Let not your spirit be troubled on account of the times; For the Holy and Great One has appointed days for all things.”
(Enoch 92:2)
Let Not Your Spirit Be Troubled On Account Of The Times



Amazon reportedly tests payment system that scans your hand

Its Whole Foods grocery stores could use the system early next year, the New York Post reports.


September 3, 2019

Amazon is reportedly working on a payment system that will eliminate the need to hand over cash or a credit card. You'll just have to hand over your hand.

The internet retail giant is testing scanners that can identify individuals' hands to pay for a store purchase, the New York Post reported Tuesday. Amazon hopes to have the scanners in place at its Whole Foods supermarkets by the beginning of next year, the newspaper reported, citing sources briefed on the company's plans.

Unlike fingerprint scanners found on mobile devices, Amazon's system doesn't require users to physically touch a scanning surface. Instead, it uses vision and depth geometry to scan the hands of shoppers with Amazon Prime accounts and then charge the purchases to their credit card information already on file, the newspaper reported.

The scanner is accurate to within one ten-thousandth of 1%, but Amazon engineers hope to achieve an accuracy of within a millionth of 1%, the newspaper reported.

An Amazon spokeswoman declined to comment, saying "we don't comment on rumors or speculation."

This wouldn't be Amazon's first attempt to reinvent shopping. The company gained loads of attention when it unveiled Amazon Go, a chain of convenience stores lacking cash registers. Introduced in 2016, Amazon Go lets customers check in at turnstiles using their phones, grab whatever they want and then walk out.

However, state governments passed laws to ban cashless stores, saying they discriminate against lower-income or younger customers who don't have bank accounts, cards or smartphones. In response to these concerns, Amazon said earlier this year it'd start accepting cash at its Amazon Go stores.

Absolute Truth from the Word of God

LGBTQ Goal is Destruction of Christianity in Society

BY GERI UNGUREAN September 9, 2019

Did you think that the whole LGBTQ agenda was primarily to win acceptance and tolerance from the American society? I think that most of us probably thought that.

Little did we know that gaining acceptance was merely a first step toward the ultimate goal which is evil to its core. Should we be surprised? After all, we ARE battling principalities and powers of darkness (let us never forget this).

The end game of the LGBTQ movement, although possibly not realized by its marchers, but by its leaders is this: Detaching America from its original Judeo/Christian heritage and the moral framework which was the foundation upon which we were established.

How will they accomplish this? Legislatively, and as their demands grow, the one piece of legislation that makes every Leftist liberal salivate is “The Equality Act.”

Brethren, if this becomes law in the U.S., initially there will be lawyers in boardrooms brainstorming about overturning this satanically inspired law. But if this is God’s will in his prophetic plan for us, then we will literally be between a rock and a hard place.

The language of the “Equality Act” is such that we will be strong-armed in doing things that our Lord would never have us do. So, we will have a choice: succumb to their demands or dig in our heels and refuse. Of course, the latter will land us in jail – possibly in re-educations camps.

(He's right.)


'Lucifer king of hell': Church vandalized after opposing 'drag queen' event

September 10, 2019

A California church was vandalized after its pastor and members publicly opposed the presentation of a “Drag Queen Story Hour” in a local public library.

The pro-family group MassResistance documented the satanic messages painted on the walls of the church before Sunday services last weekend.

The messages include a star in a circle with the word “satan,” “lucifer,” “king of hell” and the obscene “s— m- —–.”

Last month, MassResistance activists in the San Diego suburb of Chula Vista began alerting the community about the “Drag Queen Story Hour” coming to their local library.

MassResistance recruited churches, including Pastor Amado Huizar of the South Bay Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista.

“Pastor Luziar was very enthusiastic. He participated in our conference calls,” MassResistance said. “He reached out to the press and referenced MassResistance. He brought our leaflets – in both English and Spanish – about the Drag Queen event into his church and encouraged the parishioners to take them and pass them out in the community. He is the kind of church leader we need everywhere!”

However, there was a price to pay.

“As we’ve all seen, the rabid and unhinged pro-LGBT activists believe that no laws or rules of decorum prevent them from harassing, intimidating, and destroying anyone who disagrees with their agenda. And so, the church was soon on their radar screen,” MassResistance said.

First there were personal attacks, including hate-filled messages on social media.

One attack came from a city council member, the report said.

“City Councilor Steven Padilla, who is openly ‘gay’ himself, wrote a vicious social media rant saying that the pro-family Chula Vista citizens are part of a group (i.e., MassResistance) that ‘promotes anti-immigrant and white-supremacist beliefs.’ He offered no proof or evidence of this, and has refused to answer questions from the press about it,” MassResistance said.

Then early on Sunday, Sept. 8, parishioners at Pastor Huizar’s church who arrived early were met by satanic messages painted on all four outside walls.

“They were quickly covered up, but it was clearly meant to terrorize both the pastor and the churchgoers because of their stand against the ‘Drag Queen’ event,” the group said.

The organization said the satanic symbols were not a surprise, since it has found “a very disturbing amount of satanic imagery and ‘church of satan’ depiction[s]’ embedded in the LGBT movement.”

WND reported this week the New York Times ran a feature on the emergence of preteen “drag stars.”

The Media Research Center blog Newsbusters commented that in its “eagerness to ingratiate itself to the LGBT left,” the Times “didn’t spot any sexual content in the ‘drag kid’ movement.”

Reporter Alice Hines acknowledged that “as recently as the 1970s, when dressing as another gender could lead to arrest on charges of vagrancy or ‘perversion’ in many jurisdictions, drag was an adults-only affair, relegated to underground spaces and rich in sexual innuendo.”

But now, she said, with the growing mainstream acceptance of gay culture, public libraries are hosting “Drag Queen Story Hour” and its defenders insist it isn’t inherently sexual.

However, Newsbusters pointed out the Times ignored the stripper routine by an 11-year-old “drag kid” in a Brooklyn gay bar that was cheered on by adults.

The “Drag Queen Story Hour” movement gained momentum recently, with events in a number of states.

In Texas, however, a number of “drag queens” who made presentations in libraries were found to be convicted sex offenders.

David Lee Richardson, known as “Miss Kitty Litter,” has participated in the “Drag Storytime for Children” at a public library in Austin, Texas, during the past year.

He was arrested and convicted of offering sex for money in 1996, MassResistance discovered, reported OneNewsNow.

Earlier this year, MassResistance exposed two other convicted sex offenders who read to children at a Houston public library.

On Aug. 8, after uncovering numerous social media posts by Richardson alluding to homosexual and sado-masochistic acts, members of MassResistance’s Austin chapter testified before the Austin City Council, joining local citizens demanding that the “Drag Queen Story Hour” event be stopped.

WND reported one of the first “story hour” events to draw attention nationally was held in 2017 at the Michelle Obama public library in Long Beach, California.

A drag queen named “Sparkle Leigh” even read to children in a Presbyterian church in Cincinnati, reported Cincinnati.com.



Nations Invited for Animal Sacrifice on Mount of Olives Renewing Noah’s Covenant

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz September 2, 2019

“And you shall declare to them: Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land.” Ezekiel 37:21 (The Israel Bible™)

Lighting the fire on the Altar for the Third Temple for the first time (Photo Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Breaking Israel News)

On September 25, the 5,780th anniversary of the day on which Jewish tradition holds the world was created, the Sanhedrin is holding a conference for the emerging Organization of 70 Nations. The conference will culminate in an animal sacrifice made by representatives of the nations on the Mount of Olives in which they will renew the covenant made by Noah upon leaving the Ark.

The Conference and 70 Nations

The conference will begin on Wednesday evening, September 25, the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Elul at the Jerusalem Gate Hotel and continue until Friday, September 27. Lectures and discussions will focus on the Noahide obligations incumbent upon all of mankind. Also discussed will be the universal economic, cultural, educational that should be the focus of such an organization. A major focus will also be the establishment of an international court based on Bible principles.

God established the borders of the world based on the 70 children of Israel who went down to Egypt and the 70 nations that came out from Noah. The concept of 70 nations also appears in reference to the 70 oxen offered in the Temple throughout Sukkot (the feast of the tabernacles) which the Talmud (Sukkah 55b) teaches are for the merit of the 70 nations.

The organization emphasizes that every nation will keep its unique and distinct national identity, cultural heritage, language, and recognized borders.

In attendance will be official representatives of several nations: Representing Guatemala, Vice president of the Republic of Guatemala Jafeth Ernesto Cabrera Franco as well as several of his advisers. There will also be official delegations from El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras, Bolivia, Trinidad Tobago, and Costa Rica. Many other countries have yet to commit to attending. Several of the delegates are parliamentarians of their respective countries.

Universal Prayer

The first day of the conference will end with a joint prayer by all the participants. Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, the Sanhedrin’s Foreign Minister has been tasked with composing the unique prayer for the special occasion.

“Religion is a difficult word,” Rabbi Hollander said. “An individual does not need a religion to relate to God. Adam did not need religion to speak to God. Religion is an activity that a community does together. Nations were established with Noah and then there became a need for religion. We need to come together as distinct nations and religions.”

“A nation has the attributes that define it but it also needs a religion,” Rabbi Hollander said, suggesting that the United Nations lacked this attribute. “An organization of nations necessarily needs to be religious, 70 nations under God, but not any specific common religion.”

Noahide Principles Incumbent on all of Mankind

Much of the conference will be dedicated to the seven principles incumbent upon all mankind given to Noah after the Biblical flood. A lecture on the subject will be given by the chairman of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center Rabbi Oury Cherki. Rabbi Hollander, who also sits on the board of the Brit Olam organization, is convinced that universal adherence to the Noahide laws is necessary for the existence of civilization.

“If you read history you will see that the Hebraicists of the 17th century believed in a minimum basis which society needs in order to exist,” Rabbi Hollander said. “This is clearly true in the Noahide law to establish courts of law. All of the laws are required by a nation and not by an individual. An international, or multinational organization, needs to establish the basics required for the survival of civilization.”

Knesset and Sacrifice

As part of the conference, the representatives will visit the Temple Mount and pay an official visit to the Knesset with the Sanhedrin.

On Friday, the conference will culminate in a trip to the Mount of Olives where the nations will be invited to reenact the ceremony first performed by Noah upon exiting the Ark.

Then Noach built an altar to Hashem and, taking of every clean animal and of every clean bird, he offered burnt offerings on the altar. Genesis 8:20

The ceremony will renew the covenant made between mankind and God at that time.

“I now establish My covenant with you and your offspring to come, and with every living thing that is with you—birds, cattle, and every wild beast as well—all that have come out of the ark, every living thing on earth. I will maintain My covenant with you: never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Genesis 9:9-11

This sacrifice made by Noah was a Korban Olah (a sacrifice that goes up), a tribute to God that was entirely burnt on the altar.

“Just as Noah was not Jewish but was a servant of God, this ceremony is a declaration that mankind is serving Hashem (God, literally, ‘the name’),” Rabbi Weiss explained. The altar must be built and the sacrifice made by someone from the nations who keeps the seven Noahide laws. It is still unclear 

“This is a religious act but not for any specific religion,” Rabbi Weiss said. “This is a meta-religion, not a global religion, which is inherent in every person and expressed in his own way. The world needs to return to religion. Rejecting religion, rejecting God, is a sickness that is afflicting the world. Secularism rejects human values. The UN declared abortion and euthanasia to be human rights. This is a sign of sickness. The concept of family, a father, and mother, is a basic human quality reinforced by religion and rejected by secularism. The concept of belonging to a nation, to a tribe, to a people, is rejected by secularism. Man was given the mandate to care for the world but they have turned people into animals and animals into people. It is impossible to continue like this.”

Return of the Lost Ten Tribes

Another purpose of the conference and the organization of the 70 Nations is to begin the return of the lost ten-tribes of Israel.

“The establishment of the modern State of Israel began the process of the ingathering of the exiles,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “In the past, people who were descended from Jews would fade away and never return. We are blessed to live in an age when so many of these people are discovering their roots in the Jewish people and are reconnecting to this. But the next step is to raise awareness so that the lost ten-tribes of Israel can return as well, as prophesied.”

And you shall declare to them: Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land.” Ezekiel 37:21

Towards this end, Rabbi Eliyahu Birnbaum who travels the world looking for hidden descendants of Jews will be the first keynote speaker to address the conference.

The 70 Nations initiative began last year at the World Creation Concert when high-ranking delegations from Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico signed a declaration saying:

We, as representatives of our nations, declare that according to the laws of Torah that God to Moses at Mount of Sinai, and according to the prophets of Israel and all the books of the Bible we wish to accompany the people of God, the people of Israel, to the place chosen by God, the Temple on Mount, Moriah, the place of binding the of Isaac.

All this in order to serve only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as it is written:

That my house will becalled a house of prayer to ALL peoples’

We are all gathered together in the name of peace and love with the people of Israel in the courtyards of the House of God as the sages of Israel and to fulfill the messianic vision of peace.”

God blessed Abraham by saying, ‘They that will bless you will be blessed.’ We pray that by blessing Israel today, we, in turn, will be blessed.”

Seventy Nations: Principles

The Seventy Nations organization is directed at all of mankind who accept G-d as the creator of the world and who recognize his leadership as He appears in the annals of the world and the universe. The Bible relates to God as He is known in the individual lives of all beings, in the history and language of all nations both for creating and destroying, for reward and for punishment. Just as God reveals Himself in the Bible and declares His laws and precepts, so the purpose of man in history to serve Him through the medium of the Temple as He wills it, and through the power of His holiness that comes from Zion.

All humanity, all Peoples both individually and in multi-faceted groupings, are descendants of Adam and Eve. All were created in the image of G-d and called “Man”. All humanity survived the “flood” and committed themselves to follow the joint covenant with G-d by following those basic laws and precepts whose violation brought on the destruction of mankind in the time of Noah. And to await for G-d’s mercy.

The basic breaches of G-d’s laws are the following: revolt against G-d, lack of justice, forbidden sexual relations, murder, stealing and robbery, worshipping a false G-d, inflicting damage to life as it is lived through illegal and unbridled greed.

These breaches in a positive tone are expressed as the covenant of the Noachites.

The Seventy Nations organization envisions the redemption and rehabilitation of man and the whole world. It respects the honor of all mankind, the family, tribe, the country, and the state and their individual and collective freedoms. It carries out this principle by protecting the rights and obligations of all in an equal manner according to the laws of the Bible and international justice based on the Bible.

The organization will concern itself with the protection of the globe, the just distribution of resources and the avoidance of theft and the results of excessive greed.

The organization will protect the culture, the language, the territories and borders of all nations, states, and societies.

The organization does not accept rule of man over man of any kind.

The organization recognizes and accepts the concept of the uniqueness of the people of Israel according to the laws of the Bible, It expects that the people of Israel and its leaders will operate according to the will behave according to the expections from a nation of a society of priests and a holy people.

The Essence of the organization

An international court will sit in Jerusalem and judge according to the important and recognized laws of the Bible as adjusted to actual facts of life.

All members of the organization, states, nations, ethnic groups, tribes will have a seat and equal voting powers in the court of law as long as they accompany the people of Israeli as it appears in the covenant composed by the Sanhedrin in 2018 and signed by a number of countries.

The Seventy Nations and the nations that signed the original covenant mentioned above will compose the court and all decisions will be decided upon by a simple majority vote.

The role of the Sanhedrin will be to consult with and advise the court but the Sanhedrin cannot force its opinion upon the court. It will have one seat and one vote on the court.

All decisions will be made according to a vote including all members.

If more than seventy bodies join the organization the court will determine the division of seats.

All members of the organization will cooperate in building the Temple on Mount Moriah according to their own individual desires and can visit it as they choose when it is built.



Opinion The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)

The Noahide Project, which has Israeli governmental and rabbinical support, is trying to proselytize members of remote communities. Just as long as they don’t call themselves Jews, right?

By Ofri Ilany

September 12, 2019

The Ark Encounter theme park, in Williamstown, Kentucky. Noah made a sacrifice when emerging from the ark; the Noahides grill meat.John Minchillo / AP

“Our friends all over the world, the Noahides… You are the lucid persons in a perplex world. You are the hope of the world. Happy good day.” Thus, in somewhat broken English, Rabbi Oury Cherki, head of the Noahide World Center, greeted his followers in a video clip on the occasion of “Humanity Day,” the holiday of the Noahides (also known as Children of Noah), which was last celebrated on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Marheshvan (Nov. 10, 2017). According to Jewish tradition, it was on that day that Noah and his family emerged from the ark and received the seven commandments that apply to all human beings, among them the prohibitions on idol worship, on murder and on eating flesh torn from a living animal. When Noah left the ark, he built an altar and made a sacrifice. Which is why the Noahides eat grilled meat on their holiday.

But who are these Noahides? They are members of a new religion, subordinate to Judaism, founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement. According to the World Center, there are dozens of Noahide communities across the world, with more than 20,000 believers. That’s a hefty number, given that the religion was only founded at the beginning of the decade. Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.

Cooperation between Israel and the Philippines is constantly growing, and this week reached new heights with the visit to Israelof the country’s president, Rodrigo Duterte. The Philippines are a key arena of Chabad activity, and one of the primary venues where the new religion is being disseminated. There are four Chabad centers in the country, and in addition to assisting Jews, they support 10 Noahide houses of prayer. The Hasidic emissaries view the Philippines community as the model for Noahide communities in other countries. A group from the community was brought to Israel two years ago, and its members met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also sent his greetings to all the communities worldwide.

That there are countries in which groups and communities identify themselves as belonging to the Jewish people, or as descendants of the 10 lost tribes of Israel, is nothing new. Similarly, we’re familiar with Christians who admire Israel. But the Noahides are a theological phenomenon of very recent vintage. It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either. The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.

Last month, Nova Religio, a journal devoted to emergent and alternative religions, published an article by Rachel Z. Feldman, assistant professor of religious studies at Franklin and Marshall College, in Pennsylvania, titled “The Children of Noah: Has Messianic Zionism Created a New World Religion?” In the summer of 2017, Feldman visited Noahide communities on the Filipino island of Cebu, which are supervised by Chabad rabbis. Like most Noahides around the world, the members of the Cebu community came mostly from Protestant churches, but had abandoned their belief in the New Testament.

One of the groups Feldman observed lives in a mountainous, “financially challenged” rural region. In the past its members were cave dwellers who belonged to a Sabbath-observing church called Sacred Name Believers. Their leader is the Noahide preacher Emmanuel Villegas. For years he visited poor communities on various islands and converted them to the Children of Noah. He called on them to renounce Christianity and to burn their holy books – though not before cutting out the Tetragrammaton (God’s Hebrew name) from the texts.

About 20 years ago, the community’s members moved to the village of Lamac, where they built a house of worship marked with a large Israeli flag at the entrance. In accordance with the directives of Chabad rabbis, they no longer observe Shabbat, as this precept is reserved for the members of the Jewish faith alone and is denied to Noahides. They are permitted to greet each other with the words, “Happy seventh day,” but not to utter the word “Shabbat.” Instead of the Kabbalat Shabbat ceremony used by Jews to welcome the Sabbath, the Chabad rabbis invented a ritual for them in which they light seven candles (to denote the Seven Noahide Laws).

Feldman quotes one members of the community, who explained to her, “You are very lucky because you are white, and white people are rulers of the earth. But you are also a Jew. You are very gifted because you have blood from the Chosen people, from Abraham and Isaac.” In his sermons, Villegas explains why his community is forbidden to uphold Jewish commandments, and dwells on the essence of the difference between Noahides and Jews. Jews, he says, possess an inner sanctity that draws them close to a divine level: “The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah.”

Noahides are incapable of reaching the level of the Jews, but they can learn how to improve themselves by way of the seven commandments. The questions-and-answers site asknoah.org also instructs the Children of Noah on how to cope with animal cravings. In the meantime, Chabad is making efforts to spread the word among non-Jews in Israel, too – a project that was introduced by the late Rabbi Boaz Kali, from Haifa.

Ethnic hierarchy

Liberal Jewish philosophers of the modern era, such as the German-Jewish thinker Hermann Cohen, viewed the Seven Laws of Noah as the universal basis of the Bible, which prove that Judaism contains a general moral outlook that transcends the question of the fate of the Jewish people. But the interpretation of Rabbi Cherki and the Chabad rabbis uses the Noahide precepts to lay down an ethnic hierarchy between Jews and gentiles. Feldman notes that the Noahide religion constitutes a new form of colonial relations and racial ideology in which the rabbis are shaping a new faith for the inhabitants of the “global south” as an instrument to advance religious and nationalist goals.

Feldman points out that the first Noahide gathering, which took place in Texas in 1990, was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane. After Kahane’s assassination, that same year, the Temple Institute, which advocates the building of the Third Temple on Jerusalem, on the site of the first two, started to promote the Noahide project. In the view of the institute’s rabbis, the gentiles’ upholding of the Seven Laws is an important stage in the messianic process at the height of which the temple will be built and Israel will become a theocracy that will gain the gentiles’ support.

This is the world order being promoted by the Noahide Project, which has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and of the Israeli government. The Noahide theological project is closely related to Netanyahu’s foreign policy approach, which is based on religious support for Israel. As he worded the theological message he offered on Humanity Day in 2015, “The Seven Mitzvot of the Children of Noah are matters of both faith and morality, which according to our sages obligate all of the non-Jewish peoples of the world. These commandments serve as a basis for establishing a civilized society.”

The final goal of Rabbi Cherki and the Noahide World Center, we are told, is a modest one: seven billion believers.


The Noahide Laws

Ever heard of the Noahide (Noachide) Laws? Talk has been going around that these are harmless; "Hey, they were given to Noah, right?" On the contrary, such claims they are extremely dangerous to EVERYONE! "Do not be destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6).

Say hello to the Seven Universal Laws of Man as listed by the Talmud (Sanh. 56a):

Prohibition of Idolatry
Prohibition of Murder
Prohibition of Theft
Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity
Prohibition of Blasphemy
Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals
Requirement to have Just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly.

These laws along with those who promote them, are telling people there are two sets of laws. One for the Jews (Yahudim) and the other for Gentiles (goyim). We know this is not Scriptural because we are told:

"The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day."

According to the Jewish Kabbalist one does not have to embrace or even convert to Judaism. All gentiles just have to follow the Noahide Laws. These moral codes are believed to unite all mankind. Point blank, the Noahide Laws replace the Marriage Vows/Ten Commandments of Yahuah! These are not just religious laws but as we have read, the U.S. now considers them universal laws for all of mankind. Unbelievable, but it is true! Oh, it gets worse though.

Unlike the Torah teaching found in Deuteronomy 17:6, that requires the testimony of two or three witnesses before one can be executed, according to the Noahide Law it only takes one witness! Whoever is to be found breaking one of these laws, is subject to capital punishment by decapitation (Sanh.57a). To further expound on this evidence the following is taken from the "The Encyclopedia Judaica,� 1192 "...violation of any of one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation."

According to the Noahide Laws if one believes in the Messiah Yahushua, then they are guilty of Idolatry.

Excerpts from a paper written by L. McGuire 2008



Here are the Noahide Laws:

1. Do not deny God (no idolatry).
2. Do not murder.
3. Do not steal.
4. Do not engage in sexual immorality.
5. Do not blaspheme.
6. Do not eat of a live animal (no eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive).
7. Establish courts and legal systems to ensure obedience of these laws.

According to Jewish tradition, the first six of these seven laws were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden (the sixth law, to not eat live animals, was extraneous, since Adam did not eat any animals). When God established His covenant with Noah, He added the seventh (and the sixth became applicable). Each of the seven Noahide Laws is seen as a summary of more detailed laws, about 211 total.

According to Judaism, a Gentile does not have to follow the Mosaic Law; however, all Gentiles are obliged to follow the Noahide Laws. The laws given to Noah’s children are universally binding. A non-Jew who abides by the Noahide Laws is considered a “righteous Gentile,” according to Judaism, and will earn a reward in the afterlife, if his obedience is coupled with a knowledge that the laws come from God. A “righteous Gentile” might also be called a “Hasidic Gentile” or simply a “Noahide.”


Absolute Truth from the Word of God
Nowhere does the Bible record what laws God may have given Adam, other than the command to fill and subdue the earth and the prohibition against eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 1:28; 2:17). After Noah and his family exited the ark, God gave the following three commands to him: “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1); “You must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it” (verse 4); and “Whoever sheds human blood, / by humans shall their blood be shed; / for in the image of God / has God made mankind” (verse 6). After that, God repeats His command to “be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it” (verse 7). Other than Noah being told not to eat raw meat, there is no hint of the traditional Noahide Laws in these passages.

The only other place in Scripture where a Noahide law might be mentioned is Acts 15:29. The context of this passage is the Jerusalem Council, which met to address the issue of the Gentiles’ place in the early church. Specifically, the question before the council was, “Must Gentiles be circumcised according to Mosaic Law in order to be saved?” (see Acts 15:1). The apostles in Jerusalem answered with a resounding “no.” We are not saved by keeping the Law (see Galatians 2:16). However, to promote peace within the early church, the council advised Gentile believers to avoid four things, including the eating of “blood” (Acts 15:29). None of the other three instructions correspond to any of the Noahide Laws.



Where do the seven Noahide Laws come from in the Bible?

The seven Noahide Laws are not explicitly listed in the Bible. Instead, they are derived according to the Talmud's interpretation of Genesis 2:16 given to Adam, and Genesis 9:4-6 given to Noah. The Talmud is a "Jewish literary collection of teachings, laws, and interpretations based on the Old Testament Torah. It has two parts, the Mishnah and that Gemera."1

The seven Noahide Laws are listed in different orders, but basically, they are as follows:

  1. Idolatry is forbidden

  2. Blasphemy is forbidden

  3. Murder is forbidden

  4. Theft is forbidden

  5. Sexual Immorality is forbidden

  6. Eating flesh of living animals is forbidden

  7. Justice laws

These seven laws are further subdivided. Following is a partial listing of those laws as derived from the seven Noahide Laws.

  1. Idolatry

    1. Must worship God alone

    2. Jesus cannot be worshipped since it is considered blasphemy2

    3. No idols or statues

    4. Do not bow before any statues or idols

    5. Do not offer sacrifices before any statues or idols

  2. Blasphemy

    1. Do not curse God

    2. Worship and pray to the true God alone

    3. Do not use God's name in vain

  3. Murder

    1. Against murdering anyone

    2. Self-defense is permitted

  4. Theft

    1. Do not steal

    2. Do not rob

    3. Do not overcharge

    4. Do not kidnap

    5. Do not move a landmark

    6. Do not use false weights and measurements

    7. Do not covet

  5. Sexual Immorality

    1. No incest

    2. No bestiality

    3. No homosexuality

  6. Eating flesh of living animals

    1. Prevention of animal cruelty

    2. Do not eat an animal while it is alive

    3. Do not eat the flesh of an animal torn by a wild animal

  7. Justice Laws

    1. Against bribery

    2. Against favoritism

    3. Against condemning the innocent

    4. Administer the death penalty

    5. Treat people equally before the law

The United States Congress recognized the Noahide Laws in 1991 when it passed the Education Day Bill.

"Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws"3

1. carm.org/what-is-the-talmud

    2.Of course, the prohibition against the worship of Christ is from the Jewish perspective, not the Christian one.

    3.102nd Congress of the United States of America, March 5, 1991.




    Netanyahu Vows to Re-Conquer Jericho: the ‘Door to Greater Israel, 3rd Temple’

    By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz September 11, 2019

    During his reign, Hiel the Beit Elite fortified Yericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of Aviram his first-born, and set its gates in place at the cost of Segub his youngest, in accordance with the words that Hashem had spoken through Yehoshua son of Nun.” I Kings 16:34 (The Israel Bible™)

    The sunset view of the ruin city wall and historic city Jericho, which could be the oldest city of the World. – Image: Shutterstock
    On Tuesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to annex the Jordan Valley if he wins next week’s elections. Though many people may think of that section of Israel as hot and sparsely populated, those familiar with the Bible (like Netanyahu) immediately recognized the enormous significance of the region which contains the city of Jericho.

    Political Move or Prophetic Initiative?

    Netanyahu’s narrow coalition fell in March last year and early elections were called for in April. During his campaign, Netanyahu sought to attract right-wing voters by promising to annex Judea and Samaria. Though Likud, headed by Netanyahu, won the elections, they were unable to form a majority coalition and new elections were set to be held September 17. Many polls are putting the opposition led by the Blue and White Part ahead of Likud and is appears that Netanyahu is responding by becoming even more right-wing. This was seen on live television when he referred to the Jordan Valley as “Israel’s eastern border.”

    “Today, I announce my intention, after the establishment of a new government, to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea,” Netanyahu said in his speech.

    Rather than leave this as a vague, open-ended campaign promise, Netanyahu said he would annex the region “immediately after the election if I receive a clear mandate to do so from you, the citizens of Israel.”

    Biblical City, Prophetic Significance

    The largest city in the Jordan Valley is Jericho and though it is currently occupied by some 18,000 Arabs, it is believed to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world and the city with the oldest known protective wall in the world. Jericho is mentioned many times in the Bible, most notably as the first city conquered by Joshua in Israel. In addition to its role in the Bible in the time of Joshua and as the home of Elisha the Prophet, there are two ancient synagogues that attest to the historical Jewish presence in Jericho: the Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue first built in the 6th century and still in use today and the Wadi Qelt Synagogue which dates from between 70 and 50 BCE and is one of the oldest synagogues ever found.

    Rabbi Levi Sudri, an award-winning Bible expert, noted Jericho’s spiritual significance.

    “In the Bible, we see that Jericho is the key to all of Israel, Rabbi Sudri told Breaking Israel News. “If you have the key in your hand, only then can you enter but after you do the entire land will be open in front of you. Opening up the land for the Moshiach ben David is, in fact, the main function of the Moshiach ben David as we saw in Yehoshua ben Nun who was the template for Moshiach ben Yosef.”

    According to Jewish tradition, the Messianic era is a two-stage process beginning with Moshiach (Messiah) from the house of Joseph, a practical process that includes building up the land of Israel and the ingathering of the exiles. Moshiach from the house of David is a miraculous process culminating in the completion of the Third Temple and the resurrection of the dead.

    “Contrary to what Netanyahu did, Yitzchak Rabin’s downfall began when he gave Yericho to the Arabs,” Rabbi Sudri said. “Though it may seem like an insignificant city on the edge of Israel, it is like the door to the house which does not seem to be part of the house but if you give the key to an enemy, the entire house falls.”

    “Not only did Yehoshua conquer Yericho but as Moshiach ben Yosef, he married Rahav, a convert who was from Yericho. She gave birth to Jeremiah and many other of the great men of Israel.”

    As noted in the Israel Bible, the first time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible is in response to Joshua conquering Jericho.

    When King Adoni-zedek of Yerushalayim learned that Yehoshua had captured Ai and proscribed it, treating Ai and its king as he had treated Yericho and its king, and that, moreover, the people of Givon had come to terms with Yisrael and remained among them Joshua 10:1

    The rabbi noted that the two cities seem quite different in many respects.

    “Jerusalem is the heart of Israel and Jericho is on the edge,” Rabbi Sudri said. “Jerusalem, whose name means ‘complete’, is symbolized by the sun whereas Jericho’s name contains the word Yareach(moon). Though they are adjacent on a map, they are actually quite distant from each other with Jerusalem on a mountaintop and Jericho in the deepest part of the world.”

    “But there is a strong connection between Yericho and the Temple in Jerusalem,” Rabbi Sudri said. “Jericho’s name comes from the word re’ach (smell) because the smell of the incense from the Temple could be smelled in Jericho.”

    Netanyahu and the Bible

    There is no doubt that Jericho’s Biblical significance is clear to the Prime Minister and his campaign took a distinctly Biblical turn last week when he became the first sitting prime minister to speak in Hebron. Netanyahu referred to the Biblical significance of Hebron when he said, “We all remember the victory call of Caleb son of Jephunneh who was loyal to Hebron  – Let us, by all means, go up!”

    This was a reference to the verse in Numbers.

    Kalev hushed the people before Moshe and said, “Let us, by all means, go up, and we shall gain possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)

    In addition to its Biblical significance, the Jordan Valley has enormous strategic and national importance. With the Jordan River to the east, Bet Shean to the North, and the Dead Sea to the south, the valley covers 926 square miles or almost one-third of Judea and Samaria.

    Rabbi Glick: Time for the Nations to Recognize All of Israel

    Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a Temple Mount activist and former Member of Knesset, emphasized that the Biblical significance of Jericho surely affects its disproportionate role in Israeli politics.

    “Jericho connects the miraculous life in the desert and the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai to the Land of Israel,” Rabbi Glick told Breaking Israel News. “Israel is where miracles took on natural manifestations, where the miraculous took on the appearance of the mundane. Jericho is the mediator where this change began to take hold.”

    “Just as Jericho was the beginning of that process of building up of the Land of Israel, it was the beginning of the Oslo Process that cut Israel into sections,” Rabbi Glick noted.

    The first stage of the 1993 Oslo Accords was a partial Israeli withdrawal from Jericho and the transfer of some powers and responsibilities on civil matters to the interim Palestinian Authority. After this step was implemented, the negotiations stalled and the process ended.

    “Since the Accords, redemption has made a U-turn and the nations now recognize Jerusalem as the heart of the Jewish People,” Rabbi Glick said. “Now is the beginning when the world can recognize our sovereignty over all of Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel), especially the places that the Bible took place. This has to be true of Jericho which is specifically described as the first place we conquered after the Exodus as the entrance into the land.”

    Jericho is Just the Beginning

    In response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement, Shlomo Ne’eman, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council said:

    “The Jordan Valley is a good start and we relate to this as the beginning of the road. The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is not the only one who recognizes the necessity of the move and is carrying it out, rather the other nations of the world with the American government at the helm will recognize the move, and will join the nation of Israel in his historic mission.

    Following the Jordan Valley, it must be Gush Etzion’s turn next and afterward the rest of our homeland. That is the order of the day. There are many critics on the left of our political map and some believe the Prime Minister is only carrying this out for political gain. But we believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu is making history today!”

    Harsh Arab Response

    The Arabs responded immediately and in an extreme manner, displaying the importance they assign to the Jordan Valley. PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh announced on Monday that the PA may offer grants “to any Palestinian university graduate who is prepared to live in Jordan Valley areas and villages, and work with the residents there on production projects.”

    Hamas took a decidedly more direct approach to show its disapproval. Later Tuesday night, Netanyahu was giving a speech in Ashdod when Red Alert sirens went off as rockets were fired from Gaza.

    The Arab League called Netanyahu’s statement “new Israeli aggression.”

    “The league regards these statements as undermining the chances of any progress in the peace process and will torpedo all its foundations,” the league said in a statement from Cairo.

    History of the Jordan Valley and the Oslo Process

    The Jordan Valley was illegally occupied by Jordan in the 1948 War of Independence. Israel conquered the region in the 1967 Six-Day War. Though conquering territory in a defensive war is recognized as valid by international law, UN Resolution 242 allowed for the fate of parts of Judea and Samaria to be determined by bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

    It should be noted that last month, the PA announced their rejection of the Oslo Accords and, as a result, was beginning to build in Area C, approximately 60 percent of Judea and Samaria that were designated by the Oslo Accords as solely under Israeli administration. Estimates have claimed some 10,000 Palestinian construction projects are underway in Area C, many funded by European sources.



    Burning Man Festival Art Exhibit: Dolls on Pink Crosses and Barbie Auschwitz

    By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz September 6, 2019

    Those who espouse another [god] may have many sorrows! I will have no part of their bloody libations; their names will not pass my lips.” Psalms 16:4 (The Israel Bible™)

    Barbie Auschwitz (Image via Twitter Gabe Stutman)

    Monday was the last day of the ten-day Burning Man Festival held in the Nevada Desert. What began over 30 years ago as a small campfire gathering of California artists evolved into a massive annual festival bringing almost 70,000 people to the middle of the desert in Nevada. Billed as a cultural gathering, the festival attracts artists and celebrities, culminating in the eponymous ceremony in which a large wooden effigy of a man is burned. This ceremony referred to by Druids as the ‘wicker man’ is almost universal amongst pagan cults and evolved as a replacement for human sacrifice.

    Touted as a secular event, many of Burning Man’s major elements are rooted in idolatry. Regular Burning Man installments are a Temple to the Hindu goddess Shiva and a 70-foot long seven-headed red metal dragon on wheels. The dragon, named for the ancient Egyptian god Abraxas, was clearly intended to reference Satan as described in the Christian Book of Revelations. The massive camp is set up to form a massive pentagram in the desert.

    This year features many different mini-camps including one titled “The 7 Sins Lounge” which has appeared for 18 consecutive years. Several of the camps are dedicated specifically to promiscuous and public sexuality including an “Orgy Dome.” This aspect of the festival was emphasized when the Australian celebrity disc jockey Flume performed a sex act on stage in front of the entire crowd.

    The display, a diorama made of hundreds of naked Barbie dolls marching into two kitchen ovens with some crucified on pink crosses, was presented by the “Barbie Death Camp and Wine Bistro”, regulars at the festival. The display came under a sign that said, “The Mattel Co. and Auschwitz Inc., Purveyors of fine lampshades and soap products since 1939 arbeit macht plastik frei,” a reference to “Arbeit macht frei” the message over the Auschwitz gate meaning “work makes you free.”

    It should be noted that Mattel Corporation, the company that produces the Barbie doll, was not connected to the display in any way.

    The artist, 65-year old James Jacoby, is reportedly Jewish and a retired financial manager living in California. He told J Weekly that he has been presenting the same display for years and this is the first time there were complaints. A photo on the internet from 2009 seems to confirm this.

    The display was so offensive that the Anti-Defamation League is currently investigating

    We have received a number of complaints,” the Anti-Defamation League’s San Francisco regional director, Seth Brysk, told JTA.

    “Certainly individuals have a right to free expression,” Brysk said. “But using that free expression to trivialize the Holocaust for the sake of political, social or artistic ends is still deeply offensive and inappropriate. And we would ask people not to do so. It tarnishes the memories of those who died, including the 6 million Jews and 5 million others,” Brysk said. “Particularly in the current environment, where we have a confluence of survivors no longer around to tell their stories, and increased extremism and hatred, we think it’s more important than ever to preserve and respect the memory of the Holocaust.”

    It seems that even by Burning Man’s permissive standards the display was offensive. Jacoby reported that a fight ensued at the display as attendees were leaving the festival. Jacoby was also called a “White Nazi supremacist” and a “Trump supporter”, apparently intended as an insult.




    Climate Crazy: Elitist Says It's Time to Break 'Conservative' Taboo, Embrace Cannibalism

    Deborah Bunting

    September 10, 2019


    In the last few weeks I've written about drag queens reading to children at libraries, suggestions that pedophilia is just another way to find sexual release, and that killing a fully formed baby who survives an abortion is an okay idea because he or she is not really a baby. At times I've thought my head would explode with such slams against common sense, decency, and – dare I say it – science.

    But now...another of the world's elites is telling us it's okay to break another time-honored, civilization-sustaining taboo...eating human flesh. Oh, it's for a good cause, undoubtedly. The future is bleak, don't you know? Food will be scarce. And in order to survive the coming cataclysm of climate change, we must be able to break with our "conservative" past.

    Let's not even go there with the arguments against the idea that human beings can cause or stop the climate from changing. That's not what's bothering me today. It's that intelligent, sentient, utterly "progressive" thought leaders have still another taboo they want to torpedo because....well, because they can. And we're better off breaking with civilization and the idea of the transcendent worth of human beings...for the sake of utilitarian ends, that is, for our own survival. Right?

    The Epoch Times reports that such an idea was floated at a conference about the food of the future called the Gastro Summit in Stockholm, Sweden last week.

    Magnus Soderlund, a behavioral scientist, marketing strategist, and researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics, said we should break away from what he called "conservative" taboos on eating human flesh. Yes, he knows it's tough to think about, but you just start out conservatively, little by little, he says, by just "tasting" it.

    Asked if he would be willing to eat human meat, Soderlund was willing to overcome the ties that have bound civilization for millennia saying, "I feel somewhat hesitant but to not appear overly conservative…I'd have to say….I'd be open to at least tasting it." Well, let's not EVER let anyone think we were "overly conservative." Come on, get on the band wagon. It's easily done. Get used to the idea. Isn't that how all the other taboos have been tossed away and overcome, little by little?

    When he asked for a show of hands of how many in the audience would join him in this taboo trashing, Professor Soderlund said 8% showed they were ready to enter this brave new world with him.

    According to the London Evening Standard, conference talking points included:

    • Are we humans too selfish to live sustainably?

    • Is Cannibalism the solution to food sustainability in the future?

    • Does Generation Z have the answers to our food challenges?

    • Can consumers be tricked into making the right decisions?

    Other food suggestions included eating pets and insects, but cannibalism was the main focus of the seminar. Oh, yes. We know how people today love their pets more than children, even!

    What Professor Soderlund failed to mention is that there is a disease that afflicts cannibalistic tribes, one that Western culture has mostly avoided because it vehemently avoided cannibalism. (Darn that Western Civ!!)

    According to the Epoch Times, a tribe called the Fore lived in isolation in Papua, New Guinea until the 1930s. As part of a funeral ritual, the Fore believed in eating their dead instead of letting the bodies decay and be consumed by worms. Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead.

    This led to an epidemic of a disease called "kuru," or "the laughing death," a neurological disease caused by the eating of human flesh. Its symptoms include shaking, tremors, and loss of coordination and control over muscle movements, and sudden outbursts of laughter. It is incurable and leads to death. Kuru wasn't caused by a pathogen, but rather, a "twisted protein" that tricks other proteins in the brain to twist like it, and damages the brain's cerebellum, according to an NPR report.

    Researchers have compared it to Dr. Jekyll's transformation. The Fore stopped practicing cannibalism in the 1960s, but because symptoms can take possibly 15 to 20 years to surface, they believe the last victim of kuru died in 2009.

    Hmmm...just in time for so-called advanced societies to take it up.

    Paul Craig Roberts

    Will The Matrix Prevail?

    September 5, 2019

    Readers have kept this website going longer than I had hoped. It is a lot of work for me. My columns and those of guests generate a lot of appreciation and also a lot of demonization and expressions of hatred toward me. The slightest criticism of Israel labels one an anti-semite. People who are aware understand that this word is so over-used that it has become meaningless, but the insouciant conclude that if you are labeled an anti-semite you are some kind of monster who wants to harm Jews. If you point out the double-standards that white people suffer, you get branded a “racist white supremacist.” If you point out that #MeToo feminists are criminalizing heterosexual sexual attraction, you become a misogynist. If you expose the official lies fed to the American people—Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, Russian invasion of Ukraine, 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, and so on—you are dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist” who hates America. Instead of seeing you as someone who is trying to rescue America, morons ask “If you hate America so much, why don’t you move to Russia?” or Iran, or China, or Venezuela, or to whatever is the demonized and attacked country that the moron believes is getting its just reward.

    Every year it becomes harder to tell the truth about anything. If you do too much truth-telling, as I am inclined to do, they come after you in droves. I had to stop websites that reproduce my columns, at least the ones I know about, from posting comments, because all sorts of paid trolls libel me and then spread the libel all over social media. Their purpose is to discredit me and to scare readers away from my website. It does work. When the mysterious site PropOrNot, financed by no one knows who, put me on a list of “Russian agents and Putin stooges,” thousands dropped off the newsletter list.

    Then they use Wikipedia, being an open biographical source that permits anyone to control your public image, to brand you an anti-semite, a conspiracy theorist, and a holocaust denier. Perhaps you remember my column, “The Lies About WW II” (https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/05/13/the-lies-about-world-war-ii/), a review of David Irving’s World War II histories—Churchill’s War and Hitler’s War. These are not the standard victor’s history written to make us feel good about ourselves. To the contrary, Irving’s histories are based on decades of historical investigation and on official documents, speeches, letters, and memoirs. Irving went around the world interviewing those who lived the experience. He found documents such as Rommel’s and Goebbels’ diaries, examined every document concerning the German government’s Jewish policy, disproved the fake Hitler diaries, and so on. His books are regarded by objective historians as masterpieces. Yet, he was shut down. He told too much truth, an unacceptable sin.

    In my extensive review of Irving’s histories, I gave a summary paragraph of documentary evidence Irving provides of massacres of Jews and reported his conclusion that there was a holocaust of sorts but one different from the official picture. The definition of the Holocaust is the official Zionist story. To provide a holocaust description that differs from the official one makes a person a Holocaust Denier even if he describes a holocaust. And thus Irving’s account makes him a Holocaust Denier. What Wikipedia did to me was to misrepresent my description of Irving’s views as my own views and put me in the category of Holocaust Denier. It took forever to get the misrepresentation corrected. There are still problems with my biography in Wikipedia, but I have given up. Every time corrections are made they are erased. An open sourced biography requires far more integrity than exists, and this is the reason that Wikipedia is unreliable. You can only dare rely on Wikipedia for people and issues devoid of controversy. Basically, in my experience, Wikipedia is a mechanism for discrediting people who tell the truth.

    As I often report, the vast majority of people are brainwashed by the propaganda that serves the ruling interests. They are too weak both mentally and emotionally to handle anything that is not the established view. It simply scares them and they run away. So when you write you know you are writing only for a select few.

    The only way you can do this is to believe Margaret Mead that it only takes a few people to change the world. I think this was once true. Lenin and the Bolshevikls were a very few, and so were the Founding Fathers of the United States. But today our rulers have such extraordinary control mechanisms. Not that long ago the Internet was believed to be an instrument for freedom of speech, but they can shut you out and make you invisible. Alex Jones, for example, has been severed from youtube and social media as have others. Google’s search engine is instructed not to find disapproved commentators in searches. Large well-funded Internet sites funded by ruling interests can, along with the print and TV media, demonize you, as has been done to Julian Assange and Manning and even to the Presidents of the United States and Russia. I have already noticed that some dissident websites that were credible and resisting The Matrix have pulled in their horns. They fear that too much truth will marginalize them.

    The Saker describes the censorship: “What we are witnessing today is a new age of censorship in which government and corporations work hand in hand to crush (ban, censor, demonetize, algorithmically purge and otherwise silence) all those who challenge the official ideology and its many narratives. It would be naïve to the extreme to assume that the so-called ‘alternative media’ and blogosphere have been spared such an effort at silencing heresies.”

    It has always been the case that the messanger is shot, but at least in former times the message could be heard. Today you can be shot and the message thrown down the Memory Hole.

    I am tiring of the slings and arrows and all the ignorant, narcissistic, and rude emails that I receive. These letters don’t come from my readers. They come from the paid trolls. The Saker describes their function: “These are the folks whose task it is to obfuscate the real issues, to bury them under tons of vapid ideological nonsense; the best way to do that is to misdirect any discussion away from the original topic and sidetrack it into either a barrage of ad hominems or ideological clichés.”

    Some are not content to convince me once or even twice that they are blithering idiots, but insist on doing so every day. It is extraordinary how proud some are to demonstrate themselves as fools incapable of comprehending what they read. As an example, my recent columns about the use of the El Paso mass shooting to demonize white people, in which I quote people calling for the extermination of the white race, have resulted in me being denounced on other websites for “preaching hate,” when in fact I am quoting those who are preaching hate and asking why are they doing so.

    So, if you want to stop supporting this website, I won’t cry. Indeed, I will be relieved of a burden, and can insulate myself from the stupidity of people. I have just about arrived at the conclusion that “intelligent American” is an oxymoron. Many readers have shared their frustrations of trying to inform friends and relatives that CNN doesn’t always have the facts. I have the same experience with some friends and relatives. When I get questions from persons too brainwashed for truth to penetrate, I reply that I don’t know, ask CNN.

    This website is a contract between me and readers. As long as readers support the site, I will write what I think is the truth as long as I have the mental acuity and energy to do so. My agenda is the truth. Truth is truth. It is not race-truth, class-truth, gender- and transgender-truth, Identity Politics-truth, Republican-truth, Democratic-truth, liberal-truth, conservative-truth, libertarian-truth, leftwing-truth or any other kind of hyphenated truth.

    If you are more interested in my typos than my content, find something else to read. Keep in mind that my fingers are aging and at times suffer from artheritis, my keyboard is worn out, new ones don’t fit my computer, and typos result. After the millions of words I have written in my lifetime, it is impossible to proof read myself, and I don’t always have a proof reader at hand. I have turned off the spellcheck, because Apple also substitutes words for you, and if you don’t notice because you are focused on content, you can end up with puzzling sentences. The digital revolution is not the blessing that you are brainwashed to believe.

    September is always the worst month for an appeal, but if you use the calendar year, that is where the quarter falls. I know you are busted. You blew it on a summer vacation and on the Labor Day 3-day weekend fling. But keep in mind that my energy and my will are what your support energizes.

    The ruling elite have the American people so well insulated from reality behind empty patriotic and democratic slogans that not many of them can be reached. To be rescued from The Matrix you have to already be extraordinary. I am not a savior who can rescue you, but I can push you toward self-rescue. If you want to have a free mind, you can achieve it, but you must have the emotional strength for it. Things are not as you have been trained to perceive them. There is evil and corruption all around you. And it is in places and words that you have been taught to respect.

    From the beginings of time there have been humans who have wanted to know the truth about things. Truth was the purpose of early philosophy. The scientific revolution gave humans a chance at some natural truths, and they had to be fought for. Today money is the main determinant of “truth.” “Truth” is what money says, and money has the power to enforce “truth.” Real truth, such as I attempt to tell, is not welcome today by any government or ruling interest anywhere in the Western World or in those countries that have been corrupted by the Western World. Indeed, the enemy of truth today is no longer in Moscow or China. The enemy is in Washington, New York, and Hollywood, in CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, and in the universities and scientists who lie for money, and in the superrich who control these entities, including Congress, the Executive Branch and Oval Office, and Judiciary.

    Of all the endangered species, Truth is the most endangered. I am watching it go out.


    Saudi Arabia confirms about half of Aramco's production interrupted due to drone strikes

    Published time: 14 Sep, 2019 21:58 Edited time: 14 Sep, 2019 22:44

    Aramco facility in Abqaiq©Reuters/RR/MAR

    Drone attacks on two Saudi Aramco facilities will lead to 5.7 million barrels or 50 percent drop in the oil giant’s production, the Saudi Energy minister has said. Houthis rebels claimed responsibility for the attacks.

    Explosions rocked oil refinery in the city of Abqaiq in the kingdom’s oil-rich Eastern Province and another facility at the vast Khurais oil field on Saturday morning, sparking huge blazes that ravaged the facilities for hours.

    Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said the attacks crippled the facilities, forcing Saudi Aramco to partially halt crude and gas production, but the company was working on recovering the lost quantities and would make an update within 48 hours. The decrease in supplies would be partially compensated through the company’s oil reserves, the minister promised.

    While falling short of naming the perpetrator, the minister called the strikes “an extension” of the attacks on oil facilities, pumping stations as well as oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

    Yemeni's Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the drone strikes. They have been attacking Saudi territory since the kingdom got involved into the the civil conflict in the country four years ago with frequent bombings that claimed hundreds of lives.

    Yet earlier on Saturday, US Secretary of State Mike pinned the blame for what he called “an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply” on Iran. While Washington did not outline any retaliatory measures, US President Donald Trump's ally in Congress, hawkish Republican Senator Lindsey Graham called for a strike against Tehran.

    The Saudi minister echoed Pompeo, stating that the attacks had not only affected “vital installations” of the oil-rich kingdom energy infrastructure, but also targeted global oil supplies, thus “threatening the global economy.”



    Navy withholding data on UFO sightings, congressman says

    By Bryan Bender

    September 9, 2019

    A top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee is accusing the Navy of withholding information about reports of unidentified aircraft after officially requesting more data on the mysterious encounters.

    Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina, the ranking member of the Intelligence and Counterrorism subcommittee, asked Secretary Richard V. Spencer in July to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating the sightings. He also asked if officials have found "physical evidence" to substantiate the claims, and whether they are aware of any foreign nations or private companies that have introduced breakthrough technologies that could explain them.

    Navy Undersecretary Thomas Modly responded in a brief letter on July 31 that "the Department of the Navy takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts," according to a copy provided to POLITICO.

    But Walker said he is discouraged by the Navy's seeming unwillingness to provide his committee with more data about the so-called unidentified aerial phenomena — the term the Pentagon prefers over the more traditional "unidentified flying objects," or UFOs. He has expressed concern publicly that the craft could pose a threat to U.S. forces or territory.

    “While I am encouraged the Under Secretary of the Navy confirmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspace may pose," Walker told POLITICO in a statement.

    Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher responded that the service is prepared to accommodate any further congressional requests for information. "At this point in time, however, we have not received any new requests for updates on this issue," he said by email.

    Congressional interest in the unidentified aircraft reports has grown since revelations by POLITICO and other news outlets in late 2017 that the Pentagon had investigated the sightings through a program established a decade earlier by former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.

    Among the revelations were sightings reported by pilots and other personnel assigned to the USS Nimitz and the USS Theodore Roosevelt battlegroups in 2004, 2015 and 2016, including footage of unknown aircraft exhibiting characteristics that appear to defy known aerodynamic properties. The Pentagon also financed a series of theoretical studies to try to explain how the aircraft might operate — ranging from "Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities" to "Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions."

    Members of Congress on several oversight committees have also sought classified briefings from the Pentagon on the research in recent months.

    The Navy has insisted it is taking the reports seriously, including the potential the sightings could be explained by "unmanned aerial systems," or pilotless drones. Modly's brief letter to Walker, for example, explains that "the wide proliferation and availability of inexpensive unmanned aerial systems (UAS) has increasingly made airspace de-confliction an issue for our aviators."

    Modly's response added that "naval aircrews have been provided reporting guidance to determine the frequency and location of UAS operating in training areas," and that the Navy "continues to dedicate resources to the tracking and investigation of reports that could affect the safety of our aircrews."

    POLITICO first reported in April that the Navy has updated the process for personnel to report unidentified aircraft.

    But Walker specifically queried the Navy on "UAPs," not drones — citing reports of aircraft traveling at speeds and making maneuvers that go well beyond what is believed to be technologically possible

    In his July 16 letter to Spencer, Walker asked a series of specific questions about the sightings, including: "Does the Department continue to dedicate resources to tracking and investigating the claims? If so, to what measure? Has the Department found physical evidence or otherwise that substantiates these claims?"

    In a recent interview, Walker said he believes Congress needs to know what more the military has been doing since the Advanced Aerospace Identification Program set up by Reid was officially wound down in 2012. "Has it ended? If it has ended are we documenting anything? Where are the resources coming from?" Walker asked. "That’s a fair question that constituents and the American people would like to know.”

    Walker told POLITICO that his abiding interest is mainly out of concern that a potential adversary like Russia or China could have leapfrogged the United States in aerospace technology.

    "If the Navy believes that China or Russia possesses advanced aerospace technologies that represent a national security vulnerability, the American people have the right to know what their government is doing about it," he said in his statement to POLITICO.

    In the recent interview, Walker, a former pastor, also acknowledged that he is open to the possibility that there are no easy explanations — or the answers could change how humanity perceives the known universe.

    "The way I look at this: What if [U.S. government agencies] already do know about it but the rest of us don’t?" he added. "I certainly have an open mind to see where this leads us. We are going to stay on the issue and follow through like we said we wanted to do."


    Strange Sounds

    Fukushima: Japan Will Dump Radioactive Water Into Pacific, Minister Says

    September 10, 2019

    More than a million tonnes of contaminated water lies in storage at Fukushima.

    But the power company says it will run out of space by 2022, forcing Japan to dump radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.

    Fukushima: Japan will have to dump radioactive water into Pacific, minister says. Picture: Issei Kato/Reuters

    The operator of the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will have to dump huge quantities of contaminated water from the site directly into the Pacific Ocean, Japan’s environment minister has said – a move that would enrage local fishermen. And probably also the rest of the world!

    More than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water has accumulated at the plant since it was struck by a tsunami in March 2011, triggering a triple meltdown that forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of residents.

    Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) has struggled to deal with the buildup of groundwater, which becomes contaminated when it mixes with water used to prevent the three damaged reactor cores from melting.

    Tepco has attempted to remove most radionuclides from the excess water, but the technology does not exist to rid the water of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Coastal nuclear plants commonly dump water that contains tritium into the ocean. It occurs in minute amounts in nature.

    Tepco admitted last year that the water in its tanks still contained contaminants beside tritium.

    Currently, more than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water is held in almost 1,000 tanks at the Fukushima Daiichi site, but the utility has warned that it will run out of tank space by the summer of 2022.

    “The only option will be to drain it into the sea and dilute it,” Yoshiaki Harada told a news briefing in Tokyo on Tuesday. “The whole of the government will discuss this, but I would like to offer my simple opinion.”

    No decision on how to dispose of the water will be made until the government has received a report from a panel of experts. Other options include vaporising the liquid or storing it on land for an extended period.

    Harada did not say how much water would need to be discharged into the ocean.

    A recent study by Hiroshi Miyano, who heads a committee studying the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi at the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, said it could take 17 years to discharge the treated water after it has been diluted to reduce radioactive substances to levels that meet the plant’s safety standards.

    Any decision to dispose of the waste water into the sea would anger local fishermen, who have spent the past eight years rebuilding their industry.

    Nearby South Korea has also voiced concern over the impact it would have on the reputation of its own seafood.

    Last month, Seoul summoned a senior Japanese embassy official to explain how Fukushima Daiichi’s waste water would be dealt with.

    Ties between the north-east Asian nations are already at a low ebb following a compensation dispute over Koreans forced to work in Japanese factories during the second world war.

    The government spent 34.5bn yen (£260m) to build a frozen underground wall to prevent groundwater reaching the three damaged reactor buildings. The wall, however, has succeeded only in reducing the flow of groundwater from about 500 tonnes a day to about 100 tonnes a day.

    Japan has come under renewed pressure to address the contaminated water problem before Tokyo hosts the Olympics and Paralympics next summer.

    Six years ago during the city’s bid for the games, the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, assured the international community that the situation was “under control”. This is certainly not the case!



    Strange Sounds

    Large Underwater Observatory Mysteriously Disappears, Baffling Scientists

    September 6, 2019

    A large monitoring station used to gather important scientific data in the Baltic Sea has mysteriously disappeared.

    Divers were dispatched to the site, only to find that the entire structure was gone, with the exception of a shredded transmission cable.

    Large underwater observatory mysteriously disappears baffling scientists

    The underwater observatory, which had been on the seafloor since December 2016, is managed by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel and the Helmholtz Center Geesthacht (HZG).

    On August 21 at 8:15 p.m. local time, transmissions from the €300,000 ($330,000) station came to a sudden halt. Divers were dispatched to the site, only to find — much to their astonishment — that the entire structure was gone, save for a shredded transmission cable, according to a GEOMAR statement.

    “[At] first we thought of a transmission error,” Hermann Bange, project coordinator for the Boknis Eck Observatory, said in the GEOMAR statement. This prompted a diving mission to the site, revealing the disappearance. “The devices were gone, the divers could not find them anymore,” he said. “When the divers reached the bottom of the sea last week at the observatory’s location, they found only the torn off land cable. It was completely shredded.”

    The missing observatory consists of two racks, one weighing 250 kilograms (550 pounds) and the other 100 kilograms (220 pounds) each. The racks include a frame holding the power supply (along with a heavy cable connecting the station to the coast) and a frame to hold the sensors. Both racks were “removed with great force from their position,” according to the GEOMAR statement.

    The observatory was in a restricted area off the northern coast of Germany. Boats, including fishing vessels, are not allowed into the area, the BBC reported.

    That somebody, or a group of individuals, removed the observatory remains the most plausible explanation. Other factors, such as a massive storm, heavy currents, or even marine animals, were ruled out as potential causes owing to the weight of the instrument.

    Who or what removed the science station, and why, is a complete mystery. German police were alerted to the incident and are now investigating, according to GEOMAR.



    Ringo gets canceled: Ex-Beatle Starr savaged online for calling Brexit a ‘great move’ in 2017

    Published time: 11 Sep, 2019 01:29

    Former Beatles Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney © Reuters / Neil Hall

    A two-year-old interview of former Beatle Ringo Starr, saying that he would have voted for Brexit in the 2016 EU referendum if he had been in the UK, has prompted an avalanche of abuse from pro-remainers.

    The video clip from a 2017 interview with the former drummer on BBC Newsnight went viral on Twitter on Sunday, with angry anti-Brexiteers lashing out at the British rock’n’roll icon for his outspoken views on the contentious subject.

    Theresa Griffin, the MEP for the north-west of England (which includes Liverpool), laid into the Beatles legend, who lives in Los Angeles, arguing that his views were not legitimate as he doesn’t pay taxes in the UK.

    “...he doesn’t live here, doesn’t pay taxes here, has no idea the devastation #brexit is already causing…”

    However, many others on social media have defended Starr and have hit out at his treatment from EU supporters for simply voicing opinions that don’t agree with theirs.

    Former Labour MP George Galloway called it “shameful” and “un-British.” He argued that mega-rich individuals and companies such as Richard Branson, Goldman Sachs and Barack Obama – all known EU advocates – also don’t pay any UK taxes. Galloway urged the musician’s critics to “show some respect, for him, for free-speech...”

    In the interview, the 79 year-old native of Dingle, Liverpool voiced his frustration at those seeking to overturn the referendum result and urged politicians to "get on with" Brexit, declaring that "to be in control of your country is a good move.”

    The former Beatle, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 and who still performs solo from time to time, is reportedly the richest drummer in the world, with a net-worth of $350 million.


    Study Finds

    Night Vision: Our Best Ideas Come In Bed, Survey Finds

    By Ben Renner

    September 10, 2019

    LONDON — A person’s bed is a sacred place. It’s where we start each day, and where we recharge each night. Perhaps, then, it’s no surprise that a new survey reveals that inspiration strikes most often in the bedroom.

    According to a survey of 2,000 British residents commissioned by Microsoft Surface, many of our best ideas are most likely to occur as we are dozing off, when we first wake up in the morning, and even in the middle of the night.

    In all, just over 40% of survey participants said they believe their bed is a conducive environment for creativity.

    Besides enjoying some time in bed, going for a walk was listed as the second most creativity-inducing activity, and listening to music came in third. Taking a shower and going for a drive were also listed as great ways to spark some creativity.

    Judging from the survey, the majority of Brits at least believe they are creative thinkers (53%), but most say they just don’t have the time to come up with new ideas (42%).

    It’s worth noting that 57% of surveyed women said they consider themselves creative, while only 48% of surveyed men reported the same notion. Across both genders, 41% of respondents said they wish they had more time to focus on that creativity.

    Interestingly, the survey also showed that self-doubt leads to many new ideas never seeing the light of day. A whooping 65% of respondents said they don’t share new ideas with anyone due to fear of other people’s opinions and failure.

    In terms of what it takes to be creative, 31% said that confidence is key to succeeding as an inventor and truly be creative.

    “Some people get their thrills from bungee jumping or scoring a winning goal at Wembley, but I get mine from coming up with creative ideas,” says inventor Dominic Wilcox in a statement. ”Creativity is important because the world has many problems and challenges, and we need a lot more people with creative solutions to solve them. I think that everyone can become more creative and increase their ability to think up new ideas. Creativity is just a particular way of thinking that can be learned and practiced like any other skill.”


    Until next week...keep on believing.

    Almondtree Productions

    There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the Spirit of God; and in the days of thy father watchfulness and understanding were found in him; and king Nabuchodonosor thy father made him chief of the enchanters, magicians, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. For there is an excellent spirit in him, and sense and understanding in him, interpreting dreams as he does, and answering hard questions, and solving difficulties: it is Daniel.”Daniel 5:11-12