“And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
(Luke 18:7-8)
Faith On The Earth



Church of England says Sunday services are no longer mandatory


February 23, 2019

The Church of England has lifted a 400-year-old rule in announcing Sunday services are no longer mandatory.

The Church acknowledged the reality of shrinking congregations and overworked priests when it retracted its rule requiring that all churches hold services every Sunday.

Canon law dating from 1603 required priests to hold morning and evening prayers and a communion service each Sunday in every church they oversaw.

But after decades of declining attendance, many priests are now responsible for multiple churches, especially in rural areas.

Until now, they have needed permission from a bishop not to hold Sunday services in each church.

The change was approved Thursday at a meeting of the church's governing Synod.

Bishop of Willesden Pete Broadbent, who proposed the change, said it "just changes the rules to make it easier for people to do what they're already doing. It stops the bureaucracy."



Robot 'GOD': AI version of Buddhist deity to preach in Japanese temple

A JAPANESE robot has been created to preach the teachings of Buddha in colloquial language at the Kodaiji Temple in the ancient city of Kyoto.


February 25, 2019

The humanoid robot is modeled after Kannon Bodhisattva, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. The robot’s name is Mindar and it gave its first speech on the Heart Sutra, a key scripture in Buddhist teaching. The Japan Times reported that the teachings spoken by the robot offer a path to "overcome all fear, destroy all wrong perceptions and realise perfect nirvana.”

As Mindar gave its speech on the Heart Sutra and humanity, English and Chinese subtitles were projected on the wall as music played in the background.

The chief steward of the temple in Kyoto’s Higashiyama Ward Tensho Goto during a news conference said: “If an image of Buddha speaks, teachings of Buddhism will probably be easier to understand,”

He added: “We want many people to come to see the robot to think about the essence of Buddhism.”

Another official connected to the temple explained how the robot would “help people who usually have little connection with Buddhism to take an interest” in the religion.”

Mindar was constructed by Tokyo-based A-Lab Co (Image: KyodoNews)

Mindar, which is about 195 centimeters tall and weighs 60 kilograms, was constructed by Tokyo-based A-Lab Co.

It is primarily made of aluminum, with silicone used for its face and hands.

The robot will be revealed to the public between March 8 and May 6.

Japanese researchers have been developing robots to revolutionise labour within Japan.

The humanoid robot is modeled after Kannon Bodhisattva (Image: KyodoNews)

Uses for the burgeoning technology including teaching children, comforting the sick and aged, and disposing of hazardous nuclear waste.

For instance, a robot is to be deployed by Tepco for the first contact with the melted fuel from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear disaster.

Kentaro Yoshifuji, the chief executive officer of Ory Lab, announced the development of a waiter robot at a cafe in Tokyo.

The Japanese government has already introduced robots at railway systems to monitor the areas for lost belongings or suspicious objects.



Mountains buried 400 miles underground ‘could be BIGGER than Everest’

  • Topography rougher than that of Everest have been found deep inside the earth

  • Shock wave data from the second largest earthquake was analysed for the study

  • Scientists have referred to these as 'mountains' in the earth's lower mantle layer

  • They are at a boundary space 410 miles straight down from the Earth's surface

  • They may be caused by chemical mixing of the different layers inside the earth


PUBLISHED: 17:45, 15 February 2019 | UPDATED: 14:16, 16 February 2019

An underground 'mountain' has been discovered that lies 410 miles beneath the Earth's surface that's taller than Everest.

A study by Princeton scientists into the boundary between the upper and lower mantle of the Earth have surprisingly found ridges and clefts that are potentially rougher than anything on Earth.

They are located at a boundary 410 miles (600 kilometers) straight down into the earth from the planet's surface.

Dr Wenbo Wu, one of the geophysicists on the paper said: 'In other words, stronger topography than the Rocky Mountains or the Appalachians is present at the 660-km boundary'.

Using wave data from a 8.2 magnitude earthquake in Bolivia, mountains and other topography were discovered on the base of the boundary.

The earthquake was the second-largest deep earthquake ever recorded and took place in 1994.

The most powerful waves on the planet come from giant earthquakes, that can generate shock waves which travel through the Earth's core to the other side of the planet in all directions and back again.

The data from the shock waves allow data scientists to study deep into the Earth by modelling wave data on the kind of topography that could have caused it to scatter in such a way.

They do so using powerful computers such as Princeton's powerful Tiger Cluster to simulate the complicated behavior of scattering waves.

Dr Wu, now a postdoctoral researcher at the California Institute of Technology, added: 'We know that almost all objects have surface roughness and therefore scatter light.

That's why we can see these objects — the scattering waves carry the information about the surface's roughness.

In this study, we investigated scattered seismic waves traveling inside the Earth to constrain the roughness of the Earth's 660-km boundary.'

Using wave data from a 8.2 magnitude earthquake in Bolivia, mountains and other topography were discovered on the base of the boundary

These studies can tell us a lot about the Earth's formation and how heat and material can travel through the Earth's its different layers.

But no one knows exactly how these huge jutting mountain structures may have evolved, but it's likely a result of movement of material and chemical mixing between the layers.

Dr Wu said: 'The smoother areas of the 660-km boundary could result from more thorough vertical mixing, while the rougher, mountainous areas may have formed where the upper and lower mantle don’t mix as well.'

Speaking to Dr Jessica Irving, who led the research said: “What’s exciting about these results is that they give us new information to understand the fate of ancient tectonic plates which have descended into the mantle, and where ancient mantle material might still reside.”

The full study was published in Science.

(The book of Enoch speaks of these things. “And I saw the corner-stone of the earth:...I proceeded and saw a place which burns day and night, where there are seven mountains...And beyond these mountains. is a region the end of the great earth: there the heavens were completed.” Enoch 18:5,9-10)



science alert

Earth's Atmosphere Is Bigger Than We Thought - It Actually Goes Past The Moon


21 FEB 2019

We humans like to put labels and boundaries on things. For example, the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space is the Kármán line, the point at 100 kilometres (62 miles) altitude where aeronautics end, and astronautics take over.

But Earth's atmosphere is way more complicated than that (there's even some debate about where the Kármán line should be). Now a team of astronomers has discovered that it's bigger than we even thought - extending all the way out to the Moon, and as far again.

The region is called the geocorona, part of an atmospheric layer called the exosphere. It's a tenuous cloud of neutral hydrogen that glows in far-ultraviolet light.

Because it's so thin, it's been hard to measure; previously, its upper limit was thought to be around 200,000 kilometres (124,000 miles) from Earth, because that's the point at which solar radiation pressure would override Earth's gravity.

Well, according to data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) co-owned by the European Space Agency and NASA, that limit doesn't even come close. The geocorona, scientists have found, extends out to as much as 630,000 kilometres (391,000 miles).

Which means it engulfs our beloved satellite in an atmospheric hug.

"The Moon flies through Earth's atmosphere," said physicist Igor Baliukin of Russia's Space Research Institute.

In fact, at an average distance of 384,400 kilometres (238,855 miles), it's almost smack-bang in the middle of it.

Illustration (not to scale) of the geocorona. (ESA)

What makes it even more amazing is that SOHO made these observations over two decades ago, between 1996 and 1998. The data had just been sitting in an archive, waiting for someone to get around to analysing it.

The readings had been taken specifically to map the geocorona using the observatory's SWAN instrument, a sensitive piece of equipment designed to measure far-ultraviolet emissions from hydrogen atoms, called Lyman-alphaphotons.

We can't see these from Earth - they're absorbed by the inner layers of the atmosphere - so we need instruments out there in space to look for them. Apollo 16 astronauts, for instance, were able to take a photograph of the geocorona in 1972 - not even knowing they were still inside it.

The SWAN instrument can selectively measure light from the geocorona, filtering out Lyman-alpha emissions from farther out in space, and this is what allowed for the more accurate map.

As well as the surprising size of the thing, it revealed a strange effect of the Sun.

On Earth's day-side, the hydrogen atoms are compressed by sunlight, resulting in a density of 70 atoms per cubic centimetre, thinning out to 0.2 atoms at lunar orbit (that's not very dense at all - it's still effectively a vacuum).

On the night side, the hydrogen density is higher due to solar radiation pressure - it kind of ends up looking a comet tail.

While the hydrogen atoms do scatter ultraviolet radiation, the quantity is negligible, especially compared to the vast amounts being blasted out by the Sun, making space a hazardous radiation environment for astronauts.

So, knowing the full extent of the geocorona isn't going to make much difference for space exploration.

What the discovery does mean is that any space telescopes within the geocorona will likely need to adjust their Lyman-alpha baselines for deep-space observations.

"Space telescopes observing the sky in ultraviolet wavelengths to study the chemical composition of stars and galaxies would need to take this into account," said astronomer Jean-Loup Bertaux of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), and former principal investigator of SWAN.

You know what's even more interesting? That means no human being has ever actually been outside of Earth's atmosphere. Guess we've got some work to do…

The team's research has been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

(This news came out last week but we didn't publish it because we wanted to verify the report from several different sources. There are now many sources reporting this news. Ed)


(The existence of an ancient civilization on Mars will be proven in the near future.


In 1976 NASA launched four Viking spacecraft to the planet Mars. At 41 degrees north latitude in the Martian location significantly named Cydonia, the Viking orbiter cameras revealed a large hill resembling a human face 1.5.miles long, 1,500 feet heigh and 1.2 miles wide. At first dismissed by NASA a a “trick of light” the feature was again imaged, this time with a different sun angle 35 days later.6 Many researchers have concluded from the Viking images that this was an artificially constructed building intended to symbolize a “face” staring up from the surface of Mars. Adding to the likelihood that the anomalies on Mars were artificially constructed, geometrically regular “pyramidal” objects appeared in images to the west of the “face,” as well as a 500 foot “mound” construct with a peripheral groove or “ditch” and spiral pathway.7

For the last 25 years, researcher Richard C. Hoagland has advocated strongly for the case of artificially

of the Cydonia complex. Hoagland chronicled his data in his Book, The Monuments of Mars, examining the scientific evidence that might eventually prove that the Cydonia monuments are artificial. Speculation concerning this topic—are there monuments on Mars and if so, who constructed them and why—has continued unabated since the first discoveries were made. The identity of the intelligent beings who constructed monuments on Mars is not difficult to determine, if monuments are proven to exist. David Flynn, CYDONIA: The Secret Chronicles of Mars

6. Richard C. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, North Atlantic Books Berkeley California 94701 C. 1987.
7. Ibid.)


Mars had a ‘planet-wide groundwater system,’ stunning breakthrough reveals

March 1, 2019


Scientists have discovered the first geological evidence of a system of ancient interconnected underground lakes on Mars. Five of the lakes may have contained minerals that are crucial to life.

A new study now reveals ancient Mars had a planet-wide underground water system, confirming what before now was only theorized, thanks to the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Express orbiter.
“Early Mars was a watery world, but as the planet’s climate changed this water retreated below the surface to form pools and ‘groundwater’,” said lead author Francesco Salese. “We traced this water in our study, as its scale and role is a matter of debate, and we found the first geological evidence of a planet-wide groundwater system on Mars.”

Scientists examined 24 deep enclosed craters in Mars’ northern hemisphere, which had depths of 4000m below “martian sea level.” The floors were found to contain features that could only be created by water, such as valleys and channels on the crater walls and dark deltas thought to have formed from water levels rising and falling.

“These lakes would have existed around 3.5bn years ago, so may have been contemporaries of a Martian ocean,” co-author Gian Gabriele Ori said, explaining that the underground lakes were likely connected to the ocean, which is thought to have existed 3-4 billion years ago.

Researchers were excited by the discovery of minerals in five of the lakes, including clays, carbonates and silicates. The find adds further weight to the theory that Mars was home to life at one stage.


BREAKING: Senate bill to stop infanticide of born-alive babies fails as Democrats oppose

Calvin Freiburger

February 25, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The United States Senate voted 53-44 Monday evening in favor of legislation to guarantee medical care to babies who survive botched abortions, but failed to reach the 60 votes necessary for the bill to overcome the current filibuster rules and pass.

Originally introduced in 2015 and proposed in the current session in response to comments by Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam defending the prospect of letting a disabled or “non-viable” infant die after a failed abortion attempt, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require abortionists to provide medical care for such babies. Under the 2002 Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, babies who survive abortions are recognized as human beings with human rights, but how specifically to handle them isn’t defined.

“Public officials, at all levels and in every party, should be able to condemn infanticide and come to the defense of the weakest members of our society,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), who re-introduced the bill’s Senate version, wrote Monday in a Fox News op-ed. “Recognizing the equality of every person shouldn’t be a cheap campaign line. It is a core American promise. My colleagues know this. They have attested to it eloquently and powerfully in recent weeks. Now is the time to make good on those promises.”

The final vote fell largely along party lines, though Democrat Sens. Doug Jones, Bob Casey, and Joe Manchin broke ranks to support it. One of the Senate’s two pro-abortion Republicans, Susan Collins, also supported the bill, while the other, Lisa Murkowski, didn’t vote. Sens. Kevin Cramer, R-ND, and Tim Scott, R-SC, also didn’t vote.

Even though the vote more than cleared the Senate’s Republican majority, GOP-backed Senate filibuster rules require most standalone legislation to first pass a 60-vote cloture threshold before a final simple-majority vote. It would have been possible, albeit time-consuming, to circumvent the filibuster by forcing the minority party to engage in a literal filibuster and enforce the “two-speech rule” limiting the number of times individual Democrats can speak. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has long been unwilling to repeal the filibuster, with little discussion among the GOP or pro-life groups of modifying or maneuvering around it.

“The tragedy today is that even though a majority of Senators voted to protect infants born alive during an abortion, the ‘new math’ of the Congress means this is still a loss,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins responded. “Those senators who voted against this bill that obviously protects human beings will have a lot to answer for when they face the voters.”

As for the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, GOP Rep. Ann Wagner and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise plan to file a discharge petition, which would force a vote on the bill regardless of leaders’ opposition if it gets at least 218 signatures (a simple majority). In the meantime, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Republicans will continue to press Democrats to give it unanimous consent.

When the House considered the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in 2015, only five Democrats crossed the aisle to support it, and the number of pro-life House Democrats has decreased since then.

“According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nationwide, between 2003 and 2014 at least 143 babies died after being born alive during botched abortions – and the CDC states this could be an underestimation,” said Live Action Founder and President Lila Rose in a statement. “In 2018, 16 infants in Florida alone were born alive after surviving abortion attempts. Senators who voted no on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act should be ashamed of themselves. Shockingly, infanticide in the context of abortion is not illegal in the U.S. There is no existing federal law that prohibits the denial of medical care to infants born alive after abortion attempts. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have appropriately required that infants delivered alive during attempted abortion procedures be given appropriate medical care and penalized those who neglected to save them.”

Earlier this month, the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List released the results of a McLaughlin & Associates poll finding that 77 percent of Americans support the protections of the bill, and 62 percent oppose late-term abortions.




Gay & trans sex education to be taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in UK & opting out is ILLEGAL

February 25, 2019

FILE PHOTO © Philip Gordon/Global Look Press

The UK Conservative government is set to announce plans for the introduction of lessons on homosexuality and transgenderism for primary school students, despite an official petition against the move, signed by over 100,000.

The Sunday Times reports that the new curriculum has been finalized after a six-month consultation with the Department of Education, and will be rolled out across UK schools starting from the 2020-21 educational year.

It will be taught to pupils from the age of five, and it will be illegal for parents to take their children out of the classroom for the lessons in secondary school, meaning that at least a term’s worth of sex education classes – and likely far more – will be attended by each student.

A popular petition to parliament demanding that the opt-out be retained for the length of the child’s school education will be debated in the House of Commons on Monday, though it is not expected to affect the schedule for the implementation of the legislation.

Tango Makes Three - a story of two gay penguins for primary schoolers. © Simon & Schuster

The proposal has encountered resistance from conservative communities, including some Muslims and Jews. In a letter expressing opposition, prominent rabbis expressed fears that some parents would rather take their children out of the education system altogether – which they are allowed to do – rather than subject them to the new curriculum.

Questions discussed during the non-assessed lessons, as listed in the current proposals for the curriculum, will include: “When is it OK to let someone touch me?” for 3-year-olds, and “Why are we all different? Is it OK to be different?” at age seven. At 11, children will discuss “What is the difference between transvestite and trans-sexual?” and by 16, they will be told “how to disclose positive HIV status to a sexual partner, family and friends.”

My Princess Boy extols the virtues of transvestism. © Simon & Schuster

Among the teaching materials for primary school children who are currently being trialed at a predominantly-Muslim school in Birmingham are 'Tango Makes Three,' a book about two gay penguins who nurture an egg taken from another family, and 'My Princess Boy,' which celebrates a dark-skinned child who loves to cross-dress.

The other aims of the curriculum include educating students on issues that have become more prevalent in Britain over last two decades, such as female genital mutilation, sexting, revenge porn, and potential imbalance of power between the sexes in relationships.



Suicide tips for children on YouTube: Florida mother finds horrific hidden clips on video site's Kids section showing youngsters how to slit their wrists

  • Free Hess saw a sinister clip hidden in an innocent cartoon on YouTube Kids

  • She campaigned to have it removed but recently found that it had resurfaced

  • The Google-owned site describes the Kids section as a 'family friendly' version


PUBLISHED: 09:14, 26 February 2019 | UPDATED: 12:25, 26 February 2019

A Florida mother has discovered shocking YouTube videos which give children instructions on how to kill themselves.

Free Hess said she found a cartoon on YouTube Kids - described by the Google-owned site as a 'family friendly' version - in which a man showed youngsters how to slit their wrists effectively.

In the clip a man signals with his hand on his wrist, giving specific advice on how to slit them to 'get results'.

She campaigned to have the clip removed but found this month that it had resurfaced on the site, apparently hidden in the middle of a cartoon.

A Florida mother has discovered videos on YouTube which give children instructions on how to slit their wrists effectively and kill themselves (pictured, a scene from one of the videos)

The video was still on YouTube despite numerous comments flagging up the harmful content, she said.

Writing on her blog Pedimom, she said: 'Exposure to videos, photos, and other self-harm and suicidal promoting content is a huge problem that our children are facing today.

'Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death in individuals between the ages of 10 and 34 and the numbers of children exhibiting some form of self-harm is growing rapidly.

'We have to start doing something NOW and we should start by educating ourselves, educating our children, and speaking up when we see something that is dangerous for our children.'

She said further research had revealed other suicide videos including one which showed a girl ending her own life after a break-up.

Another provided a graphic description of a young girl's attempt to hang herself.

A fellow mother, a physician, had initially alerted her to the clip on YouTube Kids, saying it had been 'intentionally planted on YouTube Kids to harm our children'.

The horrific 'instructions' had been hidden at four minutes and 45 seconds into a seven-minute video, she said.

The second video has also now gone, displaying the message: 'This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service.'

The YouTube Kids page says: 'We use a mix of filters, user feedback and human reviewers to keep the videos in YouTube Kids family friendly.

'We created YouTube Kids to make it safer and simpler for children to explore the world through online video.

'There's also a whole suite of parental controls, so you can tailor the experience to your family's needs.'


Natural News

Mark Zuckerberg goes all-in with the deadly vaccine industry in sweeping new plan to censor ALL posts that question Big Pharma’s vaccine dogma

February 22, 2019

Natural News) At the request of California Leftist, Democratic cult leader, and American traitor Adam Schiff, Facebook has announced that it may soon implement new policies to actively censor content on its platform that goes against the official narrative that all vaccines are 100 percent “safe and effective.”

Blaming several recent outbreaks of measles on the prevalence of “anti-vaccine information” online, Schiff believes that it’s now Facebook’s job to actively steer users towards only pro-vaccine content in order to keep people “protected.”

“There is strong evidence to suggest that at least part of the source of this trend is the degree to which medically inaccurate information about vaccines surface (sic) on the websites where many Americans get their information,” Schiff is quoted as saying, providing absolutely none of the supposedly “strong evidence” that he says proves that disease outbreaks are caused by people reading alternative information about vaccines on Facebook.

“The algorithms which power these services are not designed to distinguish quality information from misinformation or misleading information, and the consequences of that are particularly troubling for public health issues,” he added, inferring that the “all vaccines are safe and effective” narrative represents the only “quality information” about vaccines.

Facebook capitulates to Schiff’s demands, says it’s working on new ways to “combat the problem”

In response to Schiff’s poorly-worded letter of warning to Facebook Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook reportedly released a statement in response, indicating that the company is “exploring additional measures to best combat the problem.”

These “measures” apparently include “reducing or removing this type of content from recommendations, including Groups You Should Join, and demoting it in search results, while also ensuring that higher quality and more authoritative information is available.”

For related news, be sure to check out VaccineJihad.com and VaccineHolocaust.org.

YouTube actively demoting videos that tell the other side of the vaccine story

Google, which also received the same letter from Schiff, did not immediately respond with a statement like Facebook did. However, the Google-owned YouTube platform last month took action to demote videos that promote “misinformation” about vaccines, using the example of videos that promote “a phony miracle cure for a serious illness.”

Keep in mind that Schiff, the ringleader in all this, is the same tool bag that’s been parroting the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory any chance he gets. Despite a total lack of evidence that the Trump campaign in any way conspired with Vladimir Putin to “steal” the 2016 election, Schiff continues to tout it as though it were undeniable fact.

And now with vaccines, Schiff wants all Americans to be forced to consume only pro-vaccine propaganda, citing the “dangers” of online free speech. It’s an Orwellian nightmare that Schiff and his fellow Democrats believe is necessary to promote the “greater good” – even though numerous outbreaks in the past occurred in populations that were fully vaccinated.

According to Bloomberg, the first result that turns up when searching for “vaccines” on YouTube is a “middle ground” video that features a debate between those who support them and those who reject them. The fourth result is the first episode of the popular “The Truth About Vaccines” video series, which has around 1.2 million views.

“The current all-time-high measles outbreak in California since measles was ‘eradicated’ due to vaccines and vaccinations, has local health authorities stumped because 85 percent of those contracting measles were fully vaccinated,” Catherine J. Frompovich from Activist Post recalls hearing during a broadcast that aired on KYW Newsradio 1060 in Philadelphia during a measles outbreak that occurred back in 2014.

For more vaccine-related news, be sure to visit Vaccines.news.

Sources for this article include:


Jane's 369

Russia completes testing of ‘Poseidon’ thermonuclear torpedo

Matteo Natalucci, London - Jane's Defence Weekly

20 February 2019

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at the beginning of February the successful completion of underwater tests of its 'Poseidon' unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). Factory trials are expected to begin in the summer of 2019.

First revealed in late 2015, the since named 'Poseidon', referred to previously as 'Status-6' or 'Kanyon', has been conceived as a fast, deep-diving, large-diameter nuclear-powered torpedo able to deliver a 2 MT nuclear strike at intercontinental range.

The 24 m long UUV armed with a nuclear warhead is designed to navigate autonomously with a maximum speed of 107 kt and detonate near an enemy coastal city, generating a tsunami wave, Russian state media reported.

"On its way to a target, 'Poseidon' will be able to avoid and overcome any anti-submarine barriers and other enemy defence systems due to the fully automated operating system. All together, the intellectual and performance characteristics of the vehicle will make it invulnerable and secure a guaranteed target destruction," an unnamed defence industry source told Russian state media.

Putin officially unveiled the 'Poseidon' project in his state-of-the-nation address to both houses of Russia's parliament in March 2018, saying that the UUV had rendered NATO's missile defences "useless".

Details of the UUV were first revealed in a state television report in November 2015, prompting analysts to debate whether details had been revealed deliberately.

The UUV is part of Russia's state armament programme for 2018-27, and it is expected to enter service before 2027, Russian state media said.


Russian TV lists potential nuclear strike targets in US after Putin warning

Edmund DeMarche

February 26, 2019

Russian TV lists potential nuclear strike targets in US after Putin warning

Russian state TV listed potential targets in the U.S. in the event of a nuclear strike and claimed that its new hypersonic missile technology could reach them in less than five minutes.

Russian state TV on Sunday listed potential targets in the U.S. in the event of a nuclear strike and claimed that its new hypersonic missile technology could reach them in less than five minutes.

Reuters called the report “unusual even by the sometimes bellicose standards of Russian state TV.” The targets included the Pentagon and Camp David. The report came days after Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the U.S. against deploying intermediate-range missiles in Europe.

Putin reaffirmed that Russia will not be the first to deploy new intermediate-range missiles in Europe, but warned that it will retaliate if the U.S. puts such missiles on the continent. He said it will not only target the host countries but field new weapons that will target U.S. decision-making centers.

The U.S. insisted that it has no plans to deploy missiles in Europe.

A Putin spokesman said he did not name any “geographic site Russian missiles” might be aimed at. The spokesman said the government does not interfere with news programs.

The Guardian reported that other U.S. sites included Maryland’s Fort Ritchie, McClellan air force base in California and Jim Creek naval communications base in Washington state.


Weaponized water: India threatens to divert 3 rivers away from Pakistan

February 22, 2019

© REUTERS / Amit Gupta

India has reiterated claims it is building dams to shut off its share of the water supply to Pakistan-controlled Kashmir in response to the February 14 suicide bomb attack in Pulwama which killed 40 paramilitary soldiers.

The bombing in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir was claimed by an insurgency group called Jaish-e-Mohammed which operates out of Pakistan. It was the deadliest attack on Indian soldiers since the Kashmiri insurgency began in 1989. India has accused its neighbour of not doing enough to rein in extremist insurgents operating within its borders while Pakistan denies any involvement.

A war of words has ensued in the aftermath and now Indian Water Resources Minister Nitin Gadkari has said his country will harness the water supply from rivers that flow through Kashmir for use in Indian states.

In a fiery response, Pakistan's Federal Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda pulled no punches with a threatening series of tweets that touted the strength of Pakistan’s army.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi took a more measured approach but still emphasised how high the stakes are.

“This is an act of war and after seeing all these irresponsible statements of Indian leaders, I have written a letter to the secretary-general of the United Nations apprising him of Indian threats,” he said.

Secretary of Pakistan’s Ministry of Water Resources Khawaja Shumail said it will “raise objections strongly” if India violates the Indus Waters Treaty of 1960.

The treaty, brokered between the rival nations by the World Bank, ostensibly insures the unimpeded flow of the Chenab, Indus and Jhelum rivers into Kashmir and beyond into Pakistani territory. The treaty has held even in spite of three wars between the two nations since 1965.



Pakistan-India showdown: What you’re not being told

Darius Shahtahmasebi is a New Zealand-based legal and political analyst, currently specializing in immigration, refugee and humanitarian law.

February 26, 2019

Pakistani soldiers © AFP / Aamir Qureshi; India Home Guard © Global Look Press / Abhisek Saha / ZUMAPRESS.com

A recent terrorist attack in Kashmir could set the stage for a major conflict between India and Pakistan as India begins bombing Pakistani territory. As always, the root causes of these are being ignored by the media.

On February 14, India was rocked by a suicide-bombing which took place inside Jammu and Kashmir. The attack targeted a convoy of security personnel vehicles, killing at least 42 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officers (as well as the bomber himself).

Responsibility for the attack was claimed by a Pakistan-based Islamist group called Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM). JeM’s main goal is to steal Kashmir away from India and unite it with Pakistan, to ensure that Pakistan is ruled by Sharia law, and to drive Western forces out of Afghanistan. Its other eventual priority is to drive all Hindus and non-Muslims from the Indian subcontinent.

The attack has drawn such negative publicity that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), finally agreeing on something for once, identified India as a victim of terrorism and asked member states to cooperate actively with New Delhi to bring these attackers to justice.

After India vowed a “jaw breaking response” to the attack, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan authorised his military to “respond decisively and comprehensively to any aggression or misadventure” by India. In case it wasn’t clear, both of these volatile states currently sitting on the cusp of war possess nuclear weapons.

Apparently, despite this underlying nuclear catastrophe, someone thought it was a good idea for Indian fighter jets to beginpounding Pakistani territory just today, in order to take part in what India’s foreign ministry coined a “non-military pre-emptive action” against JeM. The recent incursion into Pakistani airspace forced the Pakistani air force to scramble to respond, which in turn led the Indian jets to “release [their] payload in haste while escaping.”

In the process, India claimed that it had killed a “very large number” of terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and jihadis. To be fair, India, for its part, had warned it was ready for war with Pakistan. It was also pushing for Pakistan to be included on a terror-watch blacklist, all the while threatening to weaponize the flow of water to Pakistan as a means of leverage conventional military means can’t buy.

After the raid, Pakistan has understandably asserted its right to self-defense. But self-defense of what – Pakistan’s sovereignty or self-defense of JeM? (If in fact, India was targeting JeM fighters). Actually, that was exactly what the Indian foreign ministry claimed was the rationale for the attacks – Pakistan’s inaction for combating its own homegrown terrorists. And this is where international law can get even murkier as it delves into the “unwilling and unable” justification for the use of force on a sovereign state. In India’s eyes, Islamabad is either unwilling or unable to combat the terrorist threat inside its borders (or perhaps this is just a PR stunt aimed at China’s expanding influence over Pakistan).

But, okay, fine – let’s accept the rationale of the terrorist threat. If we are going to ignite a powder keg that would begin with two-nuclear armed nations and eventually draw in Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and China, we should at least examine the context in which Pakistan and India are facing a serious threat of terrorism.

Following the money

The United States and its allies have had a curious relationship with Pakistan and terrorism for years, as anyone who knows their history will know. What they might not remember, however, is that in February 2007, then vice president, Dick Cheney, made a trip to Pakistan to meet with President General Pervez Musharraf. According to PBS, the secret US-backed campaign against Iran by the terror group known as Jundullah was high on Cheney’s agenda.

A few months later, ABC News reported that Jundallah, which is “responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005.”

The report explains that “US relationship with Jundullah is arranged so that the US provides no funding to the group, which would require an official presidential order or ‘finding’ as well as congressional oversight.” Not to mention that former Pakistani army chief, retired General Mirza Aslam Baig, further explained that “the U.S. supports the Jundullah terrorist group and uses it to destabilize Iran.”

Okay, so the US supported the Jundullah group in Pakistan against Iran, but what does that have to do with the current situation at hand? Well, it appears that JeM and other terrorist organisations in Pakistan receive direct support from key US allies, including and especially Saudi Arabia.

For example, an action request cable archived by Wikileaks, documenting the illicit finance activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan, stated that “it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority.”

“Still,” the cable continues, “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”

Not surprisingly, Saudi Arabia “remains a critical financial support base” for – wait for it – “Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT [Lashkar-e-Taiba] and other terrorist groups.” The LeT is a Pakistan-based terrorist organisation which also has a strongfocus on Jammu and Kashmir, where the recent terror attack took place (and India’s initial response). Both LeT and JeM have received overwhelming support from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) since the early 1990s. In fact, LeT became part of the United Jihad Council in 1993, an umbrella group for militant Islamists operating in Kashmir and in doing so, formed a direct alliance with JeM. As far as the US State Department is concerned, the two groups are almost all but completely synonymous.

The ISI itself had been a prime recipient of billions of US aid, particularly under the administration of George W. Bush. The Wikileaks cable clearly shows that the US was well aware elements within the ISI were maintaining ties to the LeT.

The cable also noted that Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE have provided support to LeT and other terrorist groups operating in the region as well. All of these countries are US allies.

Furthermore, a separate Wikileaks cable confirmed that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been funnelling money not just to LeT but to JeM directly, stating that:

“Locals believed that charitable activities being carried out by Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith organizations, including Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the Al-Khidmat Foundation, and Jaish-e-Mohammed were further strengthening reliance on extremist groups and minimizing the importance of traditionally moderate Sufi religious leaders in these communities. Government and non-governmental sources claimed that financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith clerics in the region from ‘missionary’ and ‘Islamic charitable’ organizations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ostensibly with the direct support of those governments.”

Saudi Arabia itself has been considered to be somewhat of a safe haven for jihadists targeting India, including and especially the LeT. An investigation also found that Saudi Arabia funnelled funds to anti-Indian terror groups through Hajj pilgrims, and the Diplomat lamented that JeM hunts for potential recruits among the 150,000 devout Indians visiting Mecca every year.

So, to summarise: the US has a long and documented history of backing anti-Iranian Sunni-based Pakistani terror groups. Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies have been funnelling financial support to the LeT, who has a direct alliance and operates in the same area as the JeM (who also receives direct funding from Saudi Arabia), which recently claimed responsibility for an attack which killed at least 40 Indian police personnel.

It’s not exactly rocket science. Call me a little bit suspicious, but perhaps this is why Saudi Arabia was quite open in its assurances to Islamabad that it need not go after JeM directly, even while the group’s leadership apparently continues to live comfortably inside Pakistan.

And what no one really seems to be talking about is the implications this wider geostrategic struggle has for the region. Saudi Arabia wants to win Pakistan over in a tug-of-war game in which Islamabad finds itself in the centre, and in doing so, is committing $10 billion to build an oil refinery in the Gwadar port project, which actually puts a major Saudi project on Iran’s border.

Most disturbing is the revelation that Saudi Arabia is also being rumoured to have nuclear weapons “on order” from Pakistan. If it isn’t bad enough that India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and are now potentially launching air strikes into each other’s territory, the idea that these apocalyptic weapons could one day end up in the hand of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the country currently launching a genocidal war in Yemen and backing known jihadists right across the wider region, all the whilst constantly threatening war with Tehran, is nothing short of suicidal.

According to Israeli media, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s (MBS) recent visit to Pakistan has essentially cemented Pakistan’s inclusion in anti-Iran Arab NATO. Will these countries rush to Pakistan’s aid as it is pummelled by Indian fighter jets? Or will diplomacy and cooler heads eventually prevail?

Thankfully, we can trust the media to ask these all-important questions, and not focus its entire energy on yet another regime-change operation in yet another oil rich country, right?

The Telegraph

Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges, attorney general says

The Israeli prime minister has three long-running investigations against him CREDIT: SEBASTIAN SCHEINER/AFP/GETTY IMAGE

By Miriam Berger

February 28, 2019

Israel's attorney general has announced plans to indict prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of breach of trust and bribery.

The move followed months of mounting pressure and comes just six weeks before closely contested elections considered a referendum on Mr Netanyahu's legacy.

The 69-year-old has entered uncharted territories as the first sitting Israeli Prime Minister put on notice for prosecution.

Charges can only be filed after a hearing, likely to be held after the April 9 elections, in which Mr Netanyahu can contest the allegations.

The claims concern three separate cases in which Mr Netanyahu is accused of accepting expensive gifts and conspiring for positive media coverages in exchange for political favors.

Mr Netanyahu has roundly denied any wrongdoing and vowed to remain in office and fight the charges.

By law, he does not need to step down when indicted and his Likud party has pledged to stand by him. Mr Netanyahu has in turn repeatedly dismissed the allegations as a conspiracy by the left and media to bring down his right-wing government.

In a statement after the indictment's release, Likud called it “a witch hunt” and “political persecution.”

“Unilateral publication of the attorney general's announcement just a month before the elections, without giving the prime minister an opportunity to refute these false accusations, is a blatant and unprecedented intervention in the elections,” the statement said.

On Thursday morning, Likud failed in a bid to delay the indictment in an appeal to the Supreme Court.

Mr Netanyahu initially called for early elections in December in a bid to get ahead of the pending indictments.

Any actual trial is still months or years away. In the meantime, the question remains what impact the indictments will have on “King Bibi,” as the former special forces soldier has become known.

In recent weeks, a coalition of centrist parties led by former Army Chief Benny Gantz has emerged as a significant electoral threat.

But Mr Netanyahu is also feeling heat from the right, as he fears losing votes to his more right-wing opponents.

In a highly controversial move aimed at securing some of these votes, last week Mr Netanyahu pushed through an unprecedented alliance with an extreme fringe and religious-nationalist party, Jewish Power. The group's leaders are disciples of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, who both Israel and the United States had sanctioned for terrorism, incitement to violence, and racism.

Some analysts are portraying the proposed indictment as the beginning of the end for Me Netanyahu.

A recent poll by the Israeli website The Times of Israel predicted that Mr Netanyahu's Likud would lose four parliamentary seats if the prime minister was indicted, while Mr Gantz's coalition, known as the Blue and White Party, could gain enough seats to take the premiership.

Others, however, are not dismissing him yet.

Mr Netanyahu can rely on a large and loyal base. Another recent poll found that a majority of Likud and ultra-orthodox voters did not trust the police, claims of corruption, or the media — which seems to signal popular support for Mr Netanyahu's characterization of these cases as a conspiracy against him.

Mr Netanyahu was elected Prime Minister for the second time in 2009. If he wins the April election he'll become the longest serving Israeli prime minister, a title currently held by founding father Ben Gurion.


Genocide survivors demand violent coup master Elliott Abrams' removal from Holocaust museum board

March 1, 2019

© Reuters / Lucas Jackson

A dozen survivors of genocides from the Holocaust to the 1980s' US-backed slaughter in Central America have demanded US diplomat Elliott Abrams be removed from the US Holocaust museum's "Conscience Committee."

"We cannot fathom how Abrams – a proven supporter of some of the world's most nefarious perpetrators of genocide and mass murderers for nearly 40 years – could be a member" of the US Holocaust Memorial Council and Committee on Conscience, they wrote in a letter to the museum on Tuesday, adding that "his presence on that committee and his affiliation with the Museum runs contrary to everything that you and your mission stand for."

Abrams' resurrection as special envoy to Venezuela by US President Donald Trump "sent shock waves in our communities," the group wrote, spurring them to research what the convicted felon had been up to – at which point they learned about his committee appointment.

"How can the Committee on Conscience prevent future genocides if it has not come to terms with the involvement of one of its own members in supporting such atrocities?" the survivors pleaded, warning they would "take [their] concerns to the broader public" if the Museum did not respond.

Survivors and relatives of those tortured, killed and disappeared under the Guatemalan dictatorship of General Efrain Rios Montt joined relatives of Holocaust victims and survivors of repression in El Salvador in adding their names to the letter. Abrams "unconditionally supported" Montt, whom the Guatemalan courts convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity in 2013. Abrams also backed the Salvadoran military government that massacred tens of thousands of people during his tenure in the Reagan administration, as well as the brutal anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua, whom the CIA notoriously funded with the profits of illegal drug trafficking.

Naming an abettor of convicted war criminals to a "Committee on Conscience" may stretch the bounds of irony, but Abrams was appointed to the Holocaust Memorial's board in 2009 as one of then-President George W. Bush's last acts before leaving office – a fitting quid pro quo, given that Bush's dad pardoned him after he was convicted of lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal, and Abrams returned the favor by helping George W. Bush wage his devastating war in Iraq.

Trump's appointment of Abrams as special envoy has introduced a whole new generation to the envoy’s ruthless tactics, making the US involvement in Venezuela that much less defensible – including aid trucks that were reportedly loaded with barricade materials and alleged use of agents provocateurs to gin up violence at peaceful protests.


The Telegraph

Donald Trump is 'a racist, conman and cheat' former lawyer Michael Cohen claims to Congress

    By Rozina Sabur, Washington and Nick Allen

February 27, 2019

  • Trump was "racist", a"conman" and a "cheat", president's former lawyer claims

  • Cohen says Trump had prior knowledge of WikiLeaks email dump
  • Congress shown cheque signed byDon Jr signed 'for hush-money payments to women'
  • 'Lying to First Lady about affairs is one of my biggest regrets'
  • Trump 'knew' about infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer
  • Who is Michael Cohen? Donald Trump's former fixer whose loyalty melted away under legal heat

Michael Cohen, left, made a string of damning claims about his former boss Donald Trump, right, in written testimony to the US Congress CREDIT: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST

Michael Cohen produced a $35,000 cheque showing that, while in office, Donald Trump personally reimbursed him for paying off porn star Stormy Daniels in the days before the 2016 election.

The president's former "fixer" has already pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations over hush payments to Ms Daniels, and it raised the possibility that Mr Trump had taken part in a criminal enterprise while president.

In explosive testimony to Congress, Cohen said: "The president of the United States thus wrote a personal cheque for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws."

The cheque, dated Aug 1, 2017, was "pursuant to the cover-up, which was the basis of my guilty plea," he said. He received a total of 11 cheques from Mr Trump over a year after making a $130,000 payment to Ms Daniels, Cohen said.

Cohen also claimed that Mr Trump instructed him to lie to Melania Trump about the alleged affair. He said: "Mr Trump asked me to pay off an adult film star, with whom he had an affair and to lie to his wife about it, which I did. "Lying to the First Lady is one of my biggest regrets. She is a kind, good person. I respect her greatly and she did not deserve that."

Cohen also claimed Mr Trump knew in advance that Wikileaks was going to release emails hacked from the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.

He also claimed the president implicitly instructed him to lie to Congress over a plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and suggested that Mr Trump had advance knowledge of a controversial meeting between his son, Donald Jr., and a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in New York during the campaign.

Cohen, who once said he would "take a bullet" for Mr Trump went on to deliver a character assassination of his former boss, saying: "I know what Mr. Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat." He called Mr Trump a "liar" who was "fundamentally disloyal," didn't care about the American people, and had campaigned on a "platform of hate and intolerance".

Cohen added: "Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not to make our country great. He had no desire or intention to lead this nation, only to market himself. "Mr Trump would often say this campaign was going to be the 'greatest infomercial in political history'. He never expected to win."

The former lawyer, who has been disbarred, has previously also been convicted of lying to Congress and financial crimes and starts a three-year jail term in May, but said he was seeking redemption by telling the full truth. He added: "I am no longer your fixer, Mr Trump."

The president, tweeting from Vietnam, accused Cohen of "lying in order to reduce his prison time" and Republicans on the House oversight committee furiously accused him of "trashing" the president because he didn't get a job in the White House.

Cohen told them how he had been in Mr Trump's office in July 2016 when Roger Stone, a self-described "dirty trickster", called the then Republican presidential nominee. Mr Trump put the conversation on speakerphone.

Mr Stone told Mr Trump he had been speaking with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and that there would be, within days, a release of emails damaging to Hillary Clinton. According to Cohen, Mr Trump replied: "Wouldn't that be great." Mr Trump has previously denied knowing in advance about the Wikileaks release.

Cohen said he did not have "specific" evidence that Mr Trump "colluded" with Russia. Robert Mueller, the special counsel, is investigating whether there was collusion.

He also detailed how negotiations for a Trump Tower in Moscow continued well after Mr Trump was the Republican nominee Mr Trump then implied to him that he should lied to Congress about it, Cohen alleged. "He speaks in code. I know the code," Cohen said.

He said Mr Trump himself publicly lied during the election when he said he had no business interests in Russia. "He lied about it because he never expected to win the election. He also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars," Cohen said. Donald Trump Jr, rejected the accusations. He said: "Cohen just wants to be famous. He always wanted his own TV show."

Roger Stone responded to Cohen's allegation that he tipped Mr Trump off about the Wikileaks release. Mr Stone said: "Mr. Cohen's statement is not true." Cohen said that, over a decade as Mr Trump's lawyer, he had been instructed to threaten people or companies with "litigation or intimidation" around 500 times.


French president welcomes US ‘reversal’ to keep troops in Syria

February 25, 2019

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday welcomed the United States’ decision to leave American troops in Syria. The move is seen as a reversal by US President Donald Trump that came after an outcry from coalition allies such as France. “On the US decision, I can only but welcome this choice,” Macron told a news conference with his Iraqi counterpart Barham Salih in Paris. “The US decision is a good thing. We will continue to operate in the region within the coalition.” Macron had personally sought to convince Trump to maintain troops in Syria, Reuters cited French diplomats as saying in December, warning Trump about the risks of pulling out too early. The US will leave about 400 troops split between two different regions of Syria, a senior administration official said last Friday.

Economic Collapse


Sadly, our self-destructive behavior continues to get even worse, and a day of reckoning for America is fast approaching

Michael Snyder

February 26, 2019

I can’t think of a time when Americans were more apathetic about getting prepared, and yet this is exactly the time when the urgency to get prepared should be at the highest.

Earlier today, my wife Meranda and I were discussing the fact that every single element of “the perfect storm” is coming together just as we had anticipated. One by one, the pieces are all falling into place, and I share the most recent things that my research has uncovered with all of you on a daily basis. Unfortunately, most Americans are absolutely convinced that there is no reason to get prepared for hard times because everything is going to be just great. In America today, most people either believe that the future is going to be totally wonderful or that the future will be totally wonderful once we get rid of Trump. Because so many of us have adopted one of these false narratives, most Americans are partying instead of preparing, and that is going to mean big trouble when things really start going haywire.

Are you familiar with “the rule of three”? I just looked it up on Google, and this is how it is defined…

“You can survive for 3 Minutes without air (oxygen) or in icy water. You can survive for 3 Hours without shelter in a harsh environment (unless in icy water) You can survive for 3 Days without water (if sheltered from a harsh environment) You can survive for 3Weeks without food (if you have water and shelter)”

Of course these numbers are not exact. For example, many have gone without food for more than 3 weeks without serious problems. But in general, this is a pretty good guideline for survival.

Sadly, if a major emergency were to hit this country tonight, most Americans would be completely unprepared when it comes to even the most basic essentials. In fact, one survey found that only 39 percent of Americans have any sort of an “emergency kit” whatsoever…

When it comes to being prepared for an emergency, 39% say they have an emergency kit, while another 39% have a non-perishable food stock. A little less than one-third (28%) of people have stockpiles of water, and one in four people (25%) have an evacuation plan.

Of those who have an emergency kit, the most common items to have in the kit are: a first-aid kit (86%), flashlights or other light sources (83%), food (65%), water (63%), and blankets (62%).

Those are depressingly low numbers.

Owen Benjamin riffs about the truest manifestation of freedom in the United States today versus the left’s authoritarian concepts that are sold to the American people as ‘freedom’ but result in dependency and slavery.

So what are all of those people going to do when things hit the fan and the government is not there to rescue them?

Needless to say, a lot of people will really freak out when they can’t get what they need.

But as long as things are relatively “normal”, this astounding lack of preparation will not be a problem. And right now, Americans are acting as if things will be “normal” for the foreseeable future. In fact, most of us are partying like it’s 1999 all over again. According to CNBC, U.S. consumer debt just surpassed the four trillion dollar mark for the first time ever…

As of this month, outstanding consumer debt exceeded $4 trillionfor the first time, according to the Federal Reserve.

Relatively strong holiday spending, particularly in November, and increasing credit card debt added more than $41 billion in outstanding balances at the end of 2018, according to LendingTree, a loan comparison website, which analyzed the data from the Fed.

We are spending money as if there is no tomorrow, and that would be fine if tomorrow never arrived.

Of course we really shouldn’t be spending money so wildly anyway, because many of us are already completely drowning in debt. For example, auto loan delinquencies are already far higher than they were during the peak of the last recession. The following comes from NBC News…

At least 7 million Americans were in serious delinquency on their car loan — 90 or more days behind — at the end of 2018, according to data released Tuesday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

That’s 1 million more than at the end of 2010, after the recession.

And student loan delinquencies also just shot up to the highest level ever. We have never seen anything like this before in modern American history, and yet the party continues to roll on.

For now.

Unfortunately, all parties eventually come to an end, and the end of this one is going to be particularly painful.

When disaster strikes, most Americans are going to be out of resources very, very rapidly. One survey found that 78 percent of all American workers are living paycheck to paycheck. That number is a little higher than other figures that I have seen, but everyone agrees that a solid majority of the country is barely scraping by each month.

When things get really bad, I honestly don’t know how most people are going to make it.

A number of years ago, a survey asked Americans how long they thought they would survive if the electrical grid went down for an extended period of time.

Nearly 75 percent said that they would be dead before the two month mark.

Hopefully you are more resourceful than that. But without a doubt all of us are going to stand a better chance of surviving what is ahead if we make some basic preparations. It’s isn’t rocket science, but if you choose to do nothing because you have blind faith in the system, then you and your entire family could find yourselves in a world of hurt when things start getting really crazy out there.

If we had made different choices as a nation, we could have had a very different future.

Sadly, our self-destructive behavior continues to get even worse, and a day of reckoning for America is fast approaching.


Mystery as 36ft-long humpback whale is found dead in the Amazon JUNGLE leaving experts baffled as to how it got there

  • Ten-tonne whale was discovered in undergrowth at the mouth of Amazon River

  • The 36-ft humpback whale thought to have died at sea and washed in by tides
  • It was found in wooded area on the island of Marajo off the Araruna Beach, Brazil
  • Biologists from Bicho D'agua Institute collect samples to work out cause of death


    PUBLISHED: 17:47, 24 February 2019 | UPDATED: 18:20, 24 February 2019



    Elephant Hides 4-year-old Girl Between Legs to Protect Her From Others in Herd

    One of the jumbos came forward and stood still keeping the girl in the space between its legs, while other members of the group continued their journey.

    February 21, 2019

    Jalpaiguri (WB): An elephant stood guard to protect a four-year-old girl, who had fallen down from a scooter, from other members of the herd in Jalpaiguri district on Thursday, forest officials said.
    The incident occurred on National Highway 31 near Garumara forest when a family of three was returning to Lataguri after offering puja at a temple inside the forest. The highway divides the forest into two parts.
    On the way home, businessman Nitu Ghosh, who was with his wife Titli and daughter Ahana, stopped the two-wheeler after seeing that a herd of elephants was crossing the road. After a while, the elephants went into the other side of the jungle and Ghosh resumed his journey, officials said.
    However, some other members of the herd that were still inside the jungle appeared on the road and the scooter almost ran into them. Ghosh applied the break suddenly and all the three fell down.
    One of the jumbos came forward and stood still keeping the girl in the space between its legs, while other members of the group continued their journey.
    A tourist was killed and several others were injured by elephants during the past few months in this area.
    Sensing the trouble the family was in, a truck driver who was waiting behind Ghosh's scooter rushed to their rescue hooting the horn of his vehicle madly to scare away the tuskers.
    The elephants then quickly left the spot and Ahana was back on her mother's arms.
    The truck driver took the family to Lataguri. Ghosh and his wife were injured and were admitted to a nursing home in Jalpaiguri.
    Doctors in the private facility said the girl suffered no external injury but was traumatised. Ranger of Garumara South, Ayan Chakraborty, said elephants sometimes keep standing on the highway while moving from one part of the forest to the other.
    If informed, forest department personnel used fire crackers to scare them away, he said.



    Cancerous Tumors or a Buildup of Toxins – If You Have Cancer do This Now by Dr. Leonard Coldwell

    Amy S.

    February 13, 2019

    Quackery: Dr. Leonard Coldwell is said to have cured 35,000 cancer patients in Europe, without traditional medicine.

    In a recent interview, Dr. Leonard Coldwell claimed that ‘all cancer’ along with ‘all other kinds of immune diseases’ are based on emotional and mental stress and can be cured in less than 12 weeks through holistic cancer remedies. In addition, Dr. Coldwell names several cancer-curing treatments that are being suppressed by the medical and pharmaceutical industry, including sodium bicarbonate, apricot kernels, rife machines,and colloidal silver.

    WHY there is no official cure for cancer
    If you are wondering why there is no “official” cure for cancer, then try tracing the revenue cancer takes in each year. Cancer is a $60 billion a year industry, while cancer protection and the early intervention of cancer brings in an additional $162 billion each year.

    “The medical curriculum was created by John D. Rockefeller over 100 years ago when he produced chemicals and didn’t know how to sell those chemicals. He produced sales people and called them MD’s. He produced the entire curriculum for the education of medical doctors. Rockefeller made sure that the medical doctor never learned how to cure. A medical doctor has about 1 hour of education in diet and nutritional health and no knowledge on healing. They study pathology which is the study of decay and death. They study the chemical intervention with symptoms; they don’t study healing, curing or looking for the root cause of disease. The only cause for any kind of disease is the lack of energy and that’s mainly caused by physical or emotional stress.”

    Dr. Coldwell added that the medical industry owns the media and partially owns the health insurance industry, as they both work together, hand-in-hand.

    In the early 1900’s, Nobel award winners Otto Warburg and Max Planck proved that cancer can only exist in an oxygen-lacking, acidic environment.

    Cancer and Acidity
    Typically, a normal pH value is 7 for most people. If your pH is lower than 7, it means that there are too many toxins in your body, which does not allow your body to be in an optimal alkaline state. When you are in an acidic state, your body is lacking oxygen.

    Dr. Coldwell stated a case where an oncologist physician in Italy, Dr Tullio Simoncini (pictured left) has cured all types of cancer with pharmaceutical grade sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Dr Simoncini’s is the author of “Cancer is a Fungus” and his research concluded that abnormal cells are held together by a fungus, and the fungus can’t exist in an alkaline environment. Through his sodium bicarbonate treatment, the fungi is attacked and cancer is eliminated.

    Dr. Simoncini’s research concluded that the medical profession only has a 2% cancer cure rate.

    Dr Coldwell believes that radiation and chemotherapy cause cancer, while surgery spreads the cancer “like an explosion through the entire body.” Dr. Coldwell added, “Cancer is your friend; cancer is there to save your life.”

    “When you live in a relationship that you know is toxic and it’s killing you, you need to get out of it or it will literally kill you.”
    Dr. Leonard Coldwell

    The causes of cancer, according to Dr. Coldwell’s research include, living in constant worries, doubts and fears, lack of self-love, Lack of self-respect, lack of hope, lack of hope for the future and the biggest reason, making a constant compromise against yourself.

    “That is why when you live in a relationship that you know is toxic and it’s killing you, you need to get out of it or it will literally kill you,” stated Dr. Coldwell. “If you go to a job that you cannot bear anymore, this job will kill you. That’s why most deadly heart attacks on Monday morning between 8 and 9 o’clock AM.” The message, according to Dr. Coldwell, is that they would rather die than going to work one more time.

    Cancer Statistics
    The following are some cancer statistics and trivia provided by Dr. Coldwell:

    86% of all doctor visits and illness, statistically, are all based on stress or are stress related.
    Stanford University study: 95% of all illness is stress related.
    The medical profession is the #1 cause of death in the Western so-called civilized world.
    In the last 20 years, nobody has died of cancer, they have all died from the side effects of the treatment.
    Cancer is the biggest money maker in history for the pharmaceutical industry.
    There are over 300 to 400 known cancer cures that have virtually no side effects and nearly a 100% cure rate.
    The medical profession has a cancer cure rate of 2%. If you do nothing, you have a 27% chance of recovery.
    We are all born with cancer and cancerous cells, and our immune system gets rid of it from Day 1.
    The only cause for illness is lack of energy.
    The main cause for lack of energy is physical and emotional stress.
    Bad relationships are the main cause of cancer.
    Who Should You Talk To?
    In the United States, a physician can lose his or her license and/or go to jail if he or she does not doesn’t apply chemotherapy, radiation or surgery to their cancer patients. This is part of the scam that has been pulled upon us by the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

    Dr. Coldwell suggested talking to a naturopathic physician before going to a medical doctor for any medical issue.

    Holistic Suggestions
    One of Dr. Coldwell’s suggestions was to combine 5 spoons of organic maple syrup with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.
    Another healthful recommendation by Dr. Coldwell is to add ½ teaspoon of sea salt to each gallon of water you consume, adding that the water should be in a glass container versus a plastic bottle that contains cancer causing bisphenol.

    Another holistic cancer product you can research is MMS. Jim Humble, founder of the MMS treatment stated “If you take S drops of activated MMS, every hour for 8 hours for 3 days, your HIV or AIDS will be gone.” Humble added, “Everybody that had cancer, it was gone within three weeks. If you have cancer of any kind, I always give you MMS2. So you have the same protocol, but I always add MMS2 to the process.”

    What is MMS2?
    According to Humble, “MMS2is this chemical, when you put it in water, it changes into hypochlorus acid. Hypochlorus acid is antacid that the immune system has been using for hundreds of thousands of years to kill all of the things that the immune system needs to be killed. Hypochlorus acid is naturally produced in your body and a lot of people are deficient in hypochlorus acid. Nobody, even though this has been known for years, nobody has ever thought about giving a person hypochlorus acid. I’m the first person to do it.”

    Cancer survival rates have been manipulated to the point where the medical industry has redefined the word “survive” to be only 5 years after the initial treatment. So hypothetically, you could “survive cancer for 5 years, and die the next month and you would be considered “cured” but dead.

    Juicing and other considerations
    Dr. Coldwell is a big fan of juicing and recommends an equal mixture of apple, celery and carrot juice, adding that it may initially give diarrhea. Many internet websites rank the Breville BJE510XL as the top rated juicer.

    He also stated that people should research their issues as much as possible, and to study alternative options such as colloidal silver, raw food diet, apricot kernels, rife machines,and sodium bicarbonate, adding that one should try the natural remedies first.

    One of Dr. Coldwell’s recommendations for cleansing metal from your system is a 100% natural cleanse from helpingamericanow.com, which helps eliminate the toxins from metals found in water, food, vaccines and dental work. He also emphasized the importance of a 21 day cleanse, stating “Every change in the system needs 21 days to happen and to be conditioned.”

    In this writer’s opinion, one should make an educated decision by researching all options available. While I cannot make any personal recommendations, I hope this article helps in leading in your path of research. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make.

    Dr. Leonard Coldwell

    Leonard Coldwell is considered one of the leading authorities of self-help education for cancer patients and is called by many authorities a leading expert on cancer. After sixteen years as a General Practitioner in Europe, Dr. Coldwell left general practice to concentrate on his applied research in stress and stress related diseases, with particular emphasis on cancer and other “incurable” diseases.

    While in Europe, Dr. Coldwell was the author of eight bestselling books, countless articles, and hundreds of self-help audio programs. He remains a syndicated columnist with more than seven million readers and continues to author one of the most successful and widely distributed self-help newsletters in Europe. Over two million people have attended his life enhancing seminars. An independent statistical institute estimated that Dr. Coldwell worked with over 35,000 patients.

    He hosts the widely popular radio show The Dr. Coldwell Report. With a listener base in the tens of thousands each week, Dr. Coldwell is one of the leading voices when it comes to staying well and keeping well naturally.


    Until next week...keep on believing.
    Almondtree Productions

    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
    (Revelation 21:4)