumstances had not permitted the rendering of really effective, practical aid. In spite of all the sympathies. German aid had not been sufficient and Iraq was overcome by the power of Britain, that is, the guardian of the Jews.

The Mufti could not but he aware, however. that the outcome of the struggle going on at present would also decide the fate of the Arab world. The Fuhrer therefore had to think and speak coolly and deliberately, as a rational man and primarily as a soldier, as the leader of the German and allied armies. Everything of a nature to help in this titanic battle for the common cause, and thus also for the Arabs. would have to he done. Anything, however, that might contribute to weakening the military situation must be put aside, no matter how unpopular this move might be.

Germany was now engaged in a very severe battles to force the gateway to the northern Caucasus region. The difficulties were mainly with regard to maintaining the supply. Which was most difficult as a result of the destruction of railroads and highways as well as of the oncoming winter. If at such a moment, the Fuhrer were to raise the problem of Syria in a declaration, those elements in France which were under de Gaulle's influence would receive new strength. They would interpret the Fuhrer's declaration as an intention to break up France's colonial empire and appeal to their fellow countrymen that they should rather make common cause with the English to try to save what still could be saved. A German declaration regarding Syria would in France he understood to refer to the French colonies in general, and that would at the present time create new troubles in western Europe, which means that a portion of the German armed forces would be immobilized in the west and no longer he available for the campaign in the east.

The Fuhrer then made the following statement to the Mufti. enjoining him to lock it in the uttermost depths of his heart:

1. He (the Fuhrer) would carry on the battle to the total destruction of the Judeo-Communist empire in Europe.

2. At some moment which was impossible to set exactly today but which in any event was not distant, the German armies would in the course of this struggle reach the southern exit from Caucasia.

3. As soon as this had happened, the Fuhrer would on his own give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany's objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power. In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. It would then be his task to set off the Arab operations which he had secretly prepared. When that time had come. Germany could also he indifferent to French reaction to such a declaration.

Once Germany had forced open the road to Iran and Iraq through Rostov, it would he also the beginning of the end of the British world empire. He (the Fuhrer) hoped that the coming year would make it possible for Germany to thrust open the Caucasian gate to the Middle East. For the good of their common cause. it would he better if the Arab proclamation were put off for a few more months than if Germany were to create difficulties for herself without being able thereby to help the Arabs.

He (the Fuhrer) fully appreciated the eagerness of the Arabs for a public declaration of the sort requested by the Grand Mufti. But he would beg him to consider that he (the Fuhrer) himself was the Chief of State of the German Reich for five long years during which he was unable to make to his own homeland the announcement of its liberation. He had to wait with that until the announcement could be made on the basis of a situation brought about by the force of arms that the Anschluss had been carried out.

The moment that Germany's tank divisions and air squadrons had made their appearance south of the Caucasus, the public appeal requested by the Grand Mufti could go out to the Arab world.

The Grand Mufti replied that it was his view that everything would come to pass just as the Fiihrer had indicated. He was fully reassured and satisfied by the words which he had heard from the Chief of the German State. He asked, however, whether it would not be possible. secretly at least, to enter into an agreement with Germany of the kind he had just outlined for the Fuhrer.

The Fuhrer replied that he had just now given the Grand Mufti precisely that confidential declaration.

The Grand Mufti thanked him for it and stated in conclusion that he was taking his leave from the Fuhrer in full confidence and with reiterated thanks for the interest shown in the Arab cause.

Source: Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, ed, The Israel-Arab Reader, (New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2001)


The Washington Post

Amid Russian airstrikes, a Putin craze takes hold in Mideast

In this Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 photo provided on Monday, Oct. 12, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin give an interview focused on Russia’s action in Syria, to Russian TV Rossya-1 channel in Sochi, Russia. (Alexei Nikolsky/RIA-Novosti, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) (Associated Press)

By Zeina Karam and Vivian Salama | AP October 12

BEIRUT — Amid the ornate walls of Damascus’ famed Omayyad Mosque, preacher Maamoun Rahmeh stood before worshippers last week, declaring Russian President Vladimir Putin a “giant and beloved leader” who has “destroyed the myth of the self-aggrandizing America.”

Posters of Putin are popping up on cars and billboards elsewhere in parts of Syria and Iraq, praising the Russian military intervention in Syria as one that will redress the balance of power in the region.

The Russian leader is winning accolades from many in Iraq and Syria, who see Russian airstrikes in Syria as a turning point after more than a year of largely ineffectual efforts by the U.S.-led coalition to dislodge the Islamic State militants who have occupied significant parts of the two countries.

The reactions underscore that while the West may criticize Putin for supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad, there is some relief in the region at the emergence of a player with a coherent — if controversial — strategy.

“Putin does more than just speak,” said Sohban Elewi of Damascus, summing up the views of Syrians on opposing camps who regard U.S. policy in Syria and Iraq as fumbled and confused.

Russia began its air campaign in Syria on Sept. 30, joining the fray of those bombing Syria at a critical time for Assad and his embattled troops. The Syrian army’s loss of the northern province of Idlib opened the way for rebels to come dangerously close to the coastal Alawite heartland, leaving his soldiers there vulnerable and dejected.

Russia insists it is targeting the Islamic State group and other “terrorists.” But Syrian rebels and opposition activists say Moscow’s warplanes in recent days have focused on Idlib and the central province of Hama, hitting U.S.-backed rebels in areas with no IS militants.

The planes also have provided air cover for Syrian ground troops who launched an offensive in central Syria, reinforcing the belief that Russia’s main aim is to shore up Assad’s forces.

In addition to the warplanes taking off from a base in Latakia, Russian ships in the Caspian Sea have fired cruise missiles that fly nearly 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) over Iran and Iraq to strike Raqqa and Aleppo provinces, in what many see as a show of force meant to portray muscle more than serve a specific military goal.

Among Assad’s war-weary and frustrated supporters, such elaborate displays of support provide a much-needed psychological boost, and have injected new hope that their flailing battle against rebel factions and the Islamic State group can still be won.

“The (Russian) intervention has raised the morale of the Syrian army and the Syrian people alike,” said Dr. Samir Haddad from the central city of Homs.

“President Putin has a distinguished personality and charisma, and it has become clear that world leaders have gradually started approving, openly or secretly, of this intervention,” he said.

In Iraq, where the U.S.-led war against IS has stalled, many say they want Russian airstrikes against IS to extend to their country.

Buried between paintings of Baghdad architecture, mosques and landscapes, some art shops in Baghdad have begun selling portraits of Putin, a tribute to his intervention in what Iraqis see as the new military front against IS.

“Russia does not play games. They are problem solvers, and they do it quietly and efficiently, not like the Americans who prefer to do everything in front of the cameras,” said Hussein Karim, a 21-year-old medical student from Baghdad.

In one cartoon widely distributed among Iraqis on Facebook and Twitter, U.S. President Barack Obama is dressed as a Sunni sheikh, while Putin as a Shiite imam, suggesting the two are taking sides.

Another cartoon shows a bare-chested Putin holding IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by the collar of his jalabaya, looking very intimidating. He says to al-Baghdadi: “Where do you think you’re going? I’ll flatten you like flour,” a popular Iraqi expression.

Al-Baghdadi, holding a cellphone, shouts: “Obama, save me!”

Most of the cartoons portray Putin as muscular — a perception that echoes the one at home in Russia, where he has cultivated an image as a man of action.

In addition to conducting his official duties, he often is shown on Russian TV doing such activities as playing ice hockey — as he did last week on his 63rd birthday — or climbing into a submersible to explore the sea.

T-shirts with his image are sold at shopping malls, souvenir stores and even from vending machines in Moscow airports. Some depict him looking tough in dark sunglasses, while others show him riding a horse to the words from a pop song: “They are not going to get us.”

The military intervention in Syria is viewed by many as a sign of shifting alliances in the region as Russia takes a greater role in the fight against IS.

Russia has had strong ties with the Mideast for years. The fascination with Putin is driven largely by a longstanding suspicion of the West and anger about decades of U.S. intervention in the region that many say has led to more wars and sectarianism. Many hope a stronger Russia would lead to a more balanced approach.

Iraq’s prime minister said last month that his government also entered a joint intelligence sharing agreement with Russia, Iran and Syria, opening an operations center in the heart of Baghdad.

In Egypt, Russian flags and posters of Putin’s face hung across Cairo during his visit in February. At the time, the state-run Al Ahram newspaper profiled him, with photos showing Putin shirtless and holding various weapons, headlined, “A hero of our times.”

His appeal has extended to Lebanon, where some demonstrators — Christian allies of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah group — wore T-shirts bearing Putin’s face at a protest Sunday calling for Lebanese presidential elections.

“Putin considers the Syrian crisis an excellent opportunity to erode America’s standing in the region,” said Ghassan Charbel, editor of the London-based Arabic daily newspaper Al Hayat.

In a front-page editorial Monday, he warned that while Syria presents Moscow with an opportunity to exact revenge from the West, it may transform quickly into an Afghanistan-like quagmire that threatens to erode Putin’s image as a “czar.”

But the Russian airstrikes also have drawn the ire of rebels in Syria who have formed a joint operations room to fight the new foe.

At a recent demonstration in the northern city of Idlib, armed rebels set fire to a Russian flag. “We will trample on your heads,” read one banner, addressing the Russians.



Did parallel universe open up? Hundreds see 'floating city' filmed in skies above China

CHINESE TV news reports have told how thousands of residents in TWO areas reported separately seeing a huge city form in the skies.


PUBLISHED: 05:07, Sat, Oct 17, 2015 | UPDATED: 15:49, Sat, Oct 17, 2015

The "City in the sky" and (inset) close up

Onlookers, some who are said to have videoed the bizarre event, were said to be mesmerised as a towering city of sky scrapers appeared from the clouds.

First thousands reportedly saw a ghostly alien city floating over Foshan in the Guangdong province of China.

A few days later people in the province of Jiangxi, China, also reported seeing a similar cloud city.

Thousands of people were said to be stunned by the apparition

Weather experts have explained the phenomena as natural mirage, an optical illusion called Fata Morgana.

Fata Morgana can be seen on land or sea and involves the optical distortion and inversion of distant objects such as boats, which can appears as skyscrapers because the images become stacked, when rays of light bend as they pass through air of different temperatures such as in a heat haze.

But the mystery has sent conspiracy theorists into over drive.

A similar, if not more detailed, phantom city seen over China in 2011

It is also possible, considering China's technological achievements that a top secret holographic technology was tested over a heavily populated area in an effort to gauge the public reaction.

Paranormal Crucible video

There were previous reports of a similar sighting in China in 2011.

YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible said in a video report: "The footage captured by a local resident appears to show a huge city floating in the clouds.

"The apparition, which was witnessed by hundreds of shocked residents, only lasted a few minutes before completely disappearing."

The channel speculated it could be "the result of a project blue beam test."

Project Blue Beam is a prolific conspiracy theory which believes NASA will one day simulate an alien invasion of Earth or second coming of Christ through holograms.

The story was so strange in made Chinese TV news channels

Serge Monast, a conspiracist from Quebecois, first predicted in the 1980s it would happen by 1983, 1996 and then 2000.

One online poster noted: "Notice the group of buildings is repeated three times? If it isn’t someone making it on their computer, it seriously could be project blue beam."

The Paranormal Crucible video added: "But added: "Or a temporal vortex, a possible parallel universe material briefly into our own reality."

"It is also possible, considering China's technological achievements that a top secret holographic technology was tested over a heavily populated area in an effort to gauge the public reaction."


Great Deception Begins This December As Network TV “Prepares The World” For Arrival Of Those Alien Evangelists With Leathery Wings, Little Horns, And Barbed Tails That Tom Horn & Cris Putnam Warned About In “Exo-Vaticana”

October 22, 2015

by SkyWatch Editor

CHILDHOOD'S END Trailer | The Golden Age - Coming In December 2015 | Syfy

Arthur C. Clarke’s “Childhood’s End” Comes To TV December, 2015. So What? Read The Excerpt Below From “Exo-Vaticana” To Understand.

During his life, Sir Arthur C. Clarke (1917–2008) was a famous science-fiction author, inventor, futurist, and television commentator who, together with Robert A. Heinlein and Isaac Asimov, was considered to be one of the “Big Three” of science fiction. Clarke in particular had an uncanny knack at foreseeing the future. As an example, modern video games were unheard of in 1956 and virtual reality games had not even been imagined. That is, until Clarke wrote about them in The City and the Stars:

Of all the thousands of forms of recreation in the city, these were the most popular. When you entered a saga, you were not merely a passive observer.… You were an active participant and possessed—or seemed to possess—free will. The events and scenes which were the raw material of your adventures might have been prepared beforehand by forgotten artists, but there was enough flexibility to allow for wide variation. You could go into these phantom worlds with your friends, seeking the excitement that did not exist in Diaspar—and as long as the dream lasted there was no way in which it could be distinguished from reality.[i]

Or who could have believed in 1968 that the “newspad” technology set in 2001 would be realized nine years late as the iPad in 2010? Yet Clarke in his novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey, clearly described the technology:

When he tired of official reports and memoranda and minutes, he would plug his foolscap-sized Newspad into the ship’s information circuit and scan the latest reports from Earth. One by one he would conjure up the world’s major electronic papers; he knew the codes of the more important ones by heart, and had no need to consult the list on the back of his pad. Switching to the display unit’s short-term memory, he would hold the front page while he quickly searched the headlines and noted the items that interested him.[ii]

Unfortunately, that Clarke showed such remarkable prescience may hold important (and frightening) realities for our investigation, too. This is because in the sci-fi seer’s classic, Childhood’s End (1953) (get the pdf of Childhood’s End FREE with Exo-Vaticana, from which this excerpt is derived), giant silver spaceships appear in the future over every major city on Earth. After the dust settles, the peaceful yet mysterious “Overlords” inside them help form a world government, which ends all war and turns the planet into a utopia. Oddly, only a select few people get to see the Overlords, and their purpose for coming to Earth remains shrouded as they dodge questions for years, preferring to remain in their spacecraft, governing by proxy. Overlord Karellen, the “Supervisor for Earth,” (an alien god) speaks directly only to the UN Secretary-General. Karellen tells him that the Overlords will reveal themselves in fifty years, when humanity will have become used to (and dependent on) their presence. When the revealing finally takes place, at Karellen’s request, two children run into the ship as the crowd below finally gets a glimpse of what the aliens look like. Clarke writes:

There was no mistake. The leathery wings, the little horns, the barbed tail—all were there. The most terrible of all legends had come to life, out of the unknown past. Yet now it stood smiling, in ebon majesty, with the sunlight gleaming upon its tremendous body, and with a human child resting trustfully on either arm.[iii]

According to the narrative, the revelation that these beings—historically known as the devil and his angels—were in fact always our benefactors does not lead to chaos but rather to technological and spiritual utopia, quickly resulting in the dissolution of all previously existing religions. The world celebrates as people are described as having overcome their prejudices against the devilish sight of Karellen, or, as he had been known in the Bible, Satan.

Here was a revelation which no-one could doubt or deny: here, seen by some unknown magic of Overlord science, were the true beginnings of all the world’s great faiths. Most of them were noble and inspiring—but that was not enough. Within a few days, all mankind’s multitudinous messiahs had lost their divinity. Beneath the fierce and passionless light of truth, faiths that had sustained millions for twice a thousand years vanished like morning dew.[iv]

As the story continues, the children on Earth—set free from outdated Abrahamic religions such as Christianity—begin displaying powerful psychic abilities, foreshadowing their evolution into a cosmic consciousness, a transcendent form of life. Indeed, this is the end of the human species as it was known as everyone merges into a cosmic intelligence called the Overmind.

In “Childhood’s End” the world “learns” that the entity historically known as “Satan” is actually mankind’s savior, while Yahweh / Jehovah of the Bible is an evil, fictitious character.

Those familiar with eastern religions will recognize Clarke’s narrative as a clever ET version of pantheistic monism (the view that there is only one kind of ultimate substance). Overmind is quite similar to the Hindu concept of Brahman, and given that Atman is, simply stated, the concept of self, the Hindu doctrine “Atman is Brahman” is roughly equivalent to absorption into the Overmind. Similarly, Buddhism advocates the dissolution of the self into Nirvana. In fact, nearly all New Age, spiritualist, and occult traditions have comparable monistic dogma. Some shroud this doctrine of deceit in terms like “Christ Consciousness,” giving it a more appealing veneer, but Jacques Vallée recorded interesting examples of such twisted ET theology, replacing biblical prophecy with the Overmind. One contactee told Vallée:

I was told that I was to come out at this time with this information because mankind was going to go through the collective Christ experience of worshipping UFOs and receiving information. It would help mankind balance its political focus. You see the interesting thing, Jacques, is that we must emphasize the fact that we are receiving a new program! We do not have to go through the old programming of Armageddon. (emphasis added)[v]

That such New-Age babble as described above has been the doctrine of non-Christians this century is one thing, but in recent homilies, Pope Benedict XVI’s end-times views displayed a troubling and similar tome from the Vatican. This may not come as a surprise to those Catholics familiar with Father Malachi Martin’s warnings in his book, The Jesuits, which documented how priests like Pierre Teilhard de Chardin were deeply influencing the Church and its academia toward occultism this century. In our chapter on “Exotheology” (in Exo-Vaticana) we established Chardin’s belief in extraterrestrials and offered a brief discussion on his sorcerous Darwinian mysticism. But it was his connection with monistic occultism and what is called the “Omega Point” that takes us through the alien-deity rabbit hole. According to Chardin, in his The Future of Man (1950), the universe is currently evolving towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness and ultimately will reach its goal, the Omega Point. Chardin postulated that this is the supreme aspiration of complexity and consciousness, an idea also roughly equivalent to the “Technological Singularity” as expressed in the writings of transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil. Indeed, one finds a remarkable coalescence of all non-Christian systems under the banner of Singularity, Monism, Omega Point, and Overmind. Yet, like the nebulous “Christ consciousness” advocated by occultists, Chardin’s writings are easily misunderstood because he not only created new vocabulary for his Darwinian religion, he also redefined biblical terminology to mean something alien to its original intent. For instance, when Chardin writes about “Christ,” he usually does not mean Jesus of Nazareth. Instead, he is describing the Ultra-Man, the all-encompassing end of evolution at the Omega Point. As an example, consider when Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). Chardin exegetes this as, “I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill Evolution.”[vi] To most Christians, this probably seems overtly heretical, but its infiltration into Roman Catholic thought and the dangerous alien-christ implications it brings with it has infiltrated the highest levels at Rome—including the papacy.

Unbeknownst to most Roman Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI is a Chardinian mystic of the highest order. The emeritus pope’s book, Credo for Today: What Christians Believe (2009), follows the lead of the Jesuit and states unequivocally that a belief in Creationism (the idea that life, the Earth, and the universe as we know it today did not “evolve” but rather were created by the God of the Bible) “contradicts the idea of evolution and [is] untenable today.”[vii] Following his rejection of Creationism and support of evolution, Pope Benedict XVI used the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ to advance Chardin’s “Omega Point,” in which a “new kind” of God, man, and mind will emerge. From page 113 we read:

From this perspective the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ and in the consummation of the world in that event could be explained as the conviction that our history is advancing to an “omega” point, at which it will become finally and unmistakably clear that the element of stability that seems to us to be the supporting ground of reality, so to speak, is not mere unconscious matter; that, on the contrary, the real, firm ground is mind. Mind holds being together, gives it reality, indeed is reality: it is not from below but from above that being receives its capacity to subsist. That there is such a thing as this process of ‘complexification’ of material being through spirit, and from the latter its concentration into a new kind of unity can already be seen in the remodeling of the world through technology.[viii]

The term “complexification’ was coined by Chardin (and the technological allusions it suggests is akin to transhumanism and Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity) and the pope’s complete devotion to this theology is again laid bare in his book, Principles of Catholic Theology (1987), which states:

The impetus given by Teilhard de Chardin exerted a wide influence. With daring vision it incorporated the historical movement of Christianity into the great cosmic process of evolution from Alpha to Omega: since the noogenesis, since the formation of consciousness in the event by which man became man, this process of evolution has continued to unfold as the building of the noosphere above the biosphere.[ix]

This “noosphere” is taken very seriously today in modernist Catholic theology, academia, and even science. It is explained in the scientific journal, Encyclopedia of Paleontology, this way:

Teilhard coined the concept of the “noosphere,” the new “thinking layer” or membrane on the Earth’s surface, superposed on the living layer (biosphere) and the lifeless layer of inorganic matter (lithosphere). Obeying the “law of complexification/conscience,” the entire universe undergoes a process of “convergent integration” and tends to a final state of concentration, the “point Omega” where the noosphere will be intensely unified and will have achieved a “hyperpersonal” organization. Teilhard equates this future hyperpersonal psychological organization with an emergent divinity [a future new form of God]. (emphasis added)[x]

The newly sanctioned doctrine of an approaching “emergent divinity” in place of the literal return of Jesus Christ isn’t even that much of a secret any longer among Catholic priests (though the cryptic Charindian lingo masks it from the uninitiated). For instance, in his July 24, 2009, homily in the Cathedral of Aosta while commenting on Romans 12:1–2, the pope said:

The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host. (emphasis added)[xi]

This is overtly pantheistic and, of course, the text he was discussing (Romans 12) teaches the exact opposite: “Be not conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2a). While the pope thus aggressively promotes Chardin’s process of “noogenesis” in which the cosmos comes alive and everyone unifies as a “living host,” one can readily see that Brahman, Nirvana, Overmind, and Singularity are roughly equivalent to this monistic concept. Interestingly, noogenesis (Greek: νοῦς=mind; γένεσις=becoming) actually has two uses: one in Chardin’s Darwinian pantheism—and another, more telling rendering—within modern astrobiology.

In Cardin’s system, noogenesis is the fourth of five stages of evolution, representing the emergence and evolution of mind. This is the stage we are said to be in currently, and as noogenesis progresses, so does the formation of the noosphere, which is the collective sphere of human thought. In fact, many Chardinians believe that the World Wide Web is an infrastructure of noosphere, an idea intersecting well with transhumanist thought. Chardin wrote, “We have as yet no idea of the possible magnitude of ‘noospheric’ effects. We are confronted with human vibrations resounding by the million––a whole layer of consciousness exerting simultaneous pressure upon the future and the collected and hoarded produce of a million years of thought.”[xii]

However, this concept gets more translucent in astrobiology, where scientists have adopted noogenesis as the scientific term denoting the origin of technological civilizations capable of communicating with humans and traveling to Earth—in other words, the basis for extraterrestrial contact.[xiii] Consequently, among many if not most of Rome’s astronomers and theologians, there is the widespread belief that the arrival of “alien deities” will promote our long-sought spiritual noogenesis, and according to a leading social psychologist, the world’s masses are ready for such a visitation and will receive them (or him) as a messiah.[xiv] This is further reflected in a 2012 United Kingdom poll, which indicated that more people nowadays believe in extraterrestrials than in God.[xv] Consequently, whether or not it is the ultimate expression, the noogenic “strong delusion” is already here.

While we aren’t suggesting a direct equivocation per se, the conceptual intersection between the two uses of noogenesis (the occultic and astrobiological) is thought provoking, especially in light of Clarke’s scenario in Childhood’s End, where noogenesis in the astrobiological application (the arrival of the alien Overlords) was the impetus for evolution toward the Overmind and dissolution of humanity. It seems Rome has connected these dots for us. In his sanctioned treatise, Kenneth J. Delano linked the concept of maximum consciousness and alien contact, truly noogenesis in both senses of the word:

For man to take his proper place as a citizen of the universe, he must transcend the narrow-mindedness of his earthly provincialism and be prepared to graciously accept the inhabitants of other worlds as equals or even superiors. At this point in human history, our expansion into space is the necessary means by which we are to develop our intellectual faculties to the utmost and, perhaps in cooperation with ETI, achieve the maximum consciousness of which St. Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa Theologica:

This is the earthly goal of man: to evolve his intellectual powers to their fullest, to arrive at the maximum of consciousness, to open the eyes of his understanding upon all things so that upon the tablet of his soul the order of the whole universe and all its parts may be enrolled.[xvi]

Viewed through this lens, the Vatican’s promotion of Darwinism and astrobiology intrigues. Following Chardin and Delano, perhaps Benedict, the VORG astronomers, and theologians like Tanzella-Nitti, O’Mera, and Balducci pursued astrobiological noogenesis so that when Petrus Romanus assumed his reign as the final pope, they might usher in the Fifth Element of the Omega Point known as “Christogenesis.” (Authors note: one cannot help recall the movie The Fifth Element that involved a priesthood who protects a mysterious Fifth Element that turns out to be a messianic human who ultimately combines the power of the other four elements [noogenesis] to form a “divine light” that saves mankind.) In Chardin’s book, The Phenomenon of Man, the five elements of evolution are: 1) “geogenesis” (beginning of Earth); 2) “biogenesis” (beginning of life); 3) “anthropogenesis” (beginning of humanity); 4) noogenesis (evolutionary consolidation to maximum consciousness); leading to finally 5) “Christogenesis,” the creation of a “total Christ” at the Omega Point. With that in mind, be aware that astrobiology and transhumanist philosophy suggest this noogenesis is being driven by an external intelligence, whether it be respectively artificial or extraterrestrial, which leads these authors to conclude we are on the cusp of a noogenesis unlike the one Rome’s theologians may have anticipated. We would redefine the terms and instead suggest aggressive preparation for an Antichristogenesis––an Alien Serpent-Savior––the ultimate Darwinian Übermensch who may even bare leathery wings, little horns, and a barbed tail. But regardless how he appears, it is obvious to all now that the Vatican has cleverly prepared for his coming, perhaps even monitored his approach from atop Mt. Graham, using the LUCIFER device.

Oh, and the new Jesuit Pope Francis, like his Jesuit brother Chardin and emeritus Pope Benedict also believes a Childhood’s End scenario could be tomorrow’s reality. He’s ready to begin baptizing the Overlords into what would have to be a quickly formed Universal New Church following such an extraordinary moment, and he’s already saying he won’t be surprised if the aliens are “discovered.” Furthermore, if such disclosure is made, the Pope says his instruction to the new global church will be for “Christians” to believe in “whatever the scientists tell us.”

So… the world and Vatican sound ready to embrace Arthur C. Clark’s “great deception” anytime now. But what will YOUR response be if such an event takes place?

[i] Arthur C. Clarke, The City and the Stars (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, 1956), 10.

[ii] Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey, as quoted in: Steven Sande, “Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001 Newspad Finnally Arrives, Nine Years Late,” The Unofficial Apple Weblog, January 28, 2010, http://www.tuaw.com/2010/01/28/arthur-c-clarkes-2001-newspad-finally-arrives-nine-years-late/.

[iii] Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood’s End (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1953), 68.

[iv] Clarke, Childhood’s End, 75.

[v] Jacques Vallée, Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults (Berkeley, CA: Ronin Pub, 1979), 136.

[vi] Malachi Martin, The Jesuits (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1988), 290.

[vii] Pope Benedict XVI, Credo for Today: What Christians Believe (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2009), 34.

[viii] Ibid., 113.

[ix] Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology: Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology, translated by Sister Mary Frances McCarthy, S.n.d. (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987), 334.

[x] “TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE,” Encyclopedia of Paleontology, s.v, last accessed January 26, 2013, http://www.liberty.edu:2048/login?url=http://www.credoreference.com/entry/routpaleont/teilhard_de_chardin_pierre.

[xi] Pope Benedict XVI, “Homily of July 24, 2009,” in the Cathedral of Aosta, last accessed January 26, 2013, http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/homilies/2009/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20090724_vespri-aosta_en.html.

[xii] Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (New York, NY: Harperperennial, 1955), 286.

[xiii] M. M. Ćirković, “Fermi’s Paradox: The Last Challenge for Copernicanism?” Serbian Astronomical Journal 178 (2009), 1–20.

[xiv] Robert Emenegger, UFO’s, Past, Present, and Future (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1975), 130–147.

[xv] Lee Speigel, “More Believe in Space Aliens than in God According to U.K. Survey,” Huffington Post, October 18, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/15/alien-believers-outnumber-god_n_1968259.html (accessed 12/07/2012).

[xvi] Kenneth J. Delano, Many Worlds, One God, 104.



Everyone wrote off the Syrian army. Take another look now

All this is only the beginning of Mr Putin’s adventure in the Middle East

Robert Fisk

October 20, 2015

A Syrian army soldier flashes a 'V for victory' sign as his tank travels northeast of Damascus Getty Images

While the world still rages on at Russia’s presumption in the Middle East – to intervene in Syria instead of letting the Americans decide which dictators should survive or die – we’ve all been forgetting the one institution in that Arab land which continues to function and protect the state which Moscow has decided to preserve: the Syrian army. While Russia has been propagandising its missiles, the Syrian military, undermanned and undergunned a few months ago, has suddenly moved on to the offensive. Earlier this year, we may remember, this same army was being written off, the Bashar al-Assad government said to be reaching its final days.

We employed our own army of clichés to make the case for regime change. The Syrian army was losing ground – at Jisr al-Shugour and at Palmyra – and so we predicted that the whole Assad state had reached a “tipping point”.

Then along came Vladimir Putin with his air and missile fleets and suddenly the whole place is transformed. While we huffed and puffed that the Russians were bombing the “moderate” rebels – moderates who had earlier ceased to exist according to America’s top generals – we’ve been paying no attention to the military offensive which the Syrians themselves are now staging against the Nusra Front fighters around Aleppo and in the valley of the Orontes.

Syrian commanders are now setting the coordinates for almost every Russian air strike. They were originally giving between 200 and 400 coordinates a night. Now the figure sometimes reaches 800. Not that the Russians are going after every map reference, of course. The Syrians have found that the Russians do not want to fire at targets in built-up areas; they intend to leave burning hospitals and dead wedding parties to the Americans in Afghanistan. This policy could always change, of course. No air force bombs countries without killing civilians. Nor without crossing other people’s frontiers.

But the Russians are now telling the Turks – and by logical extension, this information must go to the Americans – their flight coordinates. Even more remarkable, they have set up a hotline communications system between their base on the Syrian Mediterranean coast and the Israeli ministry of defence in Tel Aviv. More incredible still is that the Israelis – who have a habit of targeting Syrian and Iranian personnel near the Golan Heights – have suddenly disappeared from the skies. In other words, the Russians are involved in a big operation, not a one-month wonder that is going on in Syria. And it is likely to continue for quite a time.

The Syrians were originally anxious to move back into Palmyra, captured by Isis last May, but the Russians have demonstrated more interest in the Aleppo region, partly because they believe their coastal bases around Lattakia are vulnerable. The Nusra Front has fired several missiles towards Lattakia and Tartous and Moscow has no desire to have its air force targeted on the ground. But the Syrian army is now deploying its four major units – the 1st and 4th Divisions, Republican Guards and Special Forces – on the battle fronts and are moving closer to the Turkish border.

Russian air strikes around the Isis “capital” of Raqqa may or may not be hurting Isis, although the Syrians like to boast that they have plenty of intelligence coming to them from the city. Interesting, if true, because Isis personnel are specialists in torturing to death “agents of the regime” and it would be a brave man to pass on information to Damascus. Yet travellers’ tales can be true. There’s a regular civilian bus route from Raqqa to Damascus – buses have an odd habit of crossing front lines in most civil wars – and if passengers prefer not to talk to journalists, they will talk of what they have seen when they get home.

All this is only the beginning of Mr Putin’s adventure. He is proving to be quite a traveller to the Middle East – and has already made firm friends of another pillar of the region, that President-Field Marshal who scored more than 96 per cent at the polls and who currently rules Egypt. But the Egyptian army, fighting its little war in Sinai, no longer has strategic experience of a major war. Nor, despite their dalliance in the air over Yemen, Libya, Syria and other targets of opportunity, do the present military authorities in Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Jordan have much understanding of how a real war is fought. Libya’s own army is in bits. Iraq’s military has scarcely earned any medals against its Islamist enemies.

But there is one factor which should not be overlooked.

If it wins – and if it holds together and if its manpower, which is admittedly at a low level, can be maintained – then the Syrian military is going to come out of this current war as the most ruthless, battle-trained and battle-hardened Arab army in the entire region. Woe betide any of its neighbours who forget this.



We're Not Giving in to Merkel on 'Catastrophic' Migrant Policy – Polish FM

(updated 17:17 16.10.2015)

Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna called Germany's proposals to further redistribute migrants a 'catastrophe,' opposed by Poland and the majority of EU countries.

Germany's proposal for a mandatory permanent mechanism to distribute refugees across Europe is a 'catastrophe,' brought about by the needs of internal German politics and will not be accepted by the majority of EU countries, Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said on Friday.

The foreign minister was asked about the commitment German Chancellor Angela Merkel made in the Bundestag not to waver from attempts to impose a binding agreement on the distribution of refugees across EU member states.

Such an agreement would go beyond the plan to relocate 120,000 refugees, which was approved at an emergency EU summit last month despite stiff opposition from central European countries, several of which voted against the redistribution plans.

Polish Ex-Presidential Candidate: Most Refugees are Male 'Peasants Healthy as Bulls'

Despite the opposition, Germany is seeking further plans for mandatory distribution. "We cannot just fix a ceiling and say, 'I don't care about anything above that,'" Merkel told the Bundestag last month.

Schetyna described further redistribution plans as "absurd."

"These are not the best days for internal German politics in the context of refugees, and so this is an attempt to create a better image. This German approach has no bearing on European decisions. The case is closed," Schetyna told the Polish radio station RFM.

"We will not surrender, because that was the agreement. In this regard, we have a large majority in the European Union."

Schetyna rejected the idea that Germany and Sweden, who have welcomed the bulk of migrants to Europe, should have the ability to impose their plan for a greater redistribution mechanism on the rest of Europe.

"The deal was very tough, a very difficult debate, and a very difficult decision. This matter is closed and the vast majority – I emphasize that – want this to be a permanent decision."

"If we in Europe say that we will continue to impose strict distribution for the next wave of refugees, it will be a catastrophe for Europe. There will be no agreements for that."

Instead of making plans to distribute migrants, Schetyna said that Europe should concentrate its efforts on fortifying its borders, and come to grips with the people who have already arrived in Europe.

"We have to take measures to protect our external borders, the hot-spots, and ensure the registration of political refugees from the Middle East in centers, not introduce automatic distribution," said Schetyna.


The Telegraph

Eurozone crosses Rubicon as Portugal's anti-euro Left banned from power

Constitutional crisis looms after anti-austerity Left is denied parliamentary prerogative to form a majority government
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

4:30PM BST 23 Oct 2015

Portugal has entered dangerous political waters. For the first time since the creation of Europe’s monetary union, a member state has taken the explicit step of forbidding eurosceptic parties from taking office on the grounds of national interest.

Anibal Cavaco Silva, Portugal’s constitutional president, has refused to appoint a Left-wing coalition government even though it secured an absolute majority in the Portuguese parliament and won a mandate to smash the austerity regime bequeathed by the EU-IMF Troika.

He deemed it too risky to let the Left Bloc or the Communists come close to power, insisting that conservatives should soldier on as a minority in order to satisfy Brussels and appease foreign financial markets.

President Cavaco Silva This is the worst moment for a radical change to the foundations of our democracy.

Democracy must take second place to the higher imperative of euro rules and membership.

“In 40 years of democracy, no government in Portugal has ever depended on the support of anti-European forces, that is to say forces that campaigned to abrogate the Lisbon Treaty, the Fiscal Compact, the Growth and Stability Pact, as well as to dismantle monetary union and take Portugal out of the euro, in addition to wanting the dissolution of NATO,” said Mr Cavaco Silva.

“This is the worst moment for a radical change to the foundations of our democracy.

"After we carried out an onerous programme of financial assistance, entailing heavy sacrifices, it is my duty, within my constitutional powers, to do everything possible to prevent false signals being sent to financial institutions, investors and markets,” he said.

Mr Cavaco Silva argued that the great majority of the Portuguese people did not vote for parties that want a return to the escudo or that advocate a traumatic showdown with Brussels.

This is true, but he skipped over the other core message from the elections held three weeks ago: that they also voted for an end to wage cuts and Troika austerity. The combined parties of the Left won 50.7pc of the vote. Led by the Socialists, they control the Assembleia.

The conservative premier, Pedro Passos Coelho, came first and therefore gets first shot at forming a government, but his Right-wing coalition as a whole secured just 38.5pc of the vote. It lost 28 seats.

The Socialist leader, Antonio Costa, has reacted with fury, damning the president’s action as a “grave mistake” that threatens to engulf the country in a political firestorm.

“It is unacceptable to usurp the exclusive powers of parliament. The Socialists will not take lessons from professor Cavaco Silva on the defence of our democracy,” he said.

Mr Costa vowed to press ahead with his plans to form a triple-Left coalition, and warned that the Right-wing rump government will face an immediate vote of no confidence.

There can be no fresh elections until the second half of next year under Portugal’s constitution, risking almost a year of paralysis that puts the country on a collision course with Brussels and ultimately threatens to reignite the country’s debt crisis.

The bond market has reacted calmly to events in Lisbon but it is no longer a sensitive gauge now that the European Central Bank is mopping up Portuguese debt under quantitative easing.

Portugal is no longer under a Troika regime and does not face an immediate funding crunch, holding cash reserves above €8bn. Yet the IMF says the country remains “highly vulnerable” if there is any shock or the country fails to deliver on reforms, currently deemed to have “stalled”.

Public debt is 127pc of GDP and total debt is 370pc, worse than in Greece. Net external liabilities are more than 220pc of GDP.

The IMF warned that Portugal's “export miracle” remains narrowly based, the headline gains flattered by re-exports with little value added. “A durable rebalancing of the economy has not taken place,” it said.

“The president has created a constitutional crisis,” said Rui Tavares, a radical green MEP. “He is saying that he will never allow the formation of a government containing Leftists and Communists. People are amazed by what has happened.”

Mr Tavares said the president has invoked the spectre of the Communists and the Left Bloc as a “straw man” to prevent the Left taking power at all, knowing full well that the two parties agreed to drop their demands for euro-exit, a withdrawal from Nato and nationalisation of the commanding heights of the economy under a compromise deal to the forge the coalition.

President Cavaco Silva may be correct is calculating that a Socialist government in league with the Communists would precipitate a major clash with the EU austerity mandarins. Mr Costa’s grand plan for Keynesian reflation – led by spending on education and health – is entirely incompatible with the EU’s Fiscal Compact.

This foolish treaty law obliges Portugal to cut its debt to 60pc of GDP over the next 20 years in a permanent austerity trap, and to do it just as the rest of southern Europe is trying to do the same thing, and all against a backdrop of powerful deflationary forces worldwide.

The strategy of chipping away at the country’s massive debt burden by permanent belt-tightening is largely self-defeating, since the denominator effect of stagnant nominal GDP aggravates debt dynamics.

It is also pointless. Portugal will require a debt write-off when the next global downturn hits in earnest. There is no chance whatsoever that Germany will agree to EMU fiscal union in time to prevent this.

The chief consequence of drawing out the agony is deep hysteresis in the labour markets and chronically low levels of investment that blight the future.

Mr Cavaco Silva is effectively using his office to impose a reactionary ideological agenda, in the interests of creditors and the EMU establishment, and dressing it up with remarkable Chutzpah as a defence of democracy.

The Portuguese Socialists and Communists have buried the hatchet on their bitter divisions for the first time since the Carnation Revolution and the overthrow of the Salazar dictatorship in the 1970s, yet they are being denied their parliamentary prerogative to form a majority government.

This is a dangerous demarche. The Portuguese conservatives and their media allies behave as if the Left has no legitimate right to take power, and must be held in check by any means.

These reflexes are familiar – and chilling – to anybody familiar with 20th century Iberian history, or indeed Latin America. That it is being done in the name of the euro is entirely to be expected.

Greece’s Syriza movement, Europe’s first radical-Left government in Europe since the Second World War, was crushed into submission for daring to confront eurozone ideology. Now the Portuguese Left is running into a variant of the same meat-grinder.

Europe’s socialists face a dilemma. They are at last waking up to the unpleasant truth that monetary union is an authoritarian Right-wing enterprise that has slipped its democratic leash, yet if they act on this insight in any way they risk being prevented from taking power.

Brussels really has created a monster.


Natural News

Google Morphs Into Sinister Orwellian Truth Ministry

All 'knowledge' to be pre-approved by search algorithm

Jonathan Benson (Natural News)

Sat, Oct 17

Gone are the days when you could search Google and pull up neutral, relevant content appropriate to your search query. The search engine giant is reportedly pioneering a new search algorithm that will tailor search results not based on popularity or accuracy, but rather on what Google itself deems to be truthful or untruthful.

The world's new 'Ministry of Truth, Google believes that screening and censoring information requested by its users will help avoid 'websites full of misinformation' from showing up at the top of the search list. Known as the 'Knowledge Vault,' the novel algorithm is described by The New American as 'an automated and super-charged version of Google's manually compiled fact database called Knowledge Graph.'

Google's Knowledge Graph, in case you didn't know, was the search engine's first attempt at becoming a purveyor of knowledge rather than just information – a “smart” search tool, if you will, designed to enhance the relevancy of search results by analyzing various facts, figures, and other data appropriate to a user's intended query.

The Knowledge Vault builds upon this concept, but takes it another step further. By sorting through the actual content of websites to determine whether or not they fit the official narrative for the particular idea or concept presented, the Knowledge Vault will act as a type of knowledge gatekeeper in censoring out information and content deemed to be 'false.'

'[The Knowledge Vault] promises to let Google answer questions like an oracle rather than a search engine, and even to turn a new lens on human history,' wrote Hal Hodson for NewScientist about the project.

What you're actually searching for is irrelevant: Google will tell you what it wants you to know

It is this latter statement that's deeply concerning, as Google now has the power to literally rewrite history by snubbing search content of which the powers that be disapprove, while approving only propaganda and other misinformation dubbed 'accurate.' This evolution from information provider to knowledge developer changes the entire nature of Google's purpose as a company.

Concerning natural health and alternative medicine, Google has already written code into its search algorithm that censors out 'anti-vaccine' websites, for instance, as well as other resources categorized as purveying “misinformation. Using the new Knowledge Vault protocol, Google is likely to begin censoring other topics as well.

'That eerily disconcerting statement becomes ominous when you consider that Google has already implemented its new truth algorithm for medical searches, with disturbing consequences,' writes Rebecca Terrell for The New American.

'Truth-according-to-Google means that anti-vaccination websites no longer make the cut, despite the fact that recently released federal statistics reveal the risk to children's health posed by vaccines is overwhelmingly greater than that posed by the diseases these medications are formulated to combat.'

Censorship brings scientific progress to a grinding halt

What this all means for sites like NaturalNews, InfoWars, and the many other independent news outlets that regularly challenge the status quo is that our content may soon be declared 'inaccurate' by Google and forced down to a lower ranking as a result. Even though our collective readership is exploding because people are tired of the lies from the mainstream media, Google's new algorithm threatens to stifle this growth by hiding the truth from search results.

'It could make it more difficult for bright young people to bring about the next revolution in science,' says University of Maryland professor Jim Purtillo about the plan. 'After all, most of today's established science came about because someone challenged the herd mentality of yesterday.'


Natural News

Amish girl who fled United States to escape forced chemotherapy is now cancer-free

Friday, October 23, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Some might call it a "miracle," but alternative and holistic medicine healers aren't really surprised to learn that a 12-year old Amish girl is now cancer-free — after her doctors testified in court just six months ago that she would be dead by now if her family were permitted to refuse her chemotherapy.

As reported by the Medina Gazette, of Medina County, Ohio, Maurice Thompson, head of the libertarian non-profit group 1852 Center for Constitutional Law, said young Sarah Hershberger now shows no signs of being stricken with cancer at all and appears to be healthy.

"She had MRIs and blood work, and the judge over the last year helped facilitate at least one trip to the Cleveland Clinic. The MRIs did not show any cancer," Thompson told the Gazette recently.

He added that her family is continuing to treat her with less invasive alternative medicine.

"Once you have it, you're never 100 percent out of the woods, whether or not you get chemotherapy," he said. "I know how she looks isn't really an indication of whether she has cancer, but she's looking very healthy."

And yet, as the paper noted, not a single trace of cancer has shown up in any test.

Court finds parents have no rights — again

When Sarah was diagnosed with cancer in 2013, her parents, Andy and Anna Hershberger, initially agreed to chemotherapy treatments. However, they opted to end such treatments when Sarah's condition grew worse, fearing that the treatments themselves might eventually lead to her death.

As is typical in today's post-constitutional America, officials at Akron Children's Hospital responded with a legal attempt to strip Sarah's parents of their right to choose their own daughter's medical treatment. The hospital sought court permission to obtain "limited guardianship" over her, thereby giving them the authority over medical decisions pertaining to her. Doctors testified she would not make it six months without chemotherapy.

Initially, Probate Judge John L. Lohn — since retired — ruled that Sarah's parents were competent enough to make medical decisions on their daughter's behalf. Eventually, however, a higher court ordered him to appoint a guardian.

The family responded by fleeing the country, choosing instead to seek alternative medical treatment in Mexico and Canada. Months thereafter, the hospital decided to relinquish guardianship, seeing no point in pursuing the matter further.

According to the Gazette:

"Thompson said Probate Judge Kevin Dunn — who replaced Lohn when he retired in 2014 — formally terminated Sarah's guardianship on September 24. Thompson said the judge acknowledged that Sarah, who will turn 13 in November, showed no symptoms of cancer and that she appeared to be healthy."

Following Sarah's case, Thompson has since called on Ohio lawmakers to reform rules that give judges the authority to overrule parental health care decisions involving their children.

Low survival rates for chemotherapy

"It is now time for Ohio's legislators to protect Ohio families from wayward judges," Thompson said, as reported by the Gazette.

Primarily, Thompson lashed out against the legal test that judges typically utilize in cases like Sarah's, in order to circumvent parental authority in decisions involving their children's health and well-being.

"This test allows county judges to overrule health care, educational and other important decisions of suitable Ohio parents," Thompson said. "In the wake of Sarah's case, the concept came to be known as 'medical kidnapping.' "

While the children's hospital declined to comment on the story, a spokesperson nonetheless told the Gazette that Akron Children's had established a committee to interact with the Amish community, in order to "facilitate better communication regarding health care in the wake of Sarah's case," the paper reported.

That said, overall survival rates for chemotherapy — not the underlying cancer for which mainstream medicine prescribes it — is very low. According to a 2004 study, while some 60 percent of cancer patients in Australia survived, chemotherapy had little or nothing to do with those survival rates.

"I've never met a person who was cured by cancer with chemotherapy. Not a single one," said Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, following actor Patrick Swayze's untimely death from pancreatic cancer (after receiving chemotherapy). "Never even heard of such a person. They don't exist. Even the cancer industry will tell you their 'cure rate' is zero (because they don't believe cancer can ever be cured)."






Until next week...keep on believing.
Almondtree Productions

Be not wise in thine own conceit; but fear God, and depart from all evil. 8 Then shall there be health to thy body, and good keeping to thy bones.”
(Proverbs 3:7-8)