On Earth As It Is in Heaven:
Pushing Back the Darkness

By Dena Dyer

Wow,” my oldest said. “That was incredible.”

I know,” I replied. Tears streamed down my face, and I took a few deep breaths to collect myself.

The two of us had just finished watching the final scene of the 2012 movie, Les Miserablés, based on the stage musical of the same name. I’d seen the live production a half-dozen times, but each time the closing number made me cry.

After the deeply flawed, deeply faithful characters strive for freedom from tyranny and injustice, both those who died and those who lived sing together of heaven in a stirring finale, “Can You Hear the People Sing?”

Their voices raised along with their flags, the now-unified cast asks:

Lost in the valley of the night?
It is a music of a people
Who are climbing to the light …
They will live again in freedom
In the garden of the Lord.
They will walk behind the plough-share,
They will put away the sword.
The chain will be broken
And all men will have their reward.

The song touches the place inside me that longs for earth and heaven to meet. My spirit groans to see Satan thrown down, once and for all.

But when I say, “Lord, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” what does that really mean? How can I live kingdom-minded on this fragile soil while continuing to pray—and work—for spiritual fruits such as peace and love?

As children of the light, you and I are meant to shine so brightly that darkness is pushed back, even a tiny bit. When we do that, heaven kisses earth.

We are all called

Whether we work as mothers or movers, contractors or cooks, when we serve diligently in the place God has set us, we are freedom fighters. We plant seeds of hope with each action, interaction, and reaction. “Faith can … be the spiritual energy that enables the transformations for which our world so desperately hungers,” says Jim Wallis in Faith Works: How to Live Your Beliefs and Ignite Positive Social Change.

We are part of a royal priesthood, and our sphere of influence is our congregation. With the Spirit’s help, you and I can bring God’s kingdom to earth in a myriad of ways. We can create a redemptive piece of art, perform thankless tasks with a joyful spirit, and respond to insults or slights with forgiveness.

In his book Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World, Michael Horton writes:

In all sorts of ways we’re not even aware of, the kingdom is growing and our neighbors are being served. There may be a quiet reference in the coffee room that provokes a coworker weeks later to ask a question about life and death … You made lunch for the kids and got them to school on time. You worked well with your hands to supply neighbors with what they need … Now we are free to do the little things that matter, without anxiety about how it all turns out in the end.

Not up to us

Remember what Jesus said to Peter, the ready-fire-aim disciple with a habit of putting his foot squarely in his mouth? He announced: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

It’s a paradox: we are called to work for restoration and renewal, pray for transformation, and put feet to our faith. However, in the end, we trust that God will do the work through, for, and in us.

It’s important to remember this when we engage in freeing modern-day slaves, feeding the hungry, and clothing the poor. The sheer number of people living in all sorts of captivity is overwhelming. “Compassion fatigue” is a common ailment affecting those who serve those on life’s margins.

While we are seeking the kingdom and making God’s priorities ours, we must rest in the fact that God is the one who changes people and institutions. His spirit prompts revival. His grace brings salvation. We don’t have to fear that we’ll mess things up.

As Paul wrote to the Roman church, “It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.”

Thank heaven!


Market Watch

Pope Francis ignites a revolt that will overthrow American capitalism


Published: July 21, 2015 11:30 a.m. ET

Pope Francis rides on a popemobile on a road leading from El Alto to La Paz, on the outskirts of La Paz, Bolivia. Reuters

Yes, Pope Francis is encouraging civil disobedience, leading a rebellion. Listen closely, Francis knows he’s inciting political rebellion, an uprising of the masses against the world’s superrich capitalists. And yet, right-wing conservatives remain in denial, tuning out the pope’s message, hoping he’ll just go away like the “Occupy Wall Street” movement did.

Never. America’s narcissistic addiction to presidential politics is dumbing down our collective brain. Warning: Forget Bernie vs. Hillary. Forget the circus-clown-car distractions created by Trump vs. the GOP’s Fab 15. Pope Francis is the only real political leader that matters this year. Forget the rest. Here’s why:

Pope Francis is not just leading a “Second American Revolution,” he is rallying people across the Earth, middle class as well as poor, inciting billions to rise up in a global economic revolution, one that could suddenly sweep the planet, like the 1789 French storming the Bastille.

Unfortunately, conservative capitalists — Big Oil, Koch billionaires, our GOP Congress and all fossil-fuel climate-science deniers — are blind to the fact their ideology is on the wrong side of history, that by fighting a no-win battle they are committing suicide, self-destructing their own ideology.

The fact is: The era of capitalism is rapidly dying, a victim of its own success, sabotaged by greed and a loss of a moral code. In 1776 Adam Smith’s capitalism became America’s core economic principle. We enshrined his ideal of capitalism in our constitutional freedoms. We prospered. America became the greatest economic superpower in world history.

But along the way, America forgot Smith’s original foundation was in morals, values, doing what’s right for the common good. Instead we drifted into Ayn Rand’s narcissistic “mutant capitalism,” as Vanguard’s founder Jack Bogle called the distortion of Adam Smith’s principles in his classic, “The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism.” The battle is lost.

Pope Francis, leader of the coming 21st Century American Revolution

In the generation since the Reagan Revolution, America’s self-centered, consumer-driven, mutant capitalism lost its moral compass, drifting: Inequality explodes, income growth stagnates, the poor keep getting poorer. Yet across the world, billionaires have explode from 322 in 2000 to 1,826 in 2015, with 11 trillionaire capitalist families predicted to control the planet by 2100.

But not for much longer, as Pope Francis’ revolution accelerates, as his relentless socialist message of sacred rights for all people makes clear. Why? Our mutating capitalist elite have triggered a massive backlash, a “profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money.”

An aggressive Pope Francis is on a mission to transform the mutant ideology of today’s capitalist world with its rampant profits-centered climate-science denialism. Fortunately, the pope will soon confront and challenge America’s GOP Congress directly, then the United Nations General Assembly to challenge the capitalist world’s failure to take climate change actions. Maybe they’ll finally wake up.

Pope Francis’ recent trip to South America revealed a clear anticapitalism, socialist message, calling for a “structural change to a global economy that runs counter to the plan of Jesus,” as reported in Time by Christopher Hale. Francis warned:

“The future of humanity does not lie solely in the hands of great leaders, the great powers and the elites.” The future “It is fundamentally in the hands of peoples and in their ability to organize. It is in their hands, which can guide with humility and conviction this process of change. I am with you.” The pope is warning all capitalists everywhere. As Jesus says in the Bible, the poor will always be with you, but the rich may not be after the coming revolution.

Yes folks, Pope Francis is a revolutionary destined to end up in the history books right up there with Lenin and Marx, Mao and Castro. He is obviously inciting revolution, wants civil disobedience and political insurrection, he is egging the poor into rebellion against a vastly outnumbered rich.

In fact, Francis has become one of the world’s great revolutionary leaders. He not only is inciting an uprising of the masses against wealthy capitalist billionaires, he’s out in front of the emerging global revolution, encouraging the masses, shouting battle cries, a leader in the tradition of Washington.

So the media should stop mistaking Francis’s congenial nature, his perpetual smile, dismissing his true intentions. His is an aggressive call to arms, a call for a global revolution attacking today’s out-of-control, consumer-driven “mutant capitalism,” a call to replace capitalism with a new economic socialism giving the poor “sacred rights” on par with the superrich.

Time’s Hale went on to outline the four “foundations” of the pope’s coming “revolution.” Hale covered the pope’s tour in South America in, “Pope Francis Isn’t Holding Back — And U.S. Politicians Should Watch Out.” In Bolivia Francis warned that global capitalism is a failure and needs a “structural change” because it runs “counter to the plan of Jesus.” Hale then added that “leaders of both parties might regret their invitation to the 78-year-old Jesuit pontiff” to address a historic joint session of Congress in two months. Five reasons make the warning quite obvious:

1. Socialism: Everyone has a sacred right to land, lodging and labor

“Pope Francis argued that everyone has a God-given right to have a job, to own land, and to have a home.” These rights go “well beyond the traditional social teaching of the Catholic Church, which argues for the dignity of work, but doesn’t go as far to say that everyone has a God-given right to have a job.” But clearly, Pope Francis says the poor do have inalienable “sacred rights” on par with those guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. And clearly, Scott Walker and the GOP already deny a similar liberal agenda of “sacred rights” to a living wage, property and a home.

2. Humans, not capitalist profits, must be at the center of global economics

Pope Francis message is unambiguous: “Unbridled capitalism” has become a “subtle dictatorship,” is now the very “dung of the devil.” Ouch, that must hurt even the stone-cold Koch ego. Francis says that capitalism’s greedy “unfettered pursuit of money” is destroying the “common good,” setting a stage for revolutions. The pope urged the masses to “say no to an economy of exclusion and inequality, where money rules,” because capitalists will “destroy Mother Earth” in order to enrich the superrich elite. Yet another revolutionary call to battle.

3. Billions worldwide, cannot wait much longer for action

Earlier Pope Francis’ encyclical warned that “doomsday predictions” about climate “can no longer be met with irony, disdain” or dismissed without action. Now, Francis is aggressively pushing world leaders and humans everywhere to fight against all economic injustices against individuals. The clock’s ticking loudly, time is “running out: we are not yet tearing one another apart, but we are tearing apart our common home” here on Earth. Pope Francis also encourages people to start demanding, “We want change!” Remember the 1976 movie “Network”: where an anchorman gets listeners shouting, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

4. Revolutions begin with angry citizens, not politicians or philanthropists

Time’s Hale says the pope’s call for “structural change won’t be the result from any one political decision.” The pope understands that politicians rarely lead. Real change is triggered from below, by angry mobs, they get “caught up in the storms of people’s lives,” fired up, rebel, motivated to act, then revolutions ignite and move fast like a wildfire on jet fuel.

5. Warning: Socialism is now a moral obligation, a commandment to obey

Admit it, Pope Francis is clearly inciting people to rebel with his passionate, provocative and inspirational message, which triggers memories of Marx, yet is directly from the Gospels of Jesus: “Working for a just distribution of the fruits of the earth and human labor is not mere philanthropy,” not just a handout from capitalist billionaires.

Instead Pope Francis shifts our focus: The socialism is now “a moral obligation. And for Christians, the responsibility is even greater: it is a commandment. It is about giving to the poor and to peoples what is theirs as a sacred right.” And if we fail to do give it freely, do not be surprised when revolutions explode across Planet Earth.



Why is Pope Francis so obsessed with the devil?

By the Rev. Thomas Rosica

Updated 2:35 PM ET, Mon July 20, 2015

The Rev. Thomas Rosica is CEO of Canada's Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation and English-language media attache to the Holy See Press Office.”

(CNN)Pope Francis seems to be obsessed with the devil.

His tweets and homilies about the devil, Satan, the Accuser, the Evil One, the Father of Lies, the Ancient Serpent, the Tempter, the Seducer, the Great Dragon, the Enemy and just plain "demon" are now legion.

For Francis, the devil is not a myth, but a real person. Many modern people may greet the Pope's insistence on the devil with a dismissive, cultural affectation, indifference, or at the most indulgent curiosity.

Yet Francis refers to the devil continually. He does not believe him to be a myth, but a real person, the most insidious enemy of the church. Several of my theologian colleagues have said that he has gone a bit overboard with the devil and hell! We may be tempted to ask, why in the devil is Pope Francis so involved with the prince of demons?

This intelligent Jesuit Pope is diving into deep theological waters, places where very few modern Catholic clerics wish to tread.

Francis' seeming preoccupation with the devil is not a theological or eschatological question as much as a call to arms, an invitation to immediate action, offering very concrete steps to do combat with the devil and the reign of evil in the world today.

In his homilies, Francis warns people strongly to avoid discouragement, to seize hope, to move on with courage and not to fall prey to negativity or cynicism.

Pope Francis speaks during the feast-day Mass while on a one-day trip to the Calabrian region of Italy in June 2014. The Pope spoke out against the Mafia's "adoration of evil and contempt for the common good," and declared that "mafiosi are excommunicated, not in communion with God."

He is drawing on the fundamental insight of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Pope's own religious family. With his continual references to the devil, Pope Francis parts ways with the current preaching in the church, which is far too silent about the devil and his insidious ways or reduces him to a mere metaphor.

During the first months of Francis' pontificate in 2013, the Evil One appeared frequently in his messages. In his first major address to the cardinals who elected him, the Argentine pontiff reminded them: "Let us never yield to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil offers us every day."

In several daily homilies in the chapel of the Vatican guest house, the Pope shared devilish stories with the small congregations rapt in attention as he homilized on taboo topics.

He has offered guidelines on how to rout the demon's strategy: First, it is Jesus who battles the devil.

The second is that "we cannot obtain the victory of Jesus over evil and the devil by halves," for as Christ said in the Gospel of Matthew, "who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

The Pope has stressed that we must not be naive: "The demon is shrewd: he is never cast out forever, this will only happen on the last day."

Francis has also issued calls to arms in his homilies: "The devil also exists in the 21st century, and we need to learn from the Gospel how to battle against him," the Pope warned, adding that Christians should not be "naive" about the evil one's ways. The devil is anything but a relic of the past, the pontiff said.

Acknowledging the devil's shrewdness, Francis once preached: "The devil is intelligent, he knows more theology than all the theologians together."

Before a crowd of people on Palm Sunday in 2013, the newly elected Pope even dared to say that when Christians face trials, Jesus is near, but so is "the enemy -- the devil," who "comes, often disguised as an angel and slyly speaks his word to us."

Most recently, on July 12, in the prepared text he was to deliver (in typical fashion he instead gave a masterful, unscripted address to 600,000 young people at a rally in Paraguay), the Pope presented the job description of the devil:

"Friends: the devil is a con artist. He makes promises after promise, but he never delivers. He'll never really do anything he says. He doesn't make good on his promises. He makes you want things which he can't give, whether you get them or not. He makes you put your hopes in things which will never make you happy.

"... He is a con artist because he tells us that we have to abandon our friends, and never to stand by anyone. Everything is based on appearances. He makes you think that your worth depends on how much you possess."

Since the beginning of his papacy, Francis has been warning that whoever wants to follow Jesus must be aware of the reality of the devil. The life of every Christian is a constant battle against evil, just as Jesus during his life had to struggle against the devil and his many temptations.

For Francis, the spirit of evil ultimately does not want our holiness, he does not want our Christian witness, he does not want us to be disciples of Christ.

In all of these references to the devil and his many disguises, Pope Francis wishes to call everyone back to reality. The devil is so frequently active in our lives and in the church, drawing us into negativity, cynicism, despair, meanness of spirit, sadness and nostalgia.

We must react to the devil, Francis says, as did Jesus, who replied with the Word of God. With the prince of this world one cannot dialogue.

Dialogue is necessary among us, it is necessary for peace, it is an attitude that we must have among ourselves in order to hear each other, to understand each other. Dialogue is born from charity, from love.

But with the Dark Prince one cannot dialogue; one can only respond with the Word of God that defends us.

The devil has made a comeback in this pontificate and is playing an important role in Francis' ministry. Francis is dead serious about the devil! And he takes every opportunity he can to tell the devil to get the hell out of our lives and our world.

It's not that Francis has been focusing on the evil one's power, nor has he been mesmerized by the Harry Potter movies or by a desire to do sequels to the "Exorcist" movie: This Pope doesn't watch TV!

All of the temptations Francis speaks about so often are the realistic flip side to the heart of the Argentine Jesuit Pope's message about the world that is charged with the grandeur, mercy, presence and fidelity of God. Those powers are far greater than the devil's antics.



July 21, 2015 by SkyWatch Editor

As transhumanist philosophy and Grin technology become integrated within society and national and private laboratories with their corporate allies provide increasingly sophisticated arguments for its widest adoption, those of us who treasure the meaning of life and human nature as defined by Judeo-Christian values will progressively find ourselves engaged in deepening spiritual conflicts over maintaining our humanity in the midst of what the producers of the upcoming documentary INHUMAN believe is fundamentally a supernatural conflict.

Just as the fictional exercise with the seventeen-year-old “Michelle” in the last entry illustrates, intensifying techno-spiritual issues, which Christian families will face this century, will escalate simultaneously at both spiritual and scientific levels. This material/immaterial struggle, which philosopher and theologian Francis Schaeffer once described as always at war “in the thought-world,” is difficult for some to grasp. The idea that human-transforming technology that mingles the dna of natural and synthetic beings and merges man with machines could somehow be used or even inspired by evil supernaturalism to foment destruction within the material world is for some people so exotic as to be inconceivable. Yet nothing should be more fundamentally clear, as students of spiritual warfare will understand. We are body (physical form), mind (soul, will, emotions), and spirit, thus everything in the material and immaterial world has potential to influence our psychosomatic existence and decisions. “There is no conflict in our lives that is strictly a spiritual issue,” writes Robert Jeffress in his book, The Divine Defense. This is because “there is never a time when the spirit is divorced from the body. Likewise, there is no turmoil in our lives that is solely psychological or physical, because our spirit, along with God’s Spirit within us and demonic spirits around us, is always present as well.”[i] Jeffress’ point that material stimulus cannot be divorced from spiritual conditions conveys why the Bible is so concerned with the antitheses of transhumanism; the integrity of our bodies and minds. The goal is to bring both into obedience to Christ (2 Chronicles 10:5) because this is where the battle is first fought and won. No marriage breakup ever transpired that did not start there—no murder, no theft, no idolatry—but that the contest was staged in the imagination, then married to the senses, and the decision to act given to the victor.

How technology is now poised to raise this mind-body-spirit game is hidden in the shadows of the National Institute of Health and Darpa, which for more than three decades have invested hundreds of millions of dollars not only designing new dna constructs but crafting arrays of microelectrodes, supercomputers, and algorithms to analyze and decipher the brain’s neural code, the complex “syntax” and communication rules that transform electrical neuron pulses in the brain into specific digital and analog information that we ultimately perceive as decisions, memories, and emotions. Understanding how this secret brain language functions, then parsing it down into digital computer code (strings of ones and zeros) where it can be reassembled into words and commands and then manipulated is at the center of military neurobiology, artificial intelligence research, and cybernetics.

While significant studies in neurosciences have been conducted with “neuro-prostheses” in mind to help the handicapped—for instance, the artificial cochlear implant that approximately 188,000 people worldwide have received thus far—Darpa “is less interested in treating the disabled than in enhancing the cognitive capacities of soldiers,” says former senior writer at Scientific American, John Horgan. “Darpa officials have breached the prospect of cyborg warriors downloading complex fighting procedures directly into their brains, like the heroes of the Matrix,” and has “interest in the development of techniques that can survey and possibly manipulate the mental processes of potential enemies [by] recording signals from the brains of enemy personnel at a distance, in order to ‘read their minds and to control them.”[ii] Because what develops within military technology eventually migrates into the broader culture, where it is quickly embraced for competitive or mutual advantages, the ramifications of neurobiology has not escaped international interests in both public and private agencies. Entire fields of research are now under development worldwide based on the notion that breakthroughs will provide unprecedented opportunities for reading, influencing, and even controlling human minds this century. The implications from this field are so staggering that France, in 2010, became the first nation to establish a behavioral research unit specifically designed to study and set “neuropolicy” to govern how such things as “neuromarketing” (a new field of marketing that analyzes consumers’ sensorimotor and cognitive responses to stimuli in order to decode what part of the brain is telling consumers to make certain buying decisions) may be used in the future to access unconscious decision-making elements of the brain to produce desired responses. This precedent for government neuropolicy comes not a second too soon, as the world’s largest semiconductor chip maker, Intel Corp., wants brain communicators on the market and “in its customers’ heads” before the year 2020. In what can only be described as Matrix creep, researchers at Intel Labs Pittsburgh are designing what it bets will be “the next big thing”—brain chips that allow consumers to control a host of new electronic and communication gadgets by way of neural commands. Developers at Toyota and the University of Utah are also working on brain transmitters, which they hope will contribute to building a global “hive mind.”

From these developments comes the distant groaning of a “fearful unknown” in which the architecture of the human brain—as transformed by current and future cybernetic inventions—begins to act in ways that borderline the supernatural. Consider experimental telepathy, which involves mind-to-mind thought transference that allows people to communicate without the use of speaking audibly. Most do not know that Hans Berger, the inventor of electroencephalography (eeg, the recording of electrical activity along the scalp produced by the firing of neurons within the brain) was a strong believer in psychic phenomena and wanted to decode brain signals in order to establish nonverbal transmission between people. Grin technology proposes to fulfill his dream.

Another example is telekinesis (psychokinesis), which involves the movement or manipulation of physical matter via direct influence of the mind. As incredible as it may seem, both this idea and the one above are under research by Darpa and other national laboratories as no pipe dream. In fact, recent experiments have provided “proof of concept” more than once. Such brain-to-brain transmission between distant persons as well as mind-to-computer communication was first demonstrated at the University of Southampton’s Institute of Sound and Vibration Research using electrodes and an Internet connection. The experiment at the institute went farther than most brain-to-machine interfacing (bmi) technology at that time, actually demonstrating brain-to-brain (B2B) communication between persons at a distance. Dr. Christopher James, who oversaw the experiment, commented: “Whilst bci [brain-computer interface] is no longer a new thing and person-to-person communication via the nervous system was shown previously in work by Prof. Kevin Warwick from the University of Reading, here we show, for the first time, true brain to brain interfacing. We have yet to grasp the full implications of this.” The experiment allowed one person using bci to transmit thoughts, translated as a series of binary digits, over the Internet to another person whose computer received the digits and transmitted them to the second user’s brain.[iii]

The real danger is how these accomplishments within human-mind-to-synthetic intelligence may take the proverbial “ghost in the machine” where no modern man has gone before, bridging a gap between unknown entities (both virtual and real), perhaps even inviting takeover of our species by malevolent intelligence. Note that the experiments above are being conducted at Southampton’s Institute of Sound and Vibration Research. Some years ago, scientist Vic Tandy’s research into sound, vibration frequencies, and eyeball resonation led to a thesis (actually titled “Ghosts in the Machine”) that was published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. Tandy’s findings outlined what he thought were “natural causes” for particular cases of specter materialization. Tandy found that 19-Hz standing air waves could, under some circumstances, create sensory phenomena in an open environment suggestive of a ghost. He actually produced a frightening manifested entity resembling contemporary descriptions of “alien grays.” A similar phenomenon was discovered in 2006 by neurologist Olaf Blanke of the Brain Mind Institute in Lausanne, Switzerland, while working with a team to discover the source of epileptic seizures in a young woman. They were applying electrical currents through surgically implanted electrodes to various regions of her brain, when upon reaching her left temporoparietal junction (tpj, located roughly above the left ear) she suddenly reported feeling the presence of a shadow person standing behind her. The phantom started imitating her body posture, lying down beneath her when she was on the bed, sitting behind her, and later even attempting to take a test card away from her during a language exercise. While the scientists interpreted the activity as a natural, though mysterious, biological function of the brain, is it possible they were actually discovering gateways of perception into the spirit world that were closed by God following the fall of man? Were Tandy’s “ghost” and Blanke’s “shadow person” living unknowns? If so, is it not troubling that advocates of human-mind-to-machine intelligence may produce permanent conditions similar to Tandy and Blanke’s findings, giving rise to simulated or real relationships between humans and “entities”? At the thirteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research at the University of Vienna in Austria, an original paper submitted by Charles Ostman seemed to echo this possibility:

As this threshold of development is crossed, as an index of our human /Internet symbiosis becoming more pronounced, and irreversible, we begin to develop communication modalities which are quite “nonhuman” by nature, but are “socio-operative” norms of the near future. Our collective development and deployment of complex metasystems of artificial entities and synthetic life-forms, and acceptance of them as an integral component of the operational “culture norm” of the near future, is in fact the precursory developmental increment, as an enabling procedure, to gain effective communicative access to a contiguous collection of myriad “species” and entity types (synthetic and “real”) functioning as process brokeraging agents.[iv]

A similar issue that “pinged” in our memories from past experience with exorcism and the connection between sound resonance and contact with supernaturalism has to do with people who claim to have become possessed or “demonized” after attempting to open mind gateways through vibratory chanting at New Age vortices or “Mother Earth” energy sites such as Sedona, Arizona, where a light entity was recently captured on film during research for the book “On the Path of the Immortals”. When we queried Christian paranormal expert expert Sue Bradley on this subject before she passed away, asking if she believed a connection could exist between acoustics, harmonics, sound resonance, and spirit gateways, she e-mailed this lengthy and interesting response:

Tom and Nita:

From the ancients to the New Age, resonance and harmonics have long been recognized as vehicles of communication and manifestation. Ancient rock outcroppings, sacred temples, and monuments have for millennia been used as gathering places for the so-called spiritually enlightened. Through recent understanding of quantum entanglement and the high energy physics of sound and light, both with adaptable vibratory characteristics, these popular sites for gatherings with ritual chants and offerings, often employing ancient spells and mathematical harmonic codes in various sets of tandem frequencies, may well have measurable and far greater esoteric effects than even recently believed.

Note what New Ager and modern shaman Zacciah Blackburn of Sacred Sound, Sound the Codes says he came in contact with at such sites:

It is not mere coincidence many of the ancient stone temples of the world were made with crystalline embedded stones, such as granite, which are known for their properties to pass or store energy. Through Sacred Sound and awareness practices, the unseen “wisdom keepers” and guardians of these sacred temples have communed with me, and showed me how to hold frequency of awareness in the heart and mind, and combine them into sound codes to create a “key” which opens the “libraries” of these temples of ancient star beings and wisdom keepers to the modern way traveler whom comes with pure intent.[v]

With this in mind, also consider how the word “ear” appears 120 times in Scripture, “ears” 151 times, and is important with regard to sound connected to spiritual hearing. First used in Exodus 15:26, the ear is linked to a covenant relationship for those that hearken to the voice of the Lord and keep His statutes. The right ear is repeatedly described in the Levitical instructions: “Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons” (Exodus 29:20; [Leviticus 8:23 and 24; 14:14, 17, 25, and 28].

Subsequent references to the ear and hearing are presented as petitions to God from His servants as well as from God as counsel, forewarning and rebukes.

The ear as a spiritual gateway termed “Ear-Gate” first appeared in English usage through an allegory penned by John Bunyan in 1682. Bunyan’s classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress, was the most widely read and translated book in the English language apart from the Bible: it was also an educational staple and considered to be required reading in the U.S. from colonial times through World War II. While The Pilgrim’s Progress allegorizes the encounters and obstacles of a man seeking salvation, Bunyan’s The Holy War or The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul recounts the cosmic conflict for the souls of mankind with Peretti-like descriptions and precision.

The town of Mansoul, designed in the image of the almighty, Shaddai, is the target of the deceptive and malevolent giant, Diabolus. Mansoul is a city of five gates: the Ear-Gate, Eye-Gate, Mouth-Gate, Nose-Gate and Feel-Gate. The first and most strategic gate is the first gate breached: the Ear-Gate.

Nineteenth-century theologian, Rev. Robert Maguire, comments on the importance of the Ear-Gate:

This was the gate of audience, and through this gate the words of the tempter must penetrate, if the temptation is to be successful. Into the ears of our first mother did the wily serpent whisper the glozing words of his seductive wiles and through the Ear-Gate, he assailed her heart and won it. To give audience to the tempter is the next step to yielding up obedience to his will.[vi]

One of the two principal powers in Mansoul, Resistance, quickly succumbs to an arrow from the army of Diabolus. The promises of Diabolus are familiar: to enlarge the town of man-soul, to augment their freedom and in the subtlety of pattern identical to Eden, challenging the prohibition of the Tree of Knowledge itself.

Dr. Maguire continues to describe this initial incursion at the Ear-Gate with the introduction of Mr. Ill-Pause, another of the diabolical army that visits Mansoul:

Satan has many mysterious angels who are ready to second their master’s temptations and to commend his wily overtures. Thus Ill-Pause persuades the men of Mansoul; and, lo! to the temptation from without (which was utterly powerless in itself), there answers the yielding from within. This is the fatal act; and is straightaway followed by another grave disaster—the death of Innocency, one of the chiefest and most honorable townsmen. His sensitive soul was poisoned by the contact of the breath of the lost.[vii]

The Holy War continues with civil war raging within Mansoul and the defeat of the giant Diabolus and his demonic army by the son of Shaddai, Emmanuel, but the allegory perhaps finds more direct application in the twenty-first century than earlier. This is because, more than any other time in history, the seduction of high-tech has taken firm root—and among the most vulnerable of the population. Culturally adrift, this high risk generation, most of whom have never heard the exquisite truths of John Bunyan, has been denied spiritual cultivation through an educational system which values tolerance above absolutes and through social training that elevates technology above heritage.

[i] Robert Jeffress, The Divine Defense: Six Simple Strategies for Winning Your Greatest Battles (Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook, 2006) 78.

[ii] John Horgon, “We’re Cracking the Neural Code, the Brain’s Secret Language,” Adbusters (1/25/06) https://www.adbusters.org/the_magazine/63/Were_Cracking_the_Neural_Code_the_Brains_Secret_Language.html.

[iii] “Brain-Computer Interface Allows Person-to-Person Communication Through Power Of Thought,” ScienceDaily (10/6/09) http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091006102637.htm.

[iv] Charles Ostman, The Internet as an Organism: Emergent Human / Internet Symbiosis (Vienna, Austria: Thirteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research at the University of Vienna, April 9–12, 1996) emphasis added.

[v] Sounding the Codes (2007) http://www.thecenteroflight.net.

[vi] Robert Maguire, Charles J. Doe, Commentary on John Bunyan’s The Holy War (2009) 11.

[vii] Ibid., 7.



NASA’s ‘Planet X’ Files Leaked: NASA Knows Nibiru Is Coming, Says Conspiracy Theorists

Posted: July 17, 2015

There is evidence of an ongoing resurgence of the Planet X (also known as Nibiru) cataclysm conspiracy theory following the publication of new scientific studies in 2014 claiming evidence of a mysterious unnamed planet lurking beyond Pluto. The scientific claims were based on observations of gravitational influences on a group of space bodies termed the “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) orbiting our Sun beyond the planet Neptune.

A slew of messages and YouTube videos currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a NASA study published in 1988 revealed details about the mysterious Planet X/Nibiru with an estimated orbital period of more than 1,000 years.

The study, according to conspiracy theorists, demonstrates that NASA and the U.S. government have been aware for decades that the rogue Planet X is coming with catastrophic consequences for humanity.

According to conspiracy theorists, recently leaked secret NASA “Planet X” files reveal that the agency is aware that the gravitational influence of Planet X had disrupted the orbits of other planets during a previous passage into the inner solar system hundreds of years ago; and that the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system is imminent.

The approach of the mysterious Planet X is currently sending waves of charged “plasmatic energy particles” through our solar system. The flow of energy will finally disrupt the “core flows” of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.

We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.

Deadly and Destrictive Earthquakes In The Past Century

NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks.

The comprehensive report submitted to the White House estimates that about two-thirds of humanity will be wiped out when Planet X induces a pole-shift. Two-thirds of survivors will perish over another six months due to starvation and exposure to the elements.

Although some conspiracy theorists insist that the Planet X mentioned in the NASA files is not linked with Zecharia Sitchin’s planet Nibiru — the alleged planet of the alien Anunnaki that makes a close approach to Earth as it passes through the inner solar system on its orbital path once every 3,600 years — many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.

But it is uncertain whether the Planet X mentioned in the purported NASA files is the same as the Planet X that scientific researchers announced in 2014 that they have evidence is lurking in the fringes of our solar system beyond Pluto.

According to the research study titled “Extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the Kozai mechanism: signaling the presence of trans-Plutonian planets,” published in June of 2014 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, there are at least two planets — part of our solar system — larger than Earth, lurking out there beyond Pluto, and whose presence can be detected through their gravitational influences.

The team of scientists, led by Professor Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, at the Complutense University of Madrid, said that observations of the behavior of the ETNOs objects beyond Neptune reveal the gravitational influence of massive astronomical objects beyond Pluto.

According to the emerging conspiracy theory, NASA embarked on the New Horizons project two years after the 1988 publication revealed the existence of Planet X. The final destination of New Horizons is Planet X, but to prevent mass panic, NASA pretended that the destination of the space probe is Pluto and the Kuiper belt.

In the 1990s, the agency pretended it had abandoned the search for Planet X by leaking false information that the latest measurements by Voyager 2 proved that Planet X does not exist. According to NASA at the time, measurements taken by Voyager 2 showed that the alleged irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune which led to the Planet X hypothesis were due to overestimation of the mass of Neptune.

But according to conspiracy theorists, the claim by NASA scientists was a deliberate ruse to cover-up the actual destination of New Horizons beyond Pluto and the Kuiper belt – Planet X.

NASA knows that Planet X is real and that Armageddon is near, according to conspiracy theorists.

In a previous report, the Inquisitr traced the origin of the Planet X controversy in the astronomical sciences to the late 19th century. Following the discovery of Neptune, astronomer Percival Lowell proposed the Planet X hypothesis to explain certain irregularities in the orbits of the outer giant planets.

The discovery of Pluto in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, led some astronomers to announce that Planet X had been found. But by 1978, scientists had realized that Pluto was too small to account for the observed influences on Uranus and Neptune. This led to resumption of the search for the mysterious Planet X, believed to be larger than Earth.

The conviction that a planet larger than Earth lurks beyond Pluto was strengthened by the work of Chadwick Trujillo and Scott Sheppard, who, in March of 2014, announced discovery of the dwarf planet 2012 VP113, believed to be part of the inner Oort Cloud.

The scientists pointed out that 2012 VP113’s orbital behavior suggests it is under the gravitational influence of a massive undetected planet in the fringes of our solar system.

The researchers suggested that Planet X is likely ten times more massive than Earth and probably lies about 250 AU from our Sun.




Shock Report: China Dumps Half a Trillion Dollars: “Something Is Very, Very Wrong”

Mac Slavo

Date July 22nd, 2015

We’ve recently reported that China is preparing for something very big in currency markets this October. We then learned that economic models from two very well known financial forecasters are predicting that governments around the world will run into serious problems starting around October 2nd of this year. Those forecasts come on the heels of a warning issued by economic analyst Michael Snyder who says that a financial collapse is imminent within the next six months.

A wide body of evidence suggests that something is in the works as economic numbers around the world are revealed to be nothing short of pure conjecture. Yet, despite the clearly disastrous direction in which the world is trending, politicians and media pundits maintain that whatever contagion existed has now been contained.

But a shocking report from Zero Hedge suggests otherwise. According to one of the world’s leading financial web sites, major banking institutions like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs have been left speechless after the release of new data coming out of China. The news isn’t necessarily that China just reported a massive increase in its gold holdings of some 600 tons, but rather, that they have actively dumped hundreds of billions of dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries over the last 15 months, with some $224 billion having been offloaded in just the last 90 days.

This has led many to speculate that the end for the world’s reserve currency is nigh.

On Friday, alongside China’s announcement that it had bought over 600 tons of gold in “one month”, the PBOC released another very important data point: its total foreign exchange reserves, which declined by $17.3 billion to $3,694 billion.

We then put China’s change in FX reserves alongside the total Treasury holdings of China and its “anonymous” offshore Treasury dealer Euroclear (aka “Belgium”) as released by TIC, and found that the dramatic relationship which we first discovered back in May, has persisted – namely virtually the entire delta in Chinese FX reserves come via China’s US Treasury holdings. As in they are being aggressively sold, to the tune of $107 billion in Treasury sales so far in 2015.

JP Morgan Chase conclusion is actually quite stunning:

This brings the cumulative capital outflow over the past five quarters to $520bn. Again, we approximate capital flow from the change in FX reserves minus the current account balance for each previous quarter to arrive at this estimate.

Incidentally, $520 billion is roughly triple what implied Treasury sales would suggest as China’s capital outflow, meaning that China is also liquidating some other USD-denominated asset(s) at a feverish pace. So far we do not know which, but the chart above and the magnitude of the Chinese capital outflow is certainly the biggest story surrounding the world’s most populous nation: what is happening in its stock market is just a diversion.

Net capital outflows might conceivably have run around -$200bn, an acceleration from Q1 and beyond anything seen historically.

Granted, this is smaller than JPM’s $520 billion number but this also captures a far shorter time period. Annualizing a $224 billion outflow in one quarter would lead to an unprecedented $1 trillion capital outflow out of China for the year. Needless to say, a capital exodus of that pace and magnitude would suggest that something is very, very wrong with not only China’s economy, but its capital markets, and last but not least, its capital controls, which prohibit any substantial outbound capital flight (at least for ordinary people, the Politburo is clearly exempt from the regulations for the “common folk”).

Forget about what stock markets are doing because, as noted, that is just a diversion. Focus instead on the bond markets, which are massive in comparison to stocks.

As we can see, China is actively and rapidly dumping U.S. dollars, with the last three months accounting for nearly half of that sell-off.

This is not a sign of a stabilized global marketplace and we may well be witnessing the beginning of a massive worldwide collapse of the current economic, financial and monetary paradigm. We certainly don’t expect this to happen overnight, but as we’ve noted previously, we are on the cusp of an unprecedented event in world history.

According to analyst Greg Mannarino it was all this excess debt that made “infinite” economic growth possible. But when that debt bubble finally does burst – and we may be seeing the beginnings of it with the Chinese sell-off of U.S. dollar denominated assets – we’ll also see a bursting of the population bubble:

It’s created a population boom… a population boom has risen in tandem with the debt. It’s incredible.

So, when the debt bubble bursts we’re going to get a correction in population. It’s a mathematical certainty.

Millions upon millions of people are going to die on a world-wide scale when the debt bubble bursts. And I’m saying when not if…

When resources become more and more scarce we’re going to see countries at war with each other. People will be scrambling… in a worst case scenario… doing everything that they can to survive… to provide for their family and for themselves.

There’s no way out of it.

Source: Millions Upon Millions Will Die…

The real possibility of this event coming to pass is what is driving not just the government to prepare for widespread economic collapse scenarios and the civil unrest that will follow, but has also sent the world’s elite scrambling to hideaways and bunkers in an effort to avoid the inevitable violence that erupts when resource shortages become the norm.

For those who have yet to take steps to prepare for disaster, we point your attention to Greece, where a similar event has happened on a smaller scale. Things have gotten so bad that Greeks are dumpster diving for food and standing in hours-long lines just to get a government-approved $75 withdrawal out of their ATM.

Most people – about 99% at last count – have failed to prepare for even minor disruptions such as those in Greece.

As The Prepper’s Blueprint author Tess Pennington notes, it won’t take much to upend society and just like Greece, if the debt bubble does burst it will have a direct and immediate impact on the normal flow of commerce:

Collectively speaking, most Americans take for granted the system in place to deliver essential supplies to their area. “The system,” an underlying infrastructure that keeps goods, services and commerce in America flowing creates a sense of normalcy and order. Food, water, gasoline and medications are just a few of the items restocked weekly in order for our dependent society to maintain a steady flow. What many fail to grasp is just how fragile the system is and just how quickly it can collapse.

The report goes on to explain that consumer fear and panic will exacerbate shortages. News of a truck stoppage—whether on the local level, state or regional level, or nationwide—will spur hoarding and drastic increases in consumer purchases of essential goods. Shortages will materialize quickly and could lead to civil unrest.

Source: When the Trucks Stop Deliver The System Will Collapse

Transportation systems are just one part of a critical chain dependent specifically on the availability of credit. Should that credit be disrupted because of currency upheaval or economic collapse, we could well face Greece on a massive scale across America, complete with all the violence that results when people have been driven to the breaking point.

The takeaway from the latest revelations coming out of China?

It’s simple. Prepare for the imminent collapse of our current paradigm. Failure to do so will leave you and those you love literally fighting over garbage scraps.


the Left Call

Vladimir Putin’s speech – SHORTEST SPEECH EVER.

On August 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:

“In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and want to live the life of Muslim’s then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. “Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries, but they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.

“When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should keep in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim Minorities Are Not Russians.”

The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.



Catalans threaten unilateral independence from Spain

Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:9AM

Former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and prominent figure in pro-independence “Junts pel Si” (Together for Yes) coalition, Raul Romeva, speaks in Barcelona, Spain, on July 20, 2015. (© AFP)

Separatists in Spain’s autonomous Catalonia region have announced readiness to declare unilateral independence in case the Madrid government torpedoes a secession process they hope to launch in September’s regional elections.

“If in this process, the Spanish state, through its political or legal decisions, blocks the autonomous government of Catalonia or the Catalan parliament, we will move forward with a declaration of independence,” said Raul Romeva, a former member of the European parliament and prominent figure in the coalition that brings together the center-right CDC and left-wing ERC political parties.

“(We are) going for broke. We are betting everything on this, no turning back,” he stated at the presentation of the Junts pel si (Together for yes) coalition’s list of candidates at the Museo de Historia de Catalunia on Monday.

The remarks come as Spanish Justice Minister Rafael Catala has hinted at the suspension of Catalonia’s autonomy if a separation process were to get underway, adding that Spain’s constitution made provision for such a move.

Last week, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy also said that “there will be no independence for Catalonia.”

Catalonians cite high unemployment and public debt as main reasons for the decision to secede from Spain.

The region is currently paying Madrid around 16 billion euros a year more in taxes than it gets back from the central government. Catalonia owes around 40 billion euros in debt, which has forced regional authorities to introduce spending cuts in healthcare and education.

Many Catalans believe their economy would be more prosperous on its own, complaining that a high portion of their taxes go to the central government in Madrid.

Catalonia, which consists of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona, accounts for one-fifth of Spain’s economic output.

On September 29, 2014, Spain’s constitutional court suspended Catalonia’s referendum on independence after a request from the prime minister.

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Barcelona the following day, vowing to disobey Spain’s blocking of Catalonia’s independence referendum.

The Catalan government said on October 3 that year it would push ahead with its scheduled plan to hold the referendum, despite the court order to suspend the vote.



Gov’t Official: Chilling report from Pacific Ocean… “Silence on the seas” — “Quite literally, there isn’t any fish” — Japan Professor: Fukushima posing reproduction risk to marine life, ongoing concern over bio-accumulation of radioactive material
Published: July 21st, 2015 at 9:16 pm ET

Senator Penelope Wright, Parliament of Australia, Mar 5, 2015 (emphasis added): “Like many others, I read an article in 2013 by Ivan Macfadyen called ‘The ocean is broken‘. It was published in The Sydney Morning Herald… He is an experienced sailor, so he had the ability to compare his experience then with… other trips. It was chilling. It was heartbreaking really. He had noticed changes in the last years. Basically, he was confronted by the silence that he heard, the silence on the seas, and he realised that this was attributable to the fact that they saw very, very few birds. They also caught very few fish… two fish.”

Interview with Ivan Macfadyen, Talk Radio Europe, May 24, 2015 (at 14:30 in): “The reality was… if I would have had no spare dry food on the boat — relying on fish this time around — we would have starved to death — because, quite literally, there isn’t any fish. There’s vast tracks where they’re just all gone. Where you could fish reliably, they’re just not there… I used to fish here on exactly the same course, at exactly the same time of year… the same ocean, on the same course, into the same place — and I could catch fish everyday, and for some reason now 10 years later they’re all gone.”

Though not discussed in the above interview, Macfadyen has attributed his statement “The ocean is broken” to the impact of Fukushima:

  • Host: What about sea birds and all of that?

  • Macfadyen: As you get closer up to Japan they’re all gone, they’re not there anymore… Everything’s all gone, it’s just like sailing in a dead sea… there’s nothing…

  • Host: After Japan you headed [to] America, did you see any impact from…Fukushima?

  • Macfadyen: It’s dead. That’s where I coined the phrase, ‘The ocean’s broken’ – because, for thousands of miles, there’s nothing. No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles… they’re not there… all those beautiful creatures, they’re just all gone… We’d seen a whale, round about probably 1,000 miles [off] Japan, just lying on the surface with like a big tumor… just behind its head… it looked like it was going to die… it didn’t try to get away, it didn’t flap its tail, it didn’t do anything… It had such a profound effect on me… Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry.

TV: Mystery ‘green goo’ decimating fishing on West Coast — “Like ectoplasm in Ghostbusters” — Experts: “About as severe as we could ever anticipate… Lot of unusual things going on” — “We’re not catching any fish… Never as bad as right now… Almost non-existent… Worst season ever”
Published: July 20th, 2015 at 9:40 pm ET

Business in Vancouver (weekly newspaper), Jul 20, 2015: When north coast fishermen set their nets on June 9 [they] pulled up thick blankets of slime… Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has determined the slime to be a “goo” of phytoplankton… To make matters worse, as of mid-July, Skeena River sockeye – with a predicted run size of 3.5 million – were a no-show… as of mid-July, only 130,000 had returned… “As far as sockeye salmon… this is about as severe as we could ever anticipate,” said University of BC biologist Tony Farrell… warm water is believed to be changing the food web… Initial numbers show a much lower than expected sockeye run for both the Nass and Skeena rivers in northern B.C. The problem is most pronounced on Vancouver Island… Fishing bans have been implemented on several Vancouver Island rivers to protect trout, steelhead and salmon stocks. Closures in other parts of B.C. are also being implemented…

The Northern View (Prince Rupert, BC, Canada), Jul 15, 2015: Algae boom threatens gill net fleet… A sticky, thick algae is being singled out as the reason for extremely dismal salmon catches…[a fisherman] describes the substance as abnormally thick, yet invisible from a boat.

Claude McDonald, fisherman with over 60 years experience, Jul 15, 2015: “We’re not catching any fish… Algae bloom has been bad before but never as bad as it is right now… you would just move to a different spot. Now there’s no other places to go, it’s just everywhere.”

Glen Scoular, fisherman, Jul 15, 2015: “It was so hopeless last (opening)… we didn’t even go.”

Lori Wilson, Canadian Fish Corporation plant manager, Jul 15, 2015: “It’s the first time we’ve started this late since I can remember… We just haven’t had any fish.”

Ian Perry, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Jul 15, 2015: “We’re seeing a lot of unusual things going on at the moment… a very unusual bloom of phytoplankton.”

CFTK-TV, Jul 10, 2015: Algae Bloom Decimates Salmon Fishermen Season — A rare algae phenomenon has been popping up… Local fishermen say the green stuff has made what is supposed to be one of their best salmon run seasons into their worst ever. “It’s like a green gooey stuff… It’s like ectoplasm in the Ghostbusters movie… It’s like a green goo from Mars.” Whatever it is, that green gooey stuff is causing local fishermen a lot of problems. Rick Frey has been fishing for over 50 years – and he says it’s his worst season ever. “You might as well not even be here”… Charmaine Carlson is the owner of Dolly`s Fish Market, and she says her sockeye numbers this year are almost non-existent. “I haven’t had sockeye in at all because of that. Usually I have thousands of lbs in, from my fishermen because they sell directly to me, but no nothing.” The Fishermen’s Union Rep Joy Thorkelson says it’s becoming a major problem.

CFTK-TV, Jul 14, 2015: Fishermen in Prince Rupert have expressed growing concern over a green algae material that has been… decimating their fishing season… [DFO] says they’ve collected samples, and are still monitoring it very closely.



Until next week...keep on believing.
Almondtree Productions

The Lord tends me as a shepherd, and I shall want nothing. In a place of green grass, there he has made me dwell: he has nourished me by the water of rest. He has restored my soul: he has guided me into the paths of righteousness, for his name’s sake. Yea, even if I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of evils: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, these have comforted me. Thou has prepared a table before me in presence of them that afflict me: thou hast thoroughly anointed my head with oil; and thy cup cheers me like the best wine. Thy mercy also shall follow me all the days of my life: and my dwelling shall be in the house of the Lord for a very long time.”
(Psalm 23)